Doctor Who

Azagoth said:
That was mainly down to the Archangel satellite network though!

Yes, exactly, there was already a system in place to affect what people were thinking - they just overloaded it by thinking the same thing at once, then who knows what can happen?
the Face of Boe was shown back in season 1 "The Long Game", set in the year 200,000. Not enough time to evolve that much.

1 person can't evolve anyway, populations evolve, not individuals.
Of course he can't "evolve" - but he can change, in the same way as The Doctor changed dramatically as he got older. Perhaps when a humanoid has been living for 200,000 years it becomes a giant head. Plus, who knows what happens to a really old time agent anyway?
Simian said:
I think the Ring is like the Watch!... The Master up-Loaded himself to it as he was dying!... and the Hand was his wife retreving it from the ashes to Download him into a new body (hers or a stolen one!!) :cool:

I said exactly this to the wife when the episode finnished!!!...

Some of the most popular episodes have meen multiple-Doctor Episodes!...

The 5 Doctors anyone!!! :cool:

When one of them was actually a manikin?
Excellent story and priceless television.
I mentioned evolving because that's what was said further up the page, but yeah who knows what a 200,000 year old person would look like.
He didn't change much in 4,999,800,000 years mind you, compared to the first 200,000 (at which point he was pregnant). :eek:
Just seen this regarding the xmas episode over on outpost gallifray. apparently comes from a close source at the BBC.


The Doctor climbs aboard the Titanic and finds himself already there, as played by none other than Paul McGann! Anyway, the two Doctors team up and happen upon the schemes of the Ice Warriors and the Sea Devils, who have joined forces in the hopes of damning (hence the episode's title) the entire Atlantic Ocean! Anyway, the cliffhanger will see the McGann Doctor regenarate into Eccleston!

To me it dosent sound likley as im sure McGann has said he has no desire to reprise the role of the doctor.
MeatLoaf said:
To me it dosent sound likley as im sure McGann has said he has no desire to reprise the role of the doctor.

Money!.. Money!.. Money!.. Money!.. Money!.. Money!.. Money!.. Money!.. Money!.. Money!.. Money!.. Money!..

Oh and did I say...

Money!.. :D

He's not done anything much lately (non of the McGann's have really!!) so a bit of a Carrot dangled!!... of am I just an old Cynic!.. :p
MeatLoaf said:
And why is it the titanic can rip a hole in the side of the tardis? when its survived dalek torpedoes - falling off a cliff - allsorts.

Yes, I was going to ask that as well but I found this in Wikip.

"The TARDIS has been shown to be incredibly rugged, withstanding gunfire (the 1996 Doctor Who television movie), temperatures of 3000 degrees without even scorching ("42"), and falls in excess of several miles ("The Satan Pit"). In The Curse of Peladon, after the TARDIS fell down the side of a cliff (and was later found to be undamaged) the Third Doctor remarked that it "may have its faults, but it is indestructible." Though consistent for things not intended to destroy the TARDIS, this clearly doesn't apply when facing more advanced weapons, such as Dalek missiles ("The Parting of the Ways"), which require additional shielding. At the end of "Last of the Time Lords", the bow of the RMS Titanic smashes into the console room. This contradicts with the facts that the exterior and interior of the TARDIS are in separate dimensions, and that the TARDIS is indestructable. This may or may not be resolved in the following episode, "Voyage of the Damned".

Also, whose hand was seen in the jar in the Tardis??
The hand was the Doctors hand. He lost it in the Christmas Special Episode "The Christmas Invasion" when fighting the leader of the Sycorax. But because he was in the first few hours of his regeneration, he just grew another one.

The hand in the jar then first appeared in the 2nd episode of Torchwood, in the possesion of Captain Jack. In the final episode the jar lit up and started bubbling letting Jack know that the Doctor had arrived.

In "Utopia" Jack is then seen running towards the Tardis with the jar in his bag and he mentions he used it as a Doctor detector. The Master then steals the hand as we find out in "The Sound of Drums" and uses the Doctors' biological code so that he could make the Doctor older.

Presumably after Jack is done with the Doctor, he has no more use for the hand, and so the Doctor takes it for safe keeping.

As for Jack, I think it's a shame that we may not see him in Doctor Who again as I think he is a great sidekick. His advantage is that he already knows about the Doctor, what he can do, already knows about Time Travel, Time Vortex, Time War, so he can just take it in his stride. He could always be written in, but he did get all the answers he was looking for, so he doesn't really have much use for the Doctor.
MeatLoaf said:
Just seen this regarding the xmas episode over on outpost gallifray. apparently comes from a close source at the BBC.


The Doctor climbs aboard the Titanic and finds himself already there, as played by none other than Paul McGann! Anyway, the two Doctors team up and happen upon the schemes of the Ice Warriors and the Sea Devils, who have joined forces in the hopes of damning (hence the episode's title) the entire Atlantic Ocean! Anyway, the cliffhanger will see the McGann Doctor regenarate into Eccleston!

To me it dosent sound likley as im sure McGann has said he has no desire to reprise the role of the doctor.

would make sense as the bbc article says he has a new companion for the whole of season 4. Tennant and Eccleston phwoar. Outpost Galifrey is going on about Thomas Milligan, y'know that female doctors son as the next companion
Zoom7000 said:
As for Jack, I think it's a shame that we may not see him in Doctor Who again as I think he is a great sidekick. His advantage is that he already knows about the Doctor, what he can do, already knows about Time Travel, Time Vortex, Time War, so he can just take it in his stride. He could always be written in, but he did get all the answers he was looking for, so he doesn't really have much use for the Doctor.

I agree - I thought he made a good sidekick.

But, since we now know that he somehow becomes 'the face of Bo', I think we'll see him in the show again, perhaps something to do with his transformation. I'm certain they won't pass up an opportunity to expand on what they've left dangling.
Definate opportunity there.

If that Christmas Spoiler happens to be true then it'll definately make for a very interesting episode!

I still stand by my choice of Sally Sparrow for the new assistant! Hope the writers see the same way though.
davestar_delux said:
Do you think it is possible given the Paradox machine brought all the Tochlafain back from Utopia that there could also have been 2 Masters?

no i actually think the master transferred himself to lucy saxon beofre he was shot. He has the ability to do this - he did it in the TV movie.

They probably worked it out between them for lucy to shoot him. The reason he didnt regenerate is that lucy has his essence and therefore he couldnt.

At the same time the doctor thinks the only other member of his race is dead which leaves him alone once more as the last of the timelords.

And its possible that the paradox machine may still affect the tardis even tho it seems to have been removed which would allow the two doctors to interact at xmas if that rumour is true
So does the Doctor normally have to avoid any time frame that he has already visited, in order to avoid a paradox?
davestar_delux said:
Do you think it is possible given the Paradox machine brought all the Tochlafain back from Utopia that there could also have been 2 Masters?

No, all the paradox machine allowed was the future humans to kill the existing ones.
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