Doctor Who

I think this has been the weakest series by far but that episode was exceptional. Just hope they didn't peak with the first episode because most two parters start strongly and finish on a whimper and PC deserves to go out on a high.

I reckon we've still got one big reveal/twist left as well :)

Missy to become the next Doctor perhaps?
One thing I wish they would stop is the "Coming next week" spoiler at the end of the program but atleast I be ready to turn over and not see it. The bigger problem is when the advertised the program by showing the "good" part of the next program. I want to watch next weeks episode next week not in 10 second advertises through out the week.

Maybe we should all complain about it
Not as enjoyable as the 1st part I thought. But still good fun.

However they still seem to keep falling into the same trap whenever a 'big moment' happens and they drag it out until all feeling is gone.
Missy and the Master were the highlight for the finale, felt like lazy writing to suddenly bring puddle girl back out of the blue.

6 month wait to find out what happens, it's like they watched The Walking Dead and decided having a crappy cliffhanger was the best way to end it.
Excellent, absolutely excellent.

I originally really disliked Capaldi as the Doctor, but now i see the (bad) writing was very much to blame and he was not supported when first taking the role. If this last 2 parter level of writing could have been kept up then he had the makings of being a fantastic Doctor. Disappointed to see him go now :( (he doesn't do the speeches as well as Matt Smith though).

Loved this episodes, nods back to original Cyberman (scarecrow cybermen were creepy AF!), Master and Missy dialogue (really like Simms as the Master) bringing back the 'Pilot' from a previous episode (fitting end for Bill). And really enjoyed that ending - just as the Doctor is ready to throw in the towel, "you are not THE Doctor, but A Doctor" - yeah!!!! That should be an interesting conversation come Christmas.

Did i say i really enjoyed these last 2 episodes??
And so we reach the twelfth Doctor’s final journey. Judging by the first Doctor’s clothing and dialogue, the snowy location they are in is the South Pole in 1986 during the closing moments of William Hartnell’s final story (and the first Cybermen tale), 1966’s The Tenth Planet. With the day saved, a very weak first Doctor declared to his companions Ben and Polly that he needed to leave for the TARDIS immediately and rushed out ahead of them. This final scene (and the Christmas special) almost certainly takes place between his leaving the Cybermen’s ship and Ben and Polly returning to the TARDIS to find the Doctor already inside and about to change for the first time…

But that’s a story for when the Doctors return at Christmas.
Thought that was another incredibly weak episode. Don't really know what the point of the Master or Missy being in it actually was, apart from a bit of banter between them all it felt like a wasted opportunity after Missy had been involved in so many episodes and the Master rarely appears. Why not let Bill go out in a blaze of glory and let Missy save the Doctor, would've justified her involvement for so long.

Christmas special looks like it could be interesting though.
I didn't quite understand what happened with Missy and the master... She "killed" him so that he would regenerate into her and he then "killed" her when she turned her back on him. He made it sound like that was the end for her as well. No regeneration would be possible due to the way he did it. If thats the case, when they were deliberating how to kill the doctor by dropping him off the roof a load of times didn't the master just zap him like he did Missy?
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