Destiny 2... It's a coming!

Warden is in all bnet games, it started in wow.

Why would they go through the hassle of being part of it then not include it?

Let's just wait and see.

Because whats the point in Activison developing a digital distro platform, when they already have access to But that equally doesn't mean that Destiny 2 and Bungie will get access to Blizzards infrastructure.
I don't get what you are still rambling about.

You have not bothered to read the information available yet quite happy to make inaccurate statements/assumptions.

It's on bnet, warden is a module of this, so for the time being, if I absolutely had to make a bet my money would be on that being included. Could I be wrong? Yes.

As I have said, let's just wait and see.
The ignore function is there for a reason, use it. Remember that a lot of trolls aren't here to try and change their own views, but to get you to change yours on the basis of their own personal beliefs built on sand.

Just click on their name and then on 'ignore'. Their posts won't appear anymore, neither will their quotes. Give them one answer and no more.
Some questions for anyone who has played Destiny.

My son is 9 1/2 and loves FPS games(well all games really.....) however there are not that many suitable for his age. Destiny looks to be okish for violence but how is the rest of it. I realise he is probably a bit young but I really want to play this and it looks to be a great game for us both to play together.

How is the "community" for abusive talking/mic chat?
Does any of the narrative have dodgy language?
Can you just play in a friend group?
How is matchmaking?
Will I be able to just mute bellends for him easily?

To be honest I think hes a bit young for it but we lack decent FPS coop style games. :)
Some questions for anyone who has played Destiny.

My son is 9 1/2 and loves FPS games(well all games really.....) however there are not that many suitable for his age. Destiny looks to be okish for violence but how is the rest of it. I realise he is probably a bit young but I really want to play this and it looks to be a great game for us both to play together.

How is the "community" for abusive talking/mic chat?
Does any of the narrative have dodgy language?
Can you just play in a friend group?
How is matchmaking?
Will I be able to just mute bellends for him easily?

To be honest I think hes a bit young for it but we lack decent FPS coop style games. :)
Some questions for anyone who has played Destiny.

My son is 9 1/2 and loves FPS games(well all games really.....) however there are not that many suitable for his age. Destiny looks to be okish for violence but how is the rest of it. I realise he is probably a bit young but I really want to play this and it looks to be a great game for us both to play together.

How is the "community" for abusive talking/mic chat?
Does any of the narrative have dodgy language?
Can you just play in a friend group?
How is matchmaking?
Will I be able to just mute bellends for him easily?

To be honest I think hes a bit young for it but we lack decent FPS coop style games. :)

I'm going from my d1 experience but no dodgy language from what I recall and it's easy to jump in and out - stikes (think wow dungeons) are 3 man replayable missions that take anywhere from 20 mins to an hour with auto matchmaking.

Standard missions can be done solo or in co-op

Normal and harder difficulties available

World will have roaming missions/quests/timed events

Get above the recommended light level (item level) and missions become quite easy, if you take a lot of damage you can jump into cover and get your shield back - as long as someone in the group stays alive, if you die you just respawn further back and you rush back into combat.

Raids required you to organise your own group, might be a big ask, but in d2 you will have guided games - best avoided at that age though.

Trash talking? On consoles you didnt get that much, mainly because of no chatbox - I assume you will have a certain percentage of toxic players, i'm going to assume their will be an adult filter and easy mute options if needed.
Some questions for anyone who has played Destiny.

To be honest I think hes a bit young for it but we lack decent FPS coop style games. :)

How is the "community" for abusive talking/mic chat? As mentioned, not sure what will happen with PC text chat. That aside, the Destiny community has been very good, with a lot of helpful players. Just mute the comms if you’re worried. The only time things may get heated is high level PVP, as with any game.

Does any of the narrative have dodgy language? Not at all as far as I can remember

Can you just play in a friend group? Yes, fireteams are your own squad and you can lock it to invite only.

How is matchmaking? Pretty seamless for all of the mainsteam missions/strikes.

Will I be able to just mute bellends for him easily? As above.

Overall, I think it would be a good match for you guys. I remember seeing quite a few stories similar to yours throughout my time in Destiny. The console beta is out next week, maybe scope it out then?
Thanks for the info, sounds like its worth a punt. :)

Would be on PC, only have a old PS3 as consoles go but we both have decent(ish) PC's. :D

Ah cool, well then there will be a free beta some time in August for PC so you can get a feel for it then.

@Mario decent video, seems like they are making quite a few changes in PvP, I'm excited to try it out :)
Remember that even though there has been a recent hoo-haa about GTX 1080 owners getting beta access, it's actually open to everyone when it's available, the 1080 users just access a couple of days earlier.
A BIG WARNING though - you may lose your existing Bungie account if you do it improperly. Lots of people on reddit has complained that they lost all their Destiny 1 stuff and their Destiny 2 beta access because they linked their D1 account to Blizzard on the Bungie page, rendering the current console profile obsolete and deleting all codes and promos attached to it.

If you don't play Destiny 1 at all, it won't be an issue for you. But those with existing Destiny 1 profiles need to be extremely careful.

This happened because Bungie doesn't have its own, "universal" authentication method, but instead uses third parties' authentications like PSN and Live, which can be moved around between accounts. As long as you keep one authentication account connected to your Bungie account, you'll be fine. This is useful because you don't have to deal with making more accounts (all you need is your PSN/Live/ account to start playing), but the downsides are as you see here: You can end up with multiple Bungie accounts if you don't link them properly, and accounts can be orphaned if you move authentications around.

So here's what you should do to avoid this.

If you're an old player:
  • Log in through PSN/Live.
  • Go to your settings > Account & Linking.
  • Link your account.
  • Log in through a different account, like your's. That makes a new Bungie account.
  • Link your authentication account to the new Bungie one. Your other Bungie account will lose its authentication method, and have no way to log back in.
New players do not have to worry, since you'll be making a new account anyway. Still, Bungie should make moving authentications around a more manual process, like you having to go to your account and unlinking it yourself if you want another account to have it.

I just done exactly the thing above that you aren't meant to do....

I now have a new Bungie account with my PC beta access and my PS4 Bungie account with all my Destiny 1 information on :( Wanted to link them all together and obviously screwed that up now.

I just done exactly the thing above that you aren't meant to do....

I now have a new Bungie account with my PC beta access and my PS4 Bungie account with all my Destiny 1 information on :( Wanted to link them all together and obviously screwed that up now.

We are in the same boat friend. I agree that it's absolutely terrible design on Bungie's part. This same problem actually got me before, over a decade ago when the site migrated from Halo 2 to Halo 3 and I lost all my special perks on the account.
I am not to sure if I have completely ruined this and abit confused to be honest.

I have a Bungie account now which has Beta access for PC and I also have a separate Bungie account (Sony) with all my Destiny 1 information still on it, So does this mean I now can't link them?

Have to agree the design is completely floored, especially with the amount of people hacing done the same thing, reddit is full of them :(
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