Doctor Who

Hmm, I've never watched Dr Who in my life. But I was hopping through the channels, and you have no idea how wierd it is to land on a channel where a Jammy dodger is being used as a weapon.
God that was crap. Way too cheesy...and then the iPod Daleks appeared making things worse. At least next weeks eps can't go wrong! Don't blink!
I know that Dr Who is cheesy at the best of times, but that episode went way beyond human levels of cheese and into some kind of quantum cheesiness.

That was SO cheesy that I had to open the windows in my house just to get rid of the smell.

Not hugely keen on the teletubbie daleks either.
I think the whole point of the new design of the Daleks is to give the people inside more room. Even on the now previous design the operators had to have their neck bent at akward angles to sit inside properly. The new design seems to be a few inches taller at least, they really do look a bit too bulky though.

Wtf were they thinking with all those different colours though.

Only good thing about this is it puts the daleks into the background as a threat building up, as opposed to them getting destroyed constantly at the end of an episode.
Note that this was an epsiode written for last series which was put off till now, so it's not a "current" era production in it's entirity. At least that's what I was told.
oh noooes a bomb!

umm, load scientist onto tardis, take tardis to dalek ship, dump scientist, let him blow the daleks to bits. job jobbed.

Would make it a bit tricky to pad out the NEXT return of the daleks though ...
Hmmmm.... not entirely happy with that episode at all :(

Was lacking "oomph" throughout.
Although the jammy dodger bit was a highlight.

......... and the "WOULD YOU LIKE A CUP OF TEA" bit got me chuckling too :D
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......... and the "WOULD YOU LIKE A CUP OF TEA" bit got me chuckling too :D
I enjoyed that too.

This is the first episode of Doctor Who I've seen since Catherine Tate joined the show. It felt too schmaltzy even by modern Doctor Who standards.

Why didn't the Daleks blow up their scientist as soon as the Doctor had served his purpose?

The zero-g-spitfires were pretty cool though.
If entirely non-sensical (I mean more so than usual at least)

Tonights episode was a bit poor and the whole talking to the bomb scene was a bit daft and overly long, should have just tossed him into the nearest black hole.

Glad they have the Daleks back as a full on force though I just hope we won't see them again until next season.
Liked the first two episodes but this one... oh dear, utterly naff. I also let out a laugh of disbelief when the new Fisher Price Daleks appeared, whose idea was that! I wasn't expecting much from the Daleks episode but this was worse than I ever would have imagined. Oh well, here is hoping it will go back to the level of the first two episodes.
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