dfi-rd580 crossfire due soon? (gibbo?)

Gibbo said:
Nope they sent me an email with a PDF showing their motherboard to be 0.4% quicker than the Asus board. I think they believe this justifies the extra cost, LOL. :confused:

Bah screw them they can take thir overhyped pos and shove it. On a different note any idea when the new SN37P2 shuttle will be coming into stock? Supports conroe and crossfire, pics here from "that other" site.

StuRReaL said:
Hmmm yeah but still one of the PCI slots is unuseable :( although the price is very good, the DFI still looks better due to having the second free pci and 8 sata ports, plus as I said earlier sapphire are really bad when it comes to bios's the new bios for the pure innovation actually breaks it more than it already is.

You said you wanted 1 pci slot, how many extra cards you gonna add?

You gain the use of an extra PCI-E with the sapphire over the DFI so I guess its horses for courses...

Wouldnt wanna run 8 sata devices of a mobo anyway, not with crossfire enabled as well, the PSU would take too big a hit... 4 drives is my maximum for a case, in mine thats 1 terrabyte, which is pretty cool... except for the heat build up...


As for the bios issue, well that happens with all the manufacturers from time to time, like asus for instance, who stilll havent got a stable bios for their first RD480 board either... The DFI was just as bad as well...

Well technically I only need 1 but i never rule out needing another one for some purpose ;) but yeah I know what you mean, its a bit of mine field atm, it seems no one is capable of getting a mobo right these days. The best 2 mobos I ever bought were the ECS K7S5A (slow but bomb proof) and the Abit NF7-S those two motherboards were flawless, why can't repeat that feat?

I think I shall watch to see how those two boards perform and a few more weeks to see how many problems there are with them :D

I don't need 8 sata ports I need enough for two sets of raid 0. 1 for windows and 1 for linux. Plus another drive for shared stuff drive :)
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StuRReaL said:
Well technically I only need 1 but i never rule out needing another one for some purpose ;) but yeah I know what you mean, its a bit of mine field atm, it seems no one is capable of getting a mobo right these days. The best 2 mobos I ever bought were the ECS K7S5A (slow but bomb proof) and the Abit NF7-S those two motherboards were flawless, why can't repeat that feat?

I think I shall watch to see how those two boards perform and a few more weeks to see how many problems there are with them :D

I don't need 8 sata ports I need enough for two sets of raid 0. 1 for windows and 1 for linux.
There a abit nf95 out with 3 pci32 slots
StuRReaL said:
Well technically I only need 1 but i never rule out needing another one for some purpose ;) but yeah I know what you mean, its a bit of mine field atm, it seems no one is capable of getting a mobo right these days. The best 2 mobos I ever bought were the ECS K7S5A (slow but bomb proof) and the Abit NF7-S those two motherboards were flawless, why can't repeat that feat?

I think I shall watch to see how those two boards perform and a few more weeks to see how many problems there are with them :D

I don't need 8 sata ports I need enough for two sets of raid 0. 1 for windows and 1 for linux. Plus another drive for shared stuff drive :)

Best mobo's I have ever owned have all been gigabyte...

Their intel boards are awesome, my server runs one and it NEVER lets me down ever...

Dr Who said:
Best mobo's I have ever owned have all been gigabyte...

Their intel boards are awesome, my server runs one and it NEVER lets me down ever...


My dual P3 gigabyte board hasn't let me down yet ;) unlike the msi varient which had leaking capacitors :S
Dr Who said:
A9RD580ADV Pure Crossfire Advantage



Gibbo reckons under 100 squids


Yeah but have you seen the southbridge, its not the ULI is the SB450 like the DFi LanParty RDX200 Crossfire, so its poor USB speeds, and no SATA ahoy on that board as well. :(

I would'nt touch it, get the Asus or the Abit with the ULI southbridge that doesn't have the probs of the SB450, and stay away from the overpriced DFi. :)
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Gibbo said:

Asus best buy at the moment, Abit is nice and available with Sapphire on the way at even possibly lower prices.

DFI for when you read this you will be hearing from me soon.......
Thanks for the info on the Sapphire Gibbo, really would like one of these :D

LoadsaMoney said:
Yeah but have you seen the southbridge, its not the ULI is the SB450 like the DFi LanParty RDX200 Crossfire, so its poor USB speeds, and no SATA ahoy on that board as well. :(

It's really not as bad as a lot of people make out, I have the Sapphire Pure Innovation and it's not that bad, bit of a compromise though :(
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subxero said:
Thanks for the info on the Sapphire Gibbo, really would like one of these :D

It's really not as bad as a lot of people make out, I have the Sapphire Pure Innovation and it's not that bad, bit of a compromise though :(

No you would'nt its got the old SB450, poor USB speed, no SATA, its crap i should know ive got RDX200, yes you can stop laughing now im going to get a different one. ;)
LoadsaMoney said:
No you would'nt its got the old SB450, poor USB speed, no SATA, its crap i should know ive got RDX200, yes you can stop laughing now im going to get a different one. ;)
Hahaha, sorry that did make me laugh :D
Had an nForce 4 before this board and really only noticed a small drop in performace, CPU-Z reads the southbridge as SB452, maybe a slightly updated version?

The Sapphire boards rock though, very purdy :D
LoadsaMoney said:
Yeah but have you seen the southbridge, its not the ULI is the SB450 like the DFi LanParty RDX200 Crossfire, so its poor USB speeds, and no SATA ahoy on that board as well. :(

I would'nt touch it, get the Asus or the Abit with the ULI southbridge that doesn't have the probs of the SB450, and stay away from the overpriced DFi. :)

The ULI on my existing board is a joke... everytime I plug a USB item in it crashes..

Prefer slow and steady than fast...

40% slower they say at worst...

That speed difference wont bother me...

Dr Who said:
The ULI on my existing board is a joke... everytime I plug a USB item in it crashes..

Prefer slow and steady than fast...

40% slower they say at worst...

That speed difference wont bother me...

Def sounds like a driver issue that mate, have you checked for any updated usb drivers?
HI there

DFI Taiwan has responded and they refuse to drop the price, so for now that price stands. The other bad news is they are actually selling pretty well, so I guess its good news in a way but not so good as DFI now have no reason to drop prices.
Gibbo said:
HI there

DFI Taiwan has responded and they refuse to drop the price, so for now that price stands. The other bad news is they are actually selling pretty well, so I guess its good news in a way but not so good as DFI now have no reason to drop prices.

Could you check your trust email address, sent a mail regarding a shuttle system. :)
So where are all the benchies ! has anyone tried this in anger yet :eek:
I recon i already have shares in OcUK so whats another 176 quid , i cant see them coming down in price very quick so i am about to take the plunge , for better or for worse
Gibbo said:
Not at all the case. I completely guessed at the price comparing it against our current range of Crossfire boards. I then went and placed my order with DFI and I was shocked at the price, and quickly had to increase my sell price or we'd have not been making much at all. :eek: :eek:
Ask them why and they seem to think their's is much better than the competitions and hence its worth more, I disagreed with them, but they were unwilling to move on price. DFI always tend to do this as they don't do enough research into their competitors, their last crossfire board was a flop from the word go due to its high price and lacking performance. Knowing DFI it will take them 2-3 months to realise their mistake before dropping price.

My advice go with Asus or Abit as at least they get the pricing right pretty much of the mark. :)
Also Abit has just arrived into stock.

You guys need to relalise boards are not cheap to make, new chipsets are always expensive and when a board has as many fetures as the DFI does you will see that a huge amount of RnD has been put into it.

Prices will come down thats guranteed but you have to remember DFI has to claw back RnD costs as quick as they can over the life of the board.

With Nvidia buying ULI I bet this board will be available only in limited quantities and from what i have seen it is the board to have if you are looking to run dual crossfire mode and overclock.
onetimeposter said:
You guys need to relalise boards are not cheap to make, new chipsets are always expensive and when a board has as many fetures as the DFI does you will see that a huge amount of RnD has been put into it.

Prices will come down thats guranteed but you have to remember DFI has to claw back RnD costs as quick as they can over the life of the board.

With Nvidia buying ULI I bet this board will be available only in limited quantities and from what i have seen it is the board to have if you are looking to run dual crossfire mode and overclock.

yep and asus and abit just spent 10 minutes and £100 quid on R&D for their boards :D
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