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Discussion On The ATI Radeon 5*** Series Before They Have Been Released Thread

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26 Jan 2004
Or people can carry on believing the results that show a card with just over double the specs of the 4870 managing over 3x the performance in a benchmark...

Its not just the specs, there is a NEW form of AA intergrated into the GPU that produces the same visuals but with less than half the hit.
28 Apr 2007
Or people can carry on believing the results that show a card with just over double the specs of the 4870 managing over 3x the performance in a benchmark...

The original results posted on the Chinese for the 5870 were defiantly dubious, since there was no info about clocks speeds, no info about which time demo it was that was run etc.

However the results you posted are no better, you have posted a graph with no source whatsoever, so we don't even have any idea where the numbers originate from..
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
However the results you posted are no better, you have posted a graph with no source whatsoever, so we don't even have any idea where the numbers originate from..

The numbers on that (original) graph are just a splicing of 2 seperate benchmarks, one done originally on vista awhile ago. The image I posted just had the results re-edited back to the original stock results for the 295GTX and 4890cf... the 5870 results I have no idea.
21 Aug 2006
have ATI said whether Eyefinity uses active bezel management so u can make the picture flow behind the bezels like with a TH2GD? They arent using it on that crysis vid :confused:

edit awesome = just read this on the WSGF:

When I spoke with the ATI dev presenting this display he explained that the entire frame was closer to 63 megapixels--rather than the 55 noted on the table card--because the GPUs were actually rendering all the scenery hidden by the bezels but cutting out those pixels with bezel management. As you can see, this bezel management does not "shrink" the image towards the center of the overall display--making it far superior to the TH2Go method. It remains to be seen whether Eyefinity on Windows will offer this feature or not. I was told that Eyefinity GPUs *should* have bezel management, but based on the displays I saw tonight it appears that it is not yet implemented into Eyefinity for Windows (see screenshots on page 2).
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17 Nov 2005
Rroff just wait until they released then we see how good they are,some people are excited about the launch let them be excited,i am a bit myself with all the hype.
I want a 5850 if it is any where near a 295 or even if it is better than a 285 i will be happy but will have to get a new mb and cpu and ram as this pc will bottleneck it a bit/lot.
Radeon HD 5770 and Radeon HD 5750 looking good for the low/mid range
6 Dec 2005
More info on the mobiles graphics.

High end - code named Broadway

Broadway-XT Mobility Radeon HD 5870
Broadway-PRO Mobility Radeon HD 5850
Broadway-LP Mobility Radeon HD 5830

Only 5870 and 5850 can support GDDR5 memory, 5830 can only support DDR3 and GDDR3 memory, but the whole series CrossFireX technology support. So that means Crossfire graphics cards in your laptop! :D Only this series though.

Performance - code named Madison

Madison-XT Mobility Radeon HD 5770
Madison-PRO Mobility Radeon HD 5750
Madison-LP Mobility Radeon HD 5730

Only 5770 and 5750 can support GDDR5 memory, 5730 only support DDR3 and GDDR3 memory.

Mainstream - code named Madison (aswell)

Madison-LE Mobility Radeon HD 5650

Entry level - code named Park

Park-XT Mobility Radeon HD 5470
Park-PRO Mobility Radeon HD 5450
Park-LP Mobility Radeon HD 5430

These 3 have 65-bit memory interface and support GDDR3/DDR3/DDR2 memory.


Chinese websites are so complicated aswell, they seriously mess up your head so you should all thank me for this info. :p

Sleep time for meeeeeee
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21 Oct 2002

very interesting write up from someone who was actually there.
the bit that caught my eye with regards to the 24" screen wall
Each card (single GPU) was responsible for rendering one quadrant of the overall display, and they were actually running separate instances of game to do so. This was not a crossfire setup, and I was told that CF support has not yet been integrated with Eyefinity.

so even though that particular demonstration was running under linux on 4 cards, all the others were only runing on single cards due to no crossfire support, I wonder if this will effect the 5870x2...?

even so it only slightly dampens what is a very inpressive display of rendering power from ati
31 May 2007
Not sure if this page has been posted yet but:

ATi Official Eyefinity Page

Also, it says this in small print at the bottom of the page:

ATi's Website said:
  1. Driver version 8.66 (Catalyst 9.10) or above is required to support ATI Eyefinity technology and to enable a third display you require one panel with a DisplayPort connector.
  2. ATI Eyefinity technology works with games that support non-standard aspect ratios which is required for panning across three displays.
  3. TV Tuner required, sold separately.
  4. Linux support scheduled to be enabled via a future ATI Catalyst™ driver release.

So that either means we're waiting until November for Eyefinity support, or it's inplemented on what they call 9.10 drivers, but we'll see them as the 5800 release drivers on the disc for them to be released in on AMD's website in November.

Also, I wonder if they'll add in support for older graphics cards? From what I'm seeing, it doesn't look like it's a hardware feature to me, but what I did see where hardware was mentioned as an increase in display lanes from the GPU, but that's for the additional display outputs on these cards.

Especially if it appears to take a driver to enable the features.
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7 May 2006
London, Ealing
Looks like the cards have been around for quite some time.
ATI have done well to keep them under wraps, should mean that they have had some time to work on the drivers.

19 Oct 2007
5870 1GB will do me VERY nicely.

Now if only they could make their own CUDA.

That said, I couldnt sell my 260 GTX, and I fell out with someone whos got his hacker mate putting a lot of input into my d-link router, so its looking likely that I need to consider running a linux box as a router in my spare room, with 24/7 wireshark, and i could therefore make it a 24/7 folding rig too!?
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