Doom Eternal

The ;post swings and wall climbing sessions look a lot easier in the videos and some of them could have been a bit easier For some of them it's more like spiderman and a parkour session. I think that a lot of players who can't get past a certain jumping/swinging/climbing section're going to be put off becuase they can't get any further no matter how many goes they have at it.

I do love some of the meat hook stunts you can pull off getting into more of The Ancient Gods part 1. As you need the speed on Nightmare.

I played Doom in the 90s as a child, but now I get to know Lore Doom much better - now I play Doom: Eternal and I like it very much, I recommend it to everyone, although it's not the same atmosphere as in the previous part
Picked this up in the last Steam sale and whilst I think it's good. It's quite far removed from Doom 2016 and the original Doom games.

For me it's a touch on the difficult side with it being far too easy to die or run out of ammo in early levels. I completed Doom 2016 on Nightmare after originally completing it on "Hurt me plenty." But I die an awful lot in DE on the same difficulty setting.

There's also a bit too much platforming and basic puzzle solving, which ebbs it further away from Doom games.
Picked this up in the last Steam sale and whilst I think it's good. It's quite far removed from Doom 2016 and the original Doom games.

For me it's a touch on the difficult side with it being far too easy to die or run out of ammo in early levels. I completed Doom 2016 on Nightmare after originally completing it on "Hurt me plenty." But I die an awful lot in DE on the same difficulty setting.

There's also a bit too much platforming and basic puzzle solving, which ebbs it further away from Doom games.

Nightmare on The Ancient Gods part 1 and the Nightmare Master levels is pure craziness. You're fighting aimbots in so many crazy tight spaces that keep coming for you until the main demon has been killed.

It seems Nightmare is another jump in the Ancient Gods part one compared to Nightmare in the campaign. More so with the possessed demons that come at you 100mph. As you must kill the spirit before it finds another host or it's more pain. Plus the possessed are very tanky. Even the BFG never took out a possessed demon and I shot it right into its body. :cry:
Nightmare on The Ancient Gods part 1 and the Nightmare Master levels is pure craziness. You're fighting aimbots in so many crazy tight spaces that keep coming for you until the main demon has been killed.

It seems Nightmare is another jump in the Ancient Gods part one compared to Nightmare in the campaign. More so with the possessed demons that come at you 100mph. As you must kill the spirit before it finds another host or it's more pain. Plus the possessed are very tanky. Even the BFG never took out a possessed demon and I shot it right into its body. :cry:

I doubt I'll pick up the DLC. I'm already at 8 hours playtime and I'm at the first major arena fight of level four. Or where ever it is you first encounter a Pinky.
Anyone got any tips for me for the Ancient Gods 2, final boss? I'm not having any joy... I'm on step 4/5.

Isn't he practically a giant Marauder? Green eyes and fast dodging...
I'm sure he's impossible or my version is bugged - I'm making more progress but he just just on regenerating... it's like 2 steps forwards and 10 back!

Are there any vids out there with commentary?
The fight has been modified/bug fixed since I did it. But as the above video shows, the whole fight is:

Shotgun to the face to stagger, quick switch combo + hammer to damage down, control adds. Repeat.

The bosses regeneration mechanic used to be so broken I almost binned off TAG2 completely.
So I'm on the Urdak boss fight and I'm supposed to deplete her shields until she turns green then use the super shotgun meathook to pull me close enough to bloodpunch. Except the meathook almost never works. The icon is green and I press mouse 2 and nothing happens.

Now I've used the meathook and super shotgun a lot during my play through so far and so I'm pretty sure I'm doing it properly.

Anyone have any ideas where I'm going wrong?
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Managed to do it using the light beam jumps rather than the meathook, which is very hit and miss (mostly miss) even when aimed dead centre. Missile lockon was also very flakey.
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