Except he has been Male since birth as we have seen him as a young boy...... BUT that's not even my issue with it, its not that fact they have gone with a female version of the doctor its the reasons behind why they did it and the lack of creative thinking where they could have gone with a new idea "hey, lets make a new strong female lead program", I can only guess they thought if they did think of something original with a female protagonist it would have fallen flat on its face, more fool them!
Also I loved the Missy take on the Master, the actress that played Missy would have done a great job as the Doctor which is a shame, also loved the Sarah Jane chronical (even if it was a proper kids show) so I have no problem with woman in lead roles or being the hero or even being the Doctor I just don't see why the media has to keep taking away Male heroes and replacing them with Female ones rather than coming up with new female heroes!