Doom - The Dark Ages (2025)

Very much looking forward to this game though, another glorious path traced title, good time to be a #RTXON gamer :cool:

Whilst blackwell is a bit underwhelming from initial specs, I suspect we will see some nice optimisations for blackwell over previous rtx gpus especially where new RT tech is used and I won't be surprised if we start seeing these big path traced titles like doom to be using it. AW 2 is getting some of this stuff and I won't be surprised to see other older titles getting updates especially in the nvidia sponsored titles.

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Interesting on the hit detection. Only time i've noticed hit detection doing something is when in PVP years ago, the rest of the time i don't recognise it as it has just always worked since hit boxes got tighter. Doom is what i consider mostly a single player game, i can't see the tech making any difference to me at all.

Projectile weapons more fun anyway. :D
Spray and pray.
Bouncing shots.
Trip style bombs.
Cluster bombs.
Blast radiuses.
I played Doom 2016 but never played Doom Eternal.

It looks good but currently cannot deicide if I am going to get it or not
@TNA Will write us a step by step account on how he pre-ordered it for £25 (when factoring in cashback, inflation, etc), only to actually play or finish the game when it is then costing £10.

I will buy this one day. But certainly not on release. Probably after a year. Never did complete Eternal.
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