Doctor Who

^^ Awesome!
Has anyone else watched the Sarah Jane Adventures? Just started watching it on iplayer. Damn it's soooooo much better than the latest Dr Who! A propper kids show adults can enjoy too, great fun :)

Yes I watched the two that Tennant was in last year, probably the worst thing I have ever seen, terrible acting combined with terrible plotlines, combined with a sonic lipstick and K9. It just needs crazy frog as the theme tune to complete it really.
^^ Awesome!
Has anyone else watched the Sarah Jane Adventures? Just started watching it on iplayer. Damn it's soooooo much better than the latest Dr Who! A propper kids show adults can enjoy too, great fun :)

Here's my list of Dr Who pet hates (in true 'quick to the internetzz' style!)

1. Amy pond is terrible, K-9 has more character his stupid antenna! Wonder who she f$%"^d to get the part? Or is she Romana 3? :eek:

2. Series story arcs can gtfo! They've completely ruined so many modern era Dr Who episodes.

3. The whole "last of the time lords" wore thin a long long time ago, every episode I half expect the Dr to start singing "I'm So Ronery, So ronery, So ronery and sadry arone" :D

yeh i dont think i can agree with any of your pet hates. if your getting sick of the 'last of his race' theme your watching the wrong show.
I wanted to try out a few episodes of the Sarah Jane Adventures, but I'd heard such awful things about the show. Maybe I could give the first few episodes a try, since you're the first person to ever say a good thing about the show.
Bit of character development (which is good), story line was a bit so so (which is disappointing). Still not sure what to make of this series, not sure if I might just be a bit older and less interested in Sci. Fi. or if the writing is off.
After seeing the preview at the end of last weeks show, I knew this episode would be poor. Spent most of my time browsing the web as I watched - it was that dull.
decent episode, enjoyed the dream lord bits, rest was a bit meh, and i am increasingly wanting rory dead, hes annoying as hell, this is doctor who, i dont care about amy ponds fiance, hes a turd.
Didn't think it was too bad. I like the whole series story arc and having rory places more emphasis on what the companion has to give up.
Quite liked it as well even if the ending was a bit too soppy (and obvious).

Not sure how they got away with the main characters killing themselves (even if they were just waking up) in a kids TV show though :p
Did we all watch the same episode? I thought this was great!!

To me it was very much a story behind the story.

The other companions have met the doctor and stayed with him for a short period of time but the connection between the companion and doctor has been very strong. So strong that when the time comes to part ways, the companions are left and almost stranded with no idea of how to go back to a normal life. Not the mention the feeling of guilt or desires that the doctor has with his companions, which are only amplified when he has to leave them.

Amy had lost her parents at a young age and was a child when the doctor entered her life. When the doctor left (after a mere few minutes) she attached to him and become obsessed, none of the other companions had this link before the doctor took them on his travels. So the doctor returns to find that she's lived her life for many years in complete obsession and when he takes her on his travels he realises how dangerous this is for her and how she would become a lost soul (much more than any of the other companions) when the time comes for them to part ways.

Hence introducing Rory in the previous episode and the whole reason why the psychic pollen made the doctors mind create these dream worlds to reveal all the doctors true concerns for Amy while fighting his connection/desires for her too.

Granted, it is a little soppy and love story-esque but... I loved it.
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