Doctor Who

My main gripe is Miss Pond. Her character is completely useless and just too out of place, even moreso than sodding K.Tate could ever be. She maybe nice eye candy yes, but her character just looks lost in almost every episode.

I normally watch each episode twice to pick up on bits I've missed out. I don't think I can handle watching last nights one a second time due to a lot of stuff mentioned above. Oh and also do away with the stupid comedy backing music fs.
Speaking of latest Dr Who that I'm only just watching ...

nom nom nom
That episode wasn't up to much. Obviously just someone's random idea for an episode and then they tack on the cracks bit to make it gel with the rest of the series.

The next episode does, indeed, look very good.
God the acting quality in this last episode was abysmal, oh and don't even get me started on that ****ing ridiculous "arms out and hissing" malarkey the fish vampires had going on.

I was under the impression the writing was supposed to be better with Moffat, not the worst so far.

I do however have high hopes for the next eipsode.
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I think this new series is missing Russell T Davies who wrote the previous series with David Tennant and Christopher Eccleston.

Storys have not matched up to previous series, i do think Matt smith has the potential to be a good doctor mind, he can only work with what is written for him just my opinion
Russell T Davies was **** all the best Doctor Who episodes since the revamp have been written by Moffat.
I'd agree with that but under his direction this series is failing badly. I hope things improve but I can't help but think he should've been kept as a writer for the odd episode here and there rather than be given overall control.
That episode was neither written nor directed by Moffat - he's just the executive producer. There's only some much executive producing can do to save a badly written, badly directed episode.
Moffat is only writing 6 of the 13 episodes (4 of which have already aired) with the last two being the season finale im guessing. As has been said he's not the only person working on the show. You're still going to have the completely crap episodes. With the ratio of good against crap episodes being higher than what it was with RTD.
i think people are seeing the RTD through rose tinted glasses.

it had its fair share of average to crap episodes. so far we've had 3 definite maybe 4 good to great episodes. personally wasnt fussed with this weeks, better than the dalek rubbish but not great. was decent

next weeks looks very interesting and should be a cracker as it looks creative.
So the crack is bleeding through dimensions and has the ability to demolish worlds and allow life forms to pass between. I like how that could be a justification for all these aliens simply appearing on earth throughout Doctor Who.

What did Rory mean by the doctor being right about "it" blocking out everything else. I'd be surprised if he already knew about the crack.
So the crack is bleeding through dimensions and has the ability to demolish worlds and allow life forms to pass between. I like how that could be a justification for all these aliens simply appearing on earth throughout Doctor Who.

What did Rory mean by the doctor being right about "it" blocking out everything else. I'd be surprised if he already knew about the crack.

I think it's a way for Moffat to literally wipe the slate clean and undo some of the more horrible decisions in the previous shows (such as the mad Timelords).
What did Rory mean by the doctor being right about "it" blocking out everything else. I'd be surprised if he already knew about the crack.

he was talking about the adventures with the doctor.

everybody who has gone along with the doctor finds it difficult to integerate back into normal society because of the experience. it basicly numbs any other occasion, blocks it out, because all you think about is the wonderful things you've seen with the doctor.

nothing to do with the pandorica situation.
Jeez. Doesn't Ninja Cat remind you of the weeping angels. Especially when it climbs the chair legs.

Creepy and cool at the same time.

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^^ Awesome!
Has anyone else watched the Sarah Jane Adventures? Just started watching it on iplayer. Damn it's soooooo much better than the latest Dr Who! A propper kids show adults can enjoy too, great fun :)

Here's my list of Dr Who pet hates (in true 'quick to the internetzz' style!)

1. Amy pond is terrible, K-9 has more character his stupid antenna! Wonder who she ****** to get the part? Or is she Romana 3? :eek:

2. Series story arcs can gtfo! They've completely ruined so many modern era Dr Who episodes.

3. The whole "last of the time lords" wore thin a long long time ago, every episode I half expect the Dr to start singing "I'm So Ronery, So ronery, So ronery and sadry arone" :D
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