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Discussion On The ATI Radeon 5*** Series Before They Have Been Released Thread

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7 May 2006
London, Ealing
CryTek's CryEngine 3.0 set to debut next month DX11 support.

CryTek's CryEngine 3.0 set to debut next month
9/11/2009 by: Theo Valich - Get more from this author

During the AMD Vision event, we got the opportunity to talk to Mike Gamble, manager of CryTek's Engine Licensing Business. In a discussion that spanned from different APIs to challenges in adopting new platform.

Due to expansion from a PC-only to a multi-platform engine, CryTekscoredseveral new customers. At present time, CryTek has more thandozen oflicensees, who will all utilize the next-generation CryEngine3. CryEngine 3 is set to debut next month [October], and there areloads of projects that will utilize that engine, especially fewsurprises for the consoles.

Yes, CryEngine 3 is keeping in line with the tradition. Good looking forest...
Yes, CryEngine 3 is keeping in line with the tradition. Good looking forest...

On the pictures in this article, you can see the demo of the engine running DirectX 9 build, expandable with DirectX 10, 10.1 and 11 extensions - depending on the adoption by the licensee. Thus, we'll refrain from commenting on the obligatory ATI's "DirectX 11 Gaming" cardboard, because the information there wasn't correct.

Mike told us that the capabilities of DirectX9 [when properly optimized] are brilliant for customers that want to develop a title for current generation of consoles and PCs. The customers that are targeting next-generation console cycle and the PC should build upon the strengths of DirectX 11 API, given that most of next-generation console hardware will be locked down sometime next year, and pushed out in 2012-2013 frame. We got the same feedback from Epic in the matter of Unreal Engine 4, and the time will tell can CryTek develop into a successful engine developer as well. So far, the work on Crysis 2 is progressing with more impact on gameplay than ever before.

.. and hands down, best looking water ever. You have to see this live to believe it.

Our take is that CryEngine 3 simply blew our minds with the realistic water physics and effects on the "camera" viewpoint... it was really interesting to feel the immersion effect, so the guys and girls in CryTek are looking good to win the award for the best looking water of them all.
31 May 2007
AMD confirms DirectX 11 games: Battleforge, Stalker: Call of Pripyat, Dirt 2 and Alien vs. Predator


I've just been reading about it, I almost laughed when I read on the 'the reason from AMD itself' link:

AMD Blog said:
AMD Blog link
Some industry folks have stated that we will see more titles that support DirectX 11 then we did for DirectX 10. Some even say that DirectX 11 is the full implementation of what DX10 should and could have been, but that is subjective opinion and conjecture.


I'm a bit confused about Battleforge though, I thought that was already out and used DX10/10.1?

Maybe 10.1 games are technically 11 or something?

Especially considering AMD's HD2-4 series have most DX11 features already.
7 May 2006
London, Ealing
On board an old World War II aircraft carrier, Advanced Micro Devices executives introduced new graphics chips meant to give consumers a killer entertainment experience and deliver a big blow to rivals Nvidia and Intel.

The chip maker introduced a new generation of ATI graphics chips that will be part of desktops this fall and laptops early next year. Among the new features: one PC can power six different monitors at the same time, as illustrated in the ooVoo video conference pictured above.

The chip will drive the latest computers, but it should also give AMD a leg up on its rivals, who’ve fallen behind on their production schedules, said Jon Peddie, an analyst at Jon Peddie Research.

“At the end of the day today,” Rick Bergman, senior vice president of Sunnyvale-based AMD, said, “AMD will be the undisputed graphics leader in the world.”

The chip has 2 billion transistors on it. To put that in perspective, Nvidia’s monster graphics chip from 2008 had 1.4 billion transistors, and the original Intel microprocessor had 2,300 transistors. The advance of chip design and manufacturing — including a 40-nanometer manufacturing process — have made it possible to make such chips.

The chip can do more than 2.5 trillion calculations — 2.5 teraFLOPS — every second. That compares to 1 trillion calculations per second for AMD’s chip from a year ago. That chip is as powerful as the world’s most powerful supercomputer in the year 2000. It’s about 250 times more powerful than the IBM supercomputer Deep Blue, which beat the best chess champion in the world years ago.

amd-2Bergman said the ATI Eyefinity multi-display technology can power six displays with a single graphics card, using DisplayPort technology. That’s a big achievement because graphics cards have to put so much data on a single display that they have a hard time handling multiple displays.

With it, gamers can set up monitors side by side to get an immersive view of their video screens as they play the latest PC games. Business people can video-conference with different people and track different things as if they were in a control room. With four graphics cards in one PC, AMD can operate 24 monitors at the same time.

It can create images with 268 megapixels, where a megapixel yields a pretty decent image on a digital camera. Game players will be able to get 12 times the full high-definition resolution. With so much screen real estate, you don’t even have to scroll around to see different documents, Bergman said.

Jules Urbach, chief executive of special effects firm Lightstage and Otoy, showed a demo of AMD’s animated mascot character, Ruby, as she is rendered to look like a real human with the latest technology. Urbach said his team is creating special effects scenes for movies that extremely realistic, yet can be created with a single AMD chip. Crytek also showed how the graphics chip can render an immersive, hyperrealistic jungle in a video game.

Acer, Dell, HP, MSI and Toshiba are creating computers using AMD’s latest graphics chips. In response, Nvidia said in a statement, “The gaming world has moved to dynamic realism, which depicts actual physical movement more realistically than ever before. For example, the No. 1 PC game coming out next week is ‘Batman: Arkham Assyum,’ which takes advantage of graphics plus physics to give it extraordinary realism. Because we support GPU-accelerated physics, our $129 card that’s shipping today is faster than their new RV870 (code name for new AMD chips) that sells for $399.
29 May 2005
West London
So AMD delivered a proper big bang here let's face it. All the naysayers saying DX11 is not worth it for developers etc etc, well you've just been well and truly owned.

I bet ATi are clever enough in that they will have faster cards in the background in case NV hit back. They probably already have designs for 6xxx ready.

Edit: LOL at the upper text, NV are desperate.
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20 Feb 2006
Seriously though NVIDIA must be upset, the new Crysis? demo'd first on ATi hardware and not just on one screen either.

All these new games that NVIDIA was supposed to carry in it's TWIMTBP program getting shown exclusively on ATi hardware first

Thats exactly what i was thinking. They are gonna be at a big loss by the looks of it.



18 May 2003

Err not quite sure they got the ram right, that would be 6.4Ghz!

"Radeon HD 5870
Launch date: September 22
Core Frequency: 850MHz
Memory: 1600MHz GDDR5
Shaders: 1600
Consumption: 188/27w max/idle
Price: < $400.00 USD

According to AMD benchmarks (grab your salt), the GPU is roughly equivalent to NVIDIA’s reference GeForce GTX 295 adapter which sandwiches an SLI configuration into a single card. Put another way, the HD 5870 is allegedly some fifty percent faster than the single-GPU GeForce GTX 285."
25 Jun 2009
WOW, i need to check those videos out. But from what i thought Dirt was going to be only DX11 game out, it seems now will be 4-5 which is big difference:)

Im not much of a computer geek, but i love my games & how they look, so this 5870 im getting even if i have to pimp my a**:D
7 Mar 2005
What do you guys think? Currently running.

E2160 clocked to 3ghz
2GB DDR2 Geil Ram 400mhz
ATI X1800XT 256MB
Gigabyte P35C - DS3R
Seasonic S12 430W PSU
19" Acer Widescreen Monitor (1440X900)

Would these new cards be overkill? Should i upgrade anything else you think :cool::p
31 May 2007
What do you guys think? Currently running.

E2160 clocked to 3ghz
2GB DDR2 Geil Ram 400mhz
ATI X1800XT 256MB
Gigabyte P35C - DS3R
Seasonic S12 430W PSU
19" Acer Widescreen Monitor (1440X900)

Would these new cards be overkill? Should i upgrade anything else you think :cool::p

Get yourself some new RAM and a new CPU and they'd be more worthwhile, a higher res screen would benefit more too.
20 Aug 2006
have to say if that is the retail cooler - its really growing on me - rather smart

also saves you worrying about scraping your back of your hands when working inside the PC on the bare PCB on the rear (pain and static reasons ! :) - I like it
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