*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

If I get my alt levelled up in time I could fit a sneaky Vog normal run in later in the week.

I wouldn't mind joining lvl 27 tittan never played vog so not sure how much help i would be

mid_gen: This is XOne :)

Welshdapper: Sounds great, we all start somewhere.

Shall we say 20:00 Thursday eve? Copy the list and add yourself:

1. Schnippzle
2. Chris M135i
3. ...
4. ...
5. ...
6. ...
Got templar oracles checkpoint if anyone wants to crack on through for VoG hard mode tonight. Complete this one section then can get the next two chests no probs.... Psn btw
Got templar oracles checkpoint if anyone wants to crack on through for VoG hard mode tonight. Complete this one section then can get the next two chests no probs.... Psn btw

i reckon we could have done it last time if a couple had gjallahorn or beast snipers and that 28 wasn't playing tbh, he would have been doing zero damage to the boss it was like playing with a man down which you cannot get away with on hard mode.

i know i invited him but i didn't know he was a level 28 and i did say to him facebaker had got the last spot and he still jumped in instead of him :confused:
yeah I felt bad afterwards for facebaker - he took it like a man and just quietly disconnected as the other guy just wouldn't get the message that we had someone waiting :( I shoulda just kicked him, forgot I haz ze power as fireteam leader
Got templar oracles checkpoint if anyone wants to crack on through for VoG hard mode tonight. Complete this one section then can get the next two chests no probs.... Psn btw

I'd be up for it after the football. Otherwise I'll have to sign up for the next run.
If anyone ever needs help/another guy for any raids, you can always try to invite me on XBL (EvilPhog). I have 2 x 32 Hunters with lots of delightful weapons and a 31 warlock. :)
XB1 CE Raid. Tuesday 20:00pm start. Ideally looking to do this legitimately and avoid cheese.

1. Auty71, Lvl 31 Titan/Hunter/Warlock (as required)
2. Ehhh Mazin - Lvl 31 Titan/Hunter/Warlock
3. Evilmatt 31 hunter
4. WriteThatD0wn 31

Any other takers?
Count me in

There are 2 spots you can stand on at the Deathsinger part where the knights can't hit you so you can concentrate on the witch. You sill have to clear out the left and right witches and screechers though, hard as a duo but possible.

Might as well start planning the Tuesday night CE run for when it resets.

XB1 CE Raid. Tuesday 20:00pm start. Ideally looking to do this legitimately and avoid cheese.

1. Auty71, Lvl 31 Titan/Hunter/Warlock (as required)
2. Ehhh Mazin - Lvl 31 Titan/Hunter/Warlock
3. Evilmatt 31 hunter
4. WriteThatD0wn 31
5. Evilphog 32 Hunter / 31 Warlock
Looks like missus isn't up for movie tonight (woo!) so I'll be on tonight for CE!

XB1 CE Raid. Tuesday 20:00pm start. Ideally looking to do this legitimately and avoid cheese.

1. Auty71, Lvl 31 Titan/Hunter/Warlock (as required)
2. Ehhh Mazin - Lvl 31 Titan/Hunter/Warlock
3. Evilmatt 31 hunter
4. WriteThatD0wn 31
5. Evilphog 32 Hunter / 31 Warlock
6. Mr Jones 31 Warlock / Titan
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