Destiny 2... It's a coming!

It's going to be so weird playing Destiny with a M&KB at 60fps and without any auto aim.

Scout rifles and hand cannons are going to be amazing. My Cryptic Dragon/Treads Upon Stars/Mida Multi-Tool would have been such joys to use
I loved FR in Vanilla Destiny (Remenber the unnerfed Vex Mythloclast - Beast mode!) but then they ruined them so Shotguns took their place but later I was in love with a good Side Arm. Specifically the one from WoTM
Found Verdict was a beast in PvE too :)

Anyway, back on topic with some positive news regarding PvE in D2, interesting article expands a bit on the reveal:

I'm really looking forward to it, there seems to be a lot of positivity coming from everyone that has played it. Though it seems it's been made to give Destiny players more of what they want so chances are if you didn't like it the first time around it's probably not going to convert you this time.

I've watched this trailer so many times now and I really hope we get one for Cayde and Ikora. It was quite nice seeing Zavala start from humble beginings to where he is now. And also seeing Lord Shaxx with 2 horns before the fight (which I think is the Twighlight Gap) and then you see him with only one horn looking all bad ass with Zavala and I think Lord Saladin? Also that very sweet Zavala reload was awesome!

There is also a young Amanda Holiday!
Didn't play the original at all (don't have a console), but I was jealous that it wasn't coming to PC. And I have to admit I'm pretty excited about this now.... I even signed up for a account there last night. :o
Plenty of games don't have dedicated servers and for the most part run fine, I played many hours on destiny 1 and encountered 5 or so major laggy players if that
I raid all the time in Destiny 1, with players from USA, Singapore, Hong Kong, and can only remember a handful of times of actual lag. These raids often have 12+ enemies alongside all the boss mechanics going on. Destiny's p2p networking is the best in the business. People have no need to be as nervous as they are.
I'm not too concerned about the performance/lag (although it isn't ideal for FPS PVP) but I'm more concerned about the cheating side of things, not that I should care either way tbh as the PVP definitely doesn't interest me, at least not from the footage I've seen so far, all about the coop/group - single player!

nope just sign up negative nexus

Please..... call me the party pooper ;) :D :p

He's coming around ;)

Going to be great this, I'm pretty concerned with no dedicated servers for PvP but playing with the boys I'm sure this is going to be great and worth every penny.

Still think the gameplay looks rather gash but if there is a free beta, I'll try it :p
My only concern in switching to PC is the playerbase. On PS4 I had pages upon pages of guardians ready to do CoE/PoE Nightfalls, Raids or even just burn some hours in the strike playlists. There seems to be enough activity in this thread to suggest an OCUK clan would be active enough that it shouldn't be a problem. But If anyone fancies burning through the campaign with me on release I'll be much happier to do that!

Really hoping the game is optimised enough for my 980Ti at 2560x1440. Trying to justify a 3440x1440 monitor but they are expesnive and then I know my GPU woulld huff and puff.
Destiny 2 PC is going to be massive, I expect that sites like the100 will have pages upon pages of groups waiting to go.
The Xbone version sold peanuts and still has plenty of players today.
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