Yeah was a good run with a few HM first timers, didn't really get stuck anywhere until we ran out of time at Atheon, 4 goes at Templar? Think a few people got some good practice in, funniest time was when we did 3rd teleport at Atheon, all jumped to middle and rookie relic holder fired super instead of bubbleMissed a titan with WoL I think.
I got some good time in going into portals on gatekeeper to get the relics for the first time too. Best of all.....I finally got Fatebringer, which rocks.
I'm going to keep doing VoG HM....I enjoy it so much more than CE, and the raid weapons are still worth having.
Yeah I am (was?) a HM first timer (this is my 4th time through the raid in total..) and found it really fun.
I think we would have had the Templar on the second run but we essentially lucked out with two deaths in quick succession.
I think you and I had some good gatekeeper runs. WE seem to have got that bit nailed quite well. Head left on "Mars" and smash only the enemies that get in our way. On Venus you come through as well and hit the gatekeeper / Minotaur with the relic super before I finish him off with rockets / IB. Grab the relic, cleanse and head back to protect the conflux / portals.
I'm up for running HM each week.
Are we all up for completing tonight say 8ish?