Doctor Who

Yay someone referred to these great tracks!

That's a pretty interesting fact, I never knew it was two guys let alone brothers. Probably explains that album cover with the two x-ray heads.
GEEK FACT - Amy Pond has appeared in a previous episode of Doctor Who with David Tennant! She was one of the premonition sisters in 'The Fires of Pompeii".

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on the subject of themes et al, I really like the piece 'Next Stop Everything' from some of the episodes. Usually and the 30 seconds till the end of the world part of the episode.

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Lucy Punch? Way, way to old. :(

Pond is hawt and the right sort of age for me so all hail her if we're going just for attractiveness. :p
To be honest I hope Amy does leave the show. I hadn't heard a think about her leaving. Where did you find that?

She really hasn't stood out any where near as much as Rose or Martha. I don't even think she holds a candle to Donna and I hated that woman the first time around.
Firstly if Amy Pond goes its obvious Carey Mulligan should replace her, Sally Sparrow from the Blink episode, if thats not a side-kick name i don't know what is. I always hoped that when Moffat took over that was the idea. Pond is hot, but her characters been demolished since that first episode, and i have a hate for Rory, who appears to be a permanent part now :(

secondly, next years 13 episodes to be split into 2 seasons, 7 in the Spring usual time, then 6 in the Autumn with the usual Christmas special. both will be separate story arcs apparently with a big game changer in the 7th spring episode (Possible demise of Pond?)
Season 3, Episode 9 - The Family Blood
(When the doctor hides by turning human and hiding his being inside a pocket watch)


Daisy (from Spaced) - "You've had this watch all this time, why didn't you return it earlier"

Boy (thieving little s*$%) -
"Because I was so scared of The Doctor"
"because I've seen him..."
"he's like fire and ice and rage"
"he's like the night and the storm and the heart of the sun"
"he's ancient and forever"
"he burns at the center of time and he can see the turn of the universe"
"and... he's wonderful"
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I love the bit in that episode where the narrative goes (well paraphrased) something like:

"The doctor wasn't hiding from them because he was scared, but because he was being kind." Then he stuck them in all sorts of hellish places, just shows how dark the doctor can be when he needs to be.


Beginning and End:D

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Tell me about it!! How fantastic was that ending, you wonder why on earth he didn't just tackle them from the start then they reveal that.

Plus the old man at the end in the wheelchair. Makes me wanna buy a poppy and wear it.
Well I have to say that Christmas special was quite... special.

Miss (Mrs!?) Jenkins has an amazing voice, totally made that episode with it.

Top stuff from the BBC again.
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