Destiny 2... It's a coming!

Thats the thing i hope people read here:


Enjoy the story stuff slowly. Take it all in - Weapons enemies class builds etc. then worry about end game after you have some enjoyment out of it.
do you dismantle everything you don't use?

Early on, yes. Don't buy stuff from vendors, no matter how tempting... you'll get enough drops :)
Keep some variations so if you go into Crucible, you have a selection of weapons.
Normal Crucible, it doesn't matter your Power level or weapons as it is a base level for people (well, guns each hit different damages) - only Trials of the Nine / Iron Banner does power level matter.
Did people even get their overlays working? I had MSI running but it didn't display so I used the ingame fps counter instead.
I understand the sentiment, but a ban without any way of questioning it? I have corsair link running for my h100, so by the sounds of it that would could cause a ban? Not good enough i'm afraid.
In all fairness... they have been open about it... lots of news articles about it during the beta.
What reason do you need an overlay? They provide an FPS counter.

OBS etc are fine. I can totally understand them stopping it - end of they day, it could ruin the franchise on PC if they allowed all overlays.
I understand the sentiment, but a ban without any way of questioning it? I have corsair link running for my h100, so by the sounds of it that would could cause a ban? Not good enough i'm afraid.

You accepted the TOS when you played the game. All overlays are banned to stop software injection or hacking. My view is it makes a nice change when there isnt a bunch of crap on my screen and i can just sit back and enjoy it for what it is.
I have not bought the game and do not intend to currently, however if they categorically confirm that my corsairlink will not result in a ban, then I may re-consider.
If you play in fullscreen none of the OSDs work so youll be fine. I think only in window mode will they work and it seems theres already a number of people that have had a temp ban for a overlay. Just disbable the overlays if you wanna play windoe. Sorted ;P
There are issues...

Feels like a memory leak after a while... FPS drops and game becomes jerky.
Glad a few others experienced the same, thought I was going mad

do you dismantle everything you don't use?
Yes 90% of the time, except save 5 blue/rare scout rifles (either primary or secondary slot) for later. You can lock items using Shift.

Only other reason would be to keep some choice lower level weapons if you plan to start a second character.
Can anyone confirm something I read on Twitch last night, if you have a character at 20 and start an alt they claimed you could auto level to 20 providing you've already got a char at that level?

Doesn't sound like something they'd offer to me atleast without paying for it.
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