*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Nice to have the same group together to finish. As it shouldn't take too long to do Atheon anyone want to do CE after? I am happy to cheese the lot of it so easy to blast through.

Piphal and I are up for a bit of Crota cheese after.

We are not aware of how you cheese past the Deathsinger mind.
How are people soloing the lamps? Ive tried and just get nowhere..

- Drop into Crotas end and wait until your weight of darkness has dropped.
- Run to second lamp and head around to the rock behind. Run around this rock until you see the cut out which you can jump into / onto. Done correctly the thrall can't hit you. You should just be able to see the top of lamp when standing in this position.
- crouch and wait for the lamp to explode. The explosion should push you up on to the wall behind you. This step will be trial and error (in my experience). If you get punted backwards along the floor re-run to the rock and re-position.
- Once up on the wall follow it until it turns right at the end. (Don't fall off!)
- After the right hand turn you will see a lamp up to your right. Head up to this lamp and kill the knight (snipe him to make it easy).
- Wait out at the this lamp until you weight has dropped and head up the hill to the next lamp. Be aware of the holes in the floor!
- Wait again at the next lamp and spot the end plate which should be to the right of the current lamp (it looks like a green/white circle on the ground).
- Run to the final lamp but don't trigger the plate yet. Locate the position of the low rock directly to the the left of the lamp - you will be jumping on this shortly. Avoid the explosion by hiding behind the taller rock.
- Once the lamp explodes trigger the plate and jump on the small rock (may take a couple of attempts to get on).
- Snipe the Ogre that spawns behind the only remaining lamp near you (behind the lamp immediately to your right. You need to kill this Ogre otherwise he will kill you whilst you stand on the rock.
- Wait it out until you get the message that the path is now clear. Run full pelt (MIDA helps here) over the bridge towards the light. Don't worry about any Thrall chasing you, with no weight of darkness you are quicker than them (just).
- Go through the light and hope you get something better than two energy!


EDIT: If you have a hunter with Don't touch me gauntlets - upgrade and quip them and go for a gentle stroll... :p
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XB1 Crota - 20:00

1. WriteThatD0wn - Hunter 31
2. thor - Hunter 31
3. Schnippzle - Titan 31
4. Mr Jones
5. Ehhh Mazin - Warlock 31

Keeping my Hunter for last just incase I need some last minute cheesing:D
ICEBREAKER!!!! At long, long last! :D

Just grabbed the first chest in Crota's End before heading off to bed, and there it was, along with a cloak and a couple of shards. Nice!

This is literally the same as I got last night!! Maybe RNG was being generous, after me wanting an Ice Breaker for so long!

Would be very interesting if you were running a hunter as that was what I was running yesterday to get the same drops?
Think you guys have to count me out tonight

XB1 Crota - 20:00

1. WriteThatD0wn - Hunter 31
2. thor - Hunter 31
3. Schnippzle - Titan 31
5. Ehhh Mazin - Warlock 31

I may not be available, plans for this evening keeps changing.
If I am on Destiny and you're a man short, give me a shout.
This is literally the same as I got last night!! Maybe RNG was being generous, after me wanting an Ice Breaker for so long!

Would be very interesting if you were running a hunter as that was what I was running yesterday to get the same drops?

I was indeed running a Hunter :)
Piphal and I are up for a bit of Crota cheese after.

We are not aware of how you cheese past the Deathsinger mind.

As far as I know there isn't one but the way I have done it previously is we cheese up to the deathsinger and then join an LFG group at the Crota CP.

- Drop into Crotas end and wait until your weight of darkness has dropped.
-Lots of text
- Go through the light and hope you get something better than two energy!

Can this be done by any character? As I'm sure someone told me in a party that warlocks can't get on the rock to wait out while the bridge builds at the end of the lamps.
Can this be done by any character? As I'm sure someone told me in a party that warlocks can't get on the rock to wait out while the bridge builds at the end of the lamps.

Have done this method with all three classes. Make sure to max out agility, and gun with +2 agility also helps.

Can also be done Pre-30. Did is last night on a 27 warlock. Though the Ogre was harder to kill and I had to sun singer back to life to kill him.
Can this be done by any character? As I'm sure someone told me in a party that warlocks can't get on the rock to wait out while the bridge builds at the end of the lamps.

Done it with my Warlock no probs. I usually switch stats to max agility and equip Murmur as well to make the dash to the rock a little easier.
As far as I know there isn't one but the way I have done it previously is we cheese up to the deathsinger and then join an LFG group at the Crota CP.

Can this be done by any character? As I'm sure someone told me in a party that warlocks can't get on the rock to wait out while the bridge builds at the end of the lamps.

Ok that is cool.

Yep I have two Warlocks and both have done it. Getting on the rock can be a bit tricky but there is a slightly lower section which you should aim for.

Honestly I didn't think there was any difference between my hunter and my warlocks (both of which are running a "tank" config with minimal agility).
XB1 Crota - 20:00

1. WriteThatD0wn - Hunter 31
2. thor - Hunter 31
3. Schnippzle - Titan 31
5. Ehhh Mazin - Warlock 31
6. thedeadparrot84 - Warlock 31

I'm about if theres a space and you can be bothered carrying me :p Hunter 30

Mazin maybe fedup with reviving me by now
XB1 Crota - 20:00

1. WriteThatD0wn - Hunter 31
2. thor - Hunter 31
3. Schnippzle - Titan 31
4. WardyP
5. Ehhh Mazin - Warlock 31
6. thedeadparrot84 - Warlock 31

I'm about if theres a space and you can be bothered carrying me :p Hunter 30

Mazin maybe fedup with reviving me by now

Cool thats the 6 then with Mr Jones a reserve if he is around. No worries with a 30 especially with everyone else at 31.
Keeping my Hunter for last just incase I need some last minute cheesing:D

I might do the same and use my Gunslinger Hunter instead of my usual Bladedancer. It's interesting.. For this raid, I'd say Bladedancer is possibly the single most useful class to use, whereas Gunslinger is possibly the worst!
Mazin maybe fedup with reviving me by now

Haha, depending on how it goes tonight I might need you to return the favour :p

I might do the same and use my Gunslinger Hunter instead of my usual Bladedancer. It's interesting.. For this raid, I'd say Bladedancer is possibly the single most useful class to use, whereas Gunslinger is possibly the worst!

Knowing me I'll probably forget to run the raid again until Monday night and end up having to panic cheese it :D
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