*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Thanks for the great run lads! Really enjoyed it. Apologies for the few wipes i caused!
Nice to run with a group who take time to let u get the feel for it and explain! Not had so much fun on a raid in quite sometime! Will definitely try and roll with u guys again

Anytime man, was great fun and you picked up everything very quickly. Like we didn't even need to explain the end of the Orxy fight, it was just "REMEMBER THE STORY DO THAT", "umm okay". And it went fine.

I need to quickly level up my titan, I think I can hit 290~

I'm amazed we got Golgoroth down on that run seeing as we'd used up five lives on the first rotation, he still had 2/3 of his health left and and we were dropping the bubbles randomly around the pit.

I enjoyed the chaos of it all! :D

Was my amazing DPS.
I am off the cinema after work so will be 8-8:30 but should give us enough time to finish the steps off. I have done the knight strike so if you can run that earlier if you want though from memory you need a fragment or 2 from regicide which I need too though I also need to in to shield brothers and the dark knight (Ala Khul?) strikes to get my 45. Plenty of vide guides though so shouldn't take too long to find the missing ones.

As above, I will be on a bit later tonight but if we are all at roughly the same step then it would be good to finish together. As for the runes, a single stolen rune will charge all antiquated runes at the same time. Last night I did 3 reciprocal fights which charged for 5 stolen runes and 3 stolen runes fully charged my 3 antiquated ones. If you want the fragments you need to start the fight but for charging you just need to complete it. So if you haven't got enough stolen runes just head to the court anyway as I'm sure someone will put a few stolen ones in that you can play.

I *think* the one on the shield brothers strike is in an area you can get to on patrol (in the area where the "Ultra Knight" is).

I need two in Regicide and I am there (well technically one as I am also missing the one from Shield Brothers but already at 43).
I'm amazed we got Golgoroth down on that run seeing as we'd used up five lives on the first rotation, he still had 2/3 of his health left and and we were dropping the bubbles randomly around the pit.

I enjoyed the chaos of it all! :D

What chaos? It was a carefully calculated strategy designed to confound and confuse our foe and worked exactly as intended. In no way resembling headless chickens...
Indeed mate, that's why it's annoying to find groups that want certain criteria in order to do a raid.

But you are right, everyone has to start somewhere...I remember kwjay guiding me through my very first crota raid then vog. Took me a few times but once I got used it, I could do them with my eyes closed.

Of course the new raid is completely different from what I've seen and experienced ie the start, jumping on the ships and then bit before war priest then war priest himself.

But looking forward to joining up with u guys later this week, I can't really get any higher than 296 so need raid gear to get past 300.

It's not really much different TBH mate, just requires more coordination and understanding the mechanics. When you joined the other raids they'd been out for ages and everyone knew them inside out. There were also a few cheeses. Kings Fall seems to have been made to try and eliminate the cheese and the possibility of people doing it with only 1/2/3 people, requires a lot more team work.

Once you've got the ideas down and communicate well then it's not actually that tough. Hard mode however, now that'll be interesting! :D
Indeed mate, that's why it's annoying to find groups that want certain criteria in order to do a raid.

But you are right, everyone has to start somewhere...I remember kwjay guiding me through my very first crota raid then vog. Took me a few times but once I got used it, I could do them with my eyes closed.

Of course the new raid is completely different from what I've seen and experienced ie the start, jumping on the ships and then bit before war priest then war priest himself.

But looking forward to joining up with u guys later this week, I can't really get any higher than 296 so need raid gear to get past 300.

Rather than going in blind and have to be taught the mechanics I would suggest watching some youtube videos.

Yeah you won't learn everything you need to from a video but at least you don't need to be carried or taught as much and have a frame to work off of.

That way it shows your a team player from the start and your not wasting as much time being taught the basics.

I personally don't understand why anybody would go in blind now and then have someone explain the full a-z to them when they could learn half of it off a video in their own time.

I helped 5 blind raiders off reddit get to golgoroth last week but I knew without experience we were never going to get any further. One of the players was also clearly a class above all the other blind raiders he picked up everything quicker. Again people will say it's elitism but higher level players do pick up things and don't need as much help. Lower level players will require extra time and rather than depend or waste others time why don't they watch youtube videos?

For all I know you could be beast at the game and pick all the mechanics up in 5 seconds but watching a video isn't going to hurt either way.
Depends whether you want to just do the raid for the loot or for the enjoyment of going through an end game activity with 6 friends laughing and joking. You may finish or you may not, it doesn't matter.

Going in blind to the raids has been some of the most fun I have had from this game....

At the same point I have nothing against anyone getting an idea of the mechanics before doing their first raid.
I've read guides and whatnot, but I must admit I don't think I would have enjoyed doing King's Fall for the first time yesterday anywhere near as much had I watched a video. Plus it felt a lot more immersive to actually be in the game as people are running around pre-battle going through the motions to show placements etc.
I've read guides and whatnot, but I must admit I don't think I would have enjoyed doing King's Fall for the first time yesterday anywhere near as much had I watched a video. Plus it felt a lot more immersive to actually be in the game as people are running around pre-battle going through the motions to show placements etc.

Why do you think watching a video would have ruined your enjoyment?

The game to me is a grind and basically anything to lessen the grind is better than anything which prolongs it.

That's why TTK is the last DLC i'll buy MMO's are just not for me. I'd prefer to spend more time with friends, family and other games.

e.g. this Sunday I played footgolf, what a brilliant game, we are going to do it again for sure. The weekend before that comic-con.

Time is precious and therefore i'd prefer to spend less of it grinding.

Some people though like spending 4-12 hours in front of a screen grinding for gear but personally I couldn't find anything more tedious, especially since when the next DLC hits everything you gained is scrapped and you start again.

Anything to reduce the grind for me personally which is why i'm an advocate of cluing yourself up especially if your doing a new raid.
Why do you think watching a video would have ruined your enjoyment?

The game to me is a grind and basically anything to lessen the grind is better than anything which prolongs it.

That's why TTK is the last DLC i'll buy MMO's are just not for me. I'd prefer to spend more time with friends, family and other games.

e.g. this Sunday I played footgolf, what a brilliant game, we are going to do it again for sure. The weekend before that comic-con.

Time is precious and therefore i'd prefer to spend less of it grinding.

Some people though like spending 4-12 hours in front of a screen grinding for gear but personally I couldn't find anything more tedious, especially since when the next DLC hits everything you gained is scrapped and you start again.

Anything to reduce the grind for me personally which is why i'm an advocate of cluing yourself up especially if your doing a new raid.

I'd imagine it's because he likes to be surprised, everybody is different. We had a first timer in our fireteam last night hadn't watched any videos or studied, the guy killed it. Personally I like to be challenged, I want to get in and try to work things out as I go.. gives me that feeling of accomplishment. Plus I've had a few epic moments in the raid and I don't think they'd have been as cool if I knew they were coming like:

The platforming section before the Deathsingers me and Corey rushed out to try and scope the area out and just as the rest of the fireteam came around the corner a ram knocked me and Corey violently across the area to our death lol.


The first time you see Oryx, that's quite a sight. After we dropped the Deathsingers I thought we would be dropping down to another area off that ledge and as we approached the ledge you see Oryx starting to climb 3 or 4 of us were scrambling away saying 'nope nope nope nope nope nope'.

It's the little things.
Depends whether you want to just do the raid for the loot or for the enjoyment of going through an end game activity with 6 friends laughing and joking. You may finish or you may not, it doesn't matter.

Going in blind to the raids has been some of the most fun I have had from this game....

At the same point I have nothing against anyone getting an idea of the mechanics before doing their first raid.

I've read guides and whatnot, but I must admit I don't think I would have enjoyed doing King's Fall for the first time yesterday anywhere near as much had I watched a video. Plus it felt a lot more immersive to actually be in the game as people are running around pre-battle going through the motions to show placements etc.

Exactly! This is the first time I've done a raid on release and didn't watch or read a single thing about it. The first parts up to the war priest were great to figure out with the team. Although we didn't really get a solid run at it for a couple of weeks some of the team ended up watching vids on the death singer and Oryx it was still a lot of fun.

I simply didn't want to spoil the surprise of what was coming.
I recall when you got me to approach that bit for the first time when the rest of you knew what was coming.

I guessed something would happen but not.... THAT! :eek:

lmao =D It's so funny seeing some people's reactions. We got our first timer Pete to go first on that other area I mentioned above, he got quite a shock. It's a bit mean but you've got to do it ^_^
lmao =D It's so funny seeing some people's reactions. We got our first timer Pete to go first on that other area I mentioned above, he got quite a shock. It's a bit mean but you've got to do it ^_^

We did the same with Kiet and TehBlueBear.... (although I think TehBlueBear had an idea of what was going to happen) :p

It is a rite of passage for that section of the raid :)
I remember going to the pistons for the first time. Greb or Oweo, can't remember which, just said, 'Oh, bear go over to that corner and look down', and I promptly did as I wanted to see everything. Just as I was about to say, "There's nothing there", I heard an almighty sound and suddenly saw the far wall starting to get quite close. Cue hilarous laughing from the rest of the party as my Guardian goes flailing ibto the abyss :D

Edit: Nope, didn't have a clue what was going to happen, had never seen the pistons before. I didn't even know we were at that part of the raid tbh :o You lot probably said pistons but I might not have heard you.
People tend to call them different things. I won't mention what we call them on here as I'm not sure what the mods are like but we don't call them pistons I'll say that much =)
It's not really much different TBH mate, just requires more coordination and understanding the mechanics. When you joined the other raids they'd been out for ages and everyone knew them inside out. There were also a few cheeses. Kings Fall seems to have been made to try and eliminate the cheese and the possibility of people doing it with only 1/2/3 people, requires a lot more team work.

Once you've got the ideas down and communicate well then it's not actually that tough. Hard mode however, now that'll be interesting! :D

Yeah from what I've seen and heard it's definitely more of a challenge than the previous raids that I've done. Obviously I did the previous raids after they had been out for some time and thanks to you and patience from the others, I managed to understand the mechanics of them.

On the new raid I do understand certain parts ie when u first start off, you have a group of 2 go to each side to get a relic then the ones left behind are meant to take out the ads so that you can slam the relics into the statues a few times. Then from there its godawful jumping ship puzzle which, let's be honest I'm not very good at lol...pretty sure u remember my issues on the vog bit where I had to jump up on a few ledges :p. But once I got it, I found it much easier. I also understand the mech of part before the war priest where 2 stand in the middle and 2 each go left and right then you swap over when u get the buff. Then finally there's the war priest bit where again you have to stand on plates as one player calls it out.

That's pretty much as far as I have got in the raid itself as we didn't manage to get past the war priest that night.

Like I said I'm more than willing to learn as it is, I'll probably watch a few vids of the parts after the war priest so I know what to expect.

Kinda miss raiding with u lot ie Gimp et al, had a lot of fun back in the days of crota and vog and my rogueicides lol.
I'll be on Friday night guys if you want a hand again, always a good laugh :). Can't play Thursday though because I'm on nights. Will play until the early hours on Friday though.

If you guys wanna make a start on it on Thursday I'm happy to jump in wherever you've got to on Friday night and we'll get it completed. You're pretty much guaranteed some armour and a couple weapons from the last few sections of the raid so we'll get everyone towards 300 light too. I can run a (non-bubble :p) Titan or hunter now.

I'll put my name down and just let me know what's going on. Obviously anyone can replace me on Thursday and if you guys wanna stick together Friday that's cool.

Noooo need a bit of milkychaos, your conversations never fail to make me laugh..
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