Refuse to bite
Now now, come along, play the know the internet is 50% about arguing and venting your real life frustrations
(the other 50% is about porn of course)
Refuse to bite
Thor, IronMan in comics, Ghostbusters, Starbuck from BG...
But the point I am trying to make is (but everyone can feel free to keep skipping over it) they feel the need to change established heroes from Male to Female rather than get creative and invent new Female Heroes.
There is enough room for both.
This is my take on it, and I am prepared to be corrected. There aren't enough female heroes in general. Generally I think the producers of TV Shows/Films don't generally believe people want to watch shows with female leads. They don't think it sells. You could create a new IP with a Female lead, but it is unlikely to be bought because of this belief it won't sell. However if you use an existing IP you get the opportunity to show it can work and potentially lead the way for new IP in the future with female leads.
Thor, IronMan in comics, Ghostbusters, Starbuck from BG...
But the point I am trying to make is (but everyone can feel free to keep skipping over it) they feel the need to change established heroes from Male to Female rather than get creative and invent new Female Heroes.
There is enough room for both.
Oh boy, I can feel the hate already xD
I just wish they'd done what they Trek people did. They didn't reboot with a female Kirk, they did Voyager with Janaway, who is a fantastic female character that had her own series and didn't hang off anyone's coat-tails. We need more good female characters, not less male ones. It just seems lazy and shows a lack of faith that they couldn't do a new character in a new show.
Except the times where he has said, on many occasion, and not just recently, that he has been a woman in the past.Except he has been Male since birth as we have seen him as a young boy...... BUT that's not even my issue with it, its not that fact they have gone with a female version of the doctor its the reasons behind why they did it and the lack of creative thinking where they could have gone with a new idea "hey, lets make a new strong female lead program", I can only guess they thought if they did think of something original with a female protagonist it would have fallen flat on its face, more fool them!
Also I loved the Missy take on the Master, the actress that played Missy would have done a great job as the Doctor which is a shame, also loved the Sarah Jane chronical (even if it was a proper kids show) so I have no problem with woman in lead roles or being the hero or even being the Doctor I just don't see why the media has to keep taking away Male heroes and replacing them with Female ones rather than coming up with new female heroes!
Hadnt considered Higson, but yeah he might have been good for it.
We could have had Swiss Doctor, "Driving the TARDIS is very much like making love to a beautiful woman....."
Thread derailment could happen with suggestions for the end of that sentence.
We could have had Swiss Doctor, "Driving the TARDIS is very much like making love to a beautiful woman....."
Thread derailment could happen with suggestions for the end of that sentence.
I don't have a problem with it. I do hope that they get their writing sorted tho. Less of all this BS Lefty rubbish crammed in for the PC crowd.
None of them are human. They are all Timelord. Timelord is the name of their species.So, to go back to the question I asked earlier, does anyone with a good knowledge of the Lore know if there has ever been a non human timeperson? Can they regenerate as another species or do they essentially have to always have gallifrey physiology?
None of them are human. They are all Timelord. Timelord is the name of their species.
Whether a Timelord and a Gallifreian are the exact same thing, or if Timelords live on other planets as well, remains to be seen...
Hehe, thats the internet for you, its full of hate. Sure I remember reading an article somewhere once that said the internet was the playground of angry middle aged people
One of the companions once said, "You look human", to which the Doc responds, "No, you look Timelord".Well, you know what I mean, human looking. Can a timeperson regenerate as a different species? Could they regenerate as a Sea Devil or an Ice Warrior or something, a Sontaran timeperson would be pretty cool