I was dying due to an affliction of noobness. I was trying to get into a safe spot but kept getting one-shotted by the Psions.
Must remember to get levelling up SGA...I'm pretty confident Bungie will do something to make VoG worth doing after the next expansion....I'd beif it became totally worthless as it's so much more fun than CE.
Ah the Psions. Luckily a combination of Void Sniper and AE made short work of them on our run.
I can just imagine the love we will all have when the Dust Palance becomes non exclusive and is thus added to the NF rotation (assumption). Yellow bar Phalanxes, yellow bar void shielded Psions, yellow bar collussus.... ARGH!
The final fight has no real hiding spots if you want shoot the little Flayers and they have stupid amounts of health even on the level 26 ROC. I know you can rocket them off the platform, but when I tried this (with a 318 attack One Way Ticket) the Flayer just gave me a look which said "don't do that".