Doctor Who

Thought that was decent enough, certainly better than the previous ones. Still very much fantasy than science fiction but it didn't go off on a tangent like previous specials.

- Very little of Amy/Rory in this episode tbh, i think it worked well because of it.
- Katherine Jenkins does have a fantastic voice, it has to be said.
- Michael Gambon did a decent enough job of his character.
Dreadful. Every Xmas special is poor imo, but this was even worse than the Titanic special. Only that gorgeous lady saved it from being a complete crapfest.
Easily one of the best christmas specials, but then that's not necessarily saying much as the christmas specials are usually quite poor. It had enough of Jenkins in to shut my nan and aunt up though which was quite impressive. :p

Wonder if the "half way out of the dark" is going to be a recurring theme this series?
Pretty crap, and god I hope we don't end up with river song as the assistant. I genuinely would stop watching it if that happened. She annoys the hell out of me, worst character in pretty much all of the new doctor whos.
Katherine Jenkins' performance was OK but the story was just rather naff. I'm assuming the episode was aimed at kids because otherwise it seemed like it was developed on the back of a fag packet.
Am I the only one who thinks they screwed up big time with the Christmas episode?

If you remember back to Rose Tyler, when she tried to save her dad, she came into contact with her baby self and that caused a big load of **** to start happening, and I remember the Doctor saying something about how you are not allowed to meet yourself from another time.

Then last night, that big evil man hugged his younger self, and yet everything was alright. Can anybody explain why this was able to happen?
TBH the continuity was all wrong anyway, the changing of the past seemed to be delayed with the old guy as an example. Think normally the christmas specials are a lot removed from the main series.
Am I the only one who thinks they screwed up big time with the Christmas episode?

If you remember back to Rose Tyler, when she tried to save her dad, she came into contact with her baby self and that caused a big load of **** to start happening, and I remember the Doctor saying something about how you are not allowed to meet yourself from another time.

Then last night, that big evil man hugged his younger self, and yet everything was alright. Can anybody explain why this was able to happen?

Mmm i was thinking along the same lines when that happened. "hang on he's hugging his younger self, isn't that a paradox with all of this time travel shennanigans, shouldn't something be wrong?"

As it's Doctor Who and firmly family/childrens entertainment, i don't expect the writing to be that precise. Might have something to do with the fact that Smiths/Moffats era is a bit of a restart, although it's probably just a massive goof.
Am I the only one who thinks they screwed up big time with the Christmas episode?

If you remember back to Rose Tyler, when she tried to save her dad, she came into contact with her baby self and that caused a big load of **** to start happening, and I remember the Doctor saying something about how you are not allowed to meet yourself from another time.

Then last night, that big evil man hugged his younger self, and yet everything was alright. Can anybody explain why this was able to happen?

There are fixed points in time that cannot be changed. The hole time war is locked but things like Roses dad dying and the volcano explosion in Pompei had to happen.
I don't think thats what he means.

In 'Fathers Day' (Link Below)'s_Day_(Doctor_Who)

The doctor specifically told Rose not to come into contact with her younger self. When she did, and physically held/touched her younger self it let one of the Reapers into the church they were all held up in, as it caused a Paradox.

However, in this episode, The old dude does much of the same thing (Granted not in a church) but he physically comes into contact with himself, which you think would cause a paradox and other mayhem.

But it's doctor who, wibbly wobbly timey wimey, the Doctor Who reason for anything that doesn't make sense.
It's Doctor Who, continuity isn't even a speck on the horizon it's so far away.

Thought the episode was enjoyable enough, Matt Smith put in a brilliant performance and Jenkin's singing was excellent as ever. Next season looks great.
I had two completely different experiences watching the Christmas special.

1.) Watching it on the telly with the family, Mom saying things and asking questions, others explaining, telling people to shut up. Verdict: Crap episode.

2.) Watching it a few nights later in bed (iPlayer on the iPhone 4 rocks!), no distractions, complete and total immersion wearing earphones to hear every word. Verdict: Completely and absolutely loved it.

It had an excellent Christmas feel, many of the others have seem to have lost that over the past years. The dialogue was great, very fast, cleaver and witty. Excellent story too.

Then again, I love Doctor Who so much. It's like being a child again to see it come on teh telly after such a long time of nothing.
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