*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

OweO the mechanics are something similar for the Deathsingers with 1 or 2 important changes, overall though a piece of cake. I didn't actually see your Ogre because of the plate I was on but Corey mentioned it to me yesterday he said it was teleporting forward, nasty =(

Yeah on that rotation it didn't appear and then was suddenly near the walkway. Then (on my screen at least) it started moving left and right (like PVP lag) and was a nightmare to hit.

I think AStaley had something similar with his "skating" Ogre.
I've done up until the door before the Warpriest, and I've actually watched some vids regarding the rest of the raid. I know it's not the same as actually doing it but it'll give me a decent understanding of what people mean when they tell me what I need to do. I consider myself a pretty damn good PvE player though so I hope I'll be able to carry my weight :)

You can't be worse than me so you will be fine :D I just wondered as to which bits will need explaining or people already know.

Davie & Mid_gen have only got up to but not completed Golgoroth. (Davie might have done more but I am not sure).

Mach I am not sure about.

I have done up to Golgoroth (I know what to do but haven't executed it in practice) and know the mechanics for Oryx. Not seen the Deathsingers.

Golgoroth isn't too bad really, he isn't a massive bullet sponge so just a case of getting the mechanics right.

It was a good laugh TBH. My dancing Ogre was a highlight... I have a new found hatred for the Acolytes Eye enemy and my Raid snipers stupidly slow reload.

OweO the mechanics are something similar for the Deathsingers with 1 or 2 important changes, overall though a piece of cake. I didn't actually see your Ogre because of the plate I was on but Corey mentioned it to me yesterday he said it was teleporting forward, nasty =(

Moe is good to play with, especially as we can blame everything on him when it goes wrong :D

Only you Oweo could have a laggy Ogre, it was the climb out the puddle and take one step and be on the middle walkway or not climb out the puddle and just pop in to existance.
You can't be worse than me so you will be fine :D I just wondered as to which bits will need explaining or people already know.

I did initially want to do the whole thing blind but with it being over a week since it's come out I've heard so many bits about the raid I figured I may as well watch stuff myself to be ready. I ended up being the raid "expert" (for want of a better word) for my clan for the last 2 raids simply as I played them the most (and could solo the entire Crota raid) so I'm used to knowing what I'm doing!
Davie & Mid_gen have only got up to but not completed Golgoroth. (Davie might have done more but I am not sure).

Mach I am not sure about.

I have done up to Golgoroth (I know what to do but haven't executed it in practice) and know the mechanics for Oryx. Not seen the Deathsingers.

It was a good laugh TBH. My dancing Ogre was a highlight... I have a new found hatred for the Acolytes Eye enemy and my Raid snipers stupidly slow reload.

I haven't done this raid yet, watched some vids though. I'm happy to step aside if you want someone who's done it before so you can have a smooth run.
I haven't done this raid yet, watched some vids though. I'm happy to step aside if you want someone who's done it before so you can have a smooth run.
Behave, half the fun is learning it. I'm happy to explain the bits I know as we go through. Just make sure you're good at jumping puzzles and you have a good sniper rifle :)

Edit: I'll add, I don't expect us to finish it tomorrow night. If we do, awesome, but if not, as long as I'm having fun and we get a bit of loot, I'll be more than happy enough :)
Edit: I'll add, I don't expect us to finish it tomorrow night. If we do, awesome, but if not, as long as I'm having fun and we get a bit of loot, I'll be more than happy enough :)

I think with a reasonably clear run we should be able to get to Oryx at least. We will still have to figure our timing in each section but cuting out the 'we have no idea what's going on lets try a, b, c or d and see what happens' will save a good chunk of time.

Edit: I am happy that we have less experience or 'blind' players in the group. Everyone has to run it for the first time at some point :)
Couldn't agree more. I do think there was a few times on our runs when the game just said TOO BAD but overall, by the time everybody was on the same page we were all tired. When I stepped off that platform too early and Moe couldn't get the relic, I needed a hug. That was the low point of my night lol.

I am starting to see the appeal of those earlier start times for the raids, keep everybody fresh. Just Moe unfortunately can't start until a bit later and I know you wouldn't think it but I do enjoy playing with him, he's a sufficient player.. adequate you might say. an amazing player, and a personal ideal, I live everyday for the chance that a spec of his glories success is passed on too me. His my hero.

Fixed that for you mate ;).
Is anyone about tonight who could help me do the mission to get the black spindle. I am lacking a really good sniper for the raid and that looks like a goodie. I'm simply not good enough to do this on my own. I'm 293 light currently.
Fixed that for you mate ;).

:D I think your head might be even bigger the Oryx's :p

You can't do it today, you can only do it when that mission is the daily.

Was that ever confirmed somewhere? When I tried I'm sure the herioc mission was launched rather than simply clicking the daily in the navigation screen. Destiny may have still registered it as the daily though.

Edit: ToC hates me :( Last night I got multiple chests and a primary but all duplicates :mad: :(
It wouldn't take too long to find out. Just launch the mission on heroic, run up and kill the ogre ignoring everything else then get back and see if the door is open.
Was that ever confirmed somewhere? When I tried I'm sure the herioc mission was launched rather than simply clicking the daily in the navigation screen. Destiny may have still registered it as the daily though.

Bungie themselves confirmed it. They did say the mission would come around fairly often, so fingers crossed we'll see it this week.
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