Dr. Disrespect permanently banned from Twitch

3 Aug 2010
If this results in any criminal conviction, surely this is the end of Twitch as a platform?

Would this go down as perverting course of justice? aiding and abetting?
If you have followed previous stories that the same clout chasers, who are now involved in this story regurgitating the same information, in the end they came down to nothing.

Remember everyone pretending to be involved in this case is after fame and money nothing more.

I would not be surprised if it all fizzles out because there is not much to it.

The whole thing started from an ex-Twitch.tv employee trying to promote his small-time band :cry:
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3 Aug 2015
If you have followed previous stories that the same clout chasers, who are now involved in this story regurgitating the same information, in the end they came down to nothing.

Remember everyone pretending to be involved in this case is after fame and money nothing more.
Oh I know this, I haven't really believed half the stuff that's come out, apart from twitch employees being vengeful, that I can really believe.
17 Aug 2009
The whole thing started from an ex-Twitch.tv employee trying to promote his small-time band :cry:

And Doc has confessed broadly to what that person said.

I still doubt it's illegal so does the public deserve to know a streamer got fired for sending a minor half his age dirty messages. With awareness of her being a minor (Bloomberg).

Well that and he was then free with this lack of public awareness to continue being a streamer...
26 May 2009
What's the name of the felony?
They don't all have specific names, many are just codes/subsections and referred to as such, see below:

Now, as the dust begins to settle, journalists and fans are asking if any of Beahm’s “inappropriate” messages, which Conners described as “sexting” in his X post, could possibly be a breach of California state laws. Given Beahm's residency and Twitch's headquarters in California, any misconduct might fall under the jurisdiction of the state's Penal Code statutes. The place has some of the toughest laws in the United States when it comes to protecting minors online or otherwise.

While Beahm has said that his situation was a civil dispute and that no criminal case or charges were ever filed, it would be appropriate to note some of the California statutes that have been put in place to protect children.

The most basic law on the books is CA PC 647.6, which states that annoying or molesting a child under 18 is illegal in the state of California. "Annoy" or "molest" in this instance means the same thing and refers to conduct motivated by a sexual interest in a child that is likely to disturb, irritate, or be observed by a child. This could include sending a minor explicit messages or nude photos online or via phone, or engaging in lewd conversations with them.

PC 288.3 says that every person who contacts or communicates with a minor, or attempts to contact or communicate with a minor, who knows or reasonably should know that the person is a minor, with intent to commit an offense specified in various other California PC sections is guilty of a felony.
22 Nov 2005
i genuinely think people enjoy it.. unfortunately a trend set by the media and copied by the general public. the only difference being the media do it for money and what do the general public get out of it?
maybe he'd prefer the good old fashioned trial by pitch forks or a good old lynching?

If they didn't care then why do they always release such sincere apology videos. :p
Maybe they just don't want the east life and free money for doing nothing to end. also they will all be narcist attention seekers.

it amazes me how some of them are so big but don't really offer anything of value...

it's like a nepo industry now as well where you get your friends famous and lock down the industry as much as possible.

one way to do that is award shows which they already started patting their own backs like Hollywood elites
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30 Jan 2007
West Sussex
Well i used to enjoy some of his streams but with his admission and the latest accusations im not sure even if he comes back (im not sure he will come back to streaming) I would watch him. Without him playing off other streams like Tim or Zlaner it wont be as entertaining.

As i said in a previous post, what ever messages were sent if it reached the threshold of being illegal Twitch would have been duty bound to report it and he would have been charged Criminally and thats all public record. Twitch probably terminated his contract by apply the wrong reasoning or in a procedurally wrong way hence the payout, Twitch also probably wanted to keep the fact you could message a minor in this way quiet and probably led to the features removal

There is a perverse hypocracy in what content is allowed on Twitch and how easily accessible that is to minors when you compare it to this news.
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14 Jun 2004
maybe he'd prefer the good old fashioned trial by pitch forks or a good old lynching?
towns people : towns people gath chanting and shouting accusation
DrD : *Looks outside at the mod*
DrD : "she's a witch she bewitched me and made me send those messages, i was a happily marriad family man before!"
towns people : "a Witch!! we love a good witch burnin!! lets go get her"
DRD : *goes on merry way*

at least the pitch forks and lynching achieved something.. sadly so for all the inocently and wrongly accused victims of those era's (not our finest times in history)
mob justic isnt the anwser. unless people get off on technicallity in which case it becomes questionable depenant on a load of things.

one of the case defences for DrD would be he was "in character" when sending msgs (you dont want to talk to Guy you want to talk to DrD as thats the persona your used to), given his character discription, its a stretch and thin defence,
there was a question raised over mental healther and welbeing were he may have becoming his charecter after so long "playing" him. but thats a road they dont really want to go down and explore it has its own issues.
im sure both was mentioned in here already.

Twitch probably terminated his contract by apply the wrong reasoning
im was wondering if it was an easy way to either not pay him the value they wanted / contracted to.
if i remember correctly there were or have been a whole slew of high payed streamers let go one way or other.
13 Aug 2008
And Doc has confessed broadly to what that person said.

I still doubt it's illegal so does the public deserve to know a streamer got fired for sending a minor half his age dirty messages. With awareness of her being a minor (Bloomberg).

Well that and he was then free with this lack of public awareness to continue being a streamer...
Re half his age comment.

Why is a person seeing someone half their age a problem exactly?
12 Jan 2009
The ex employee saying he knew she was a minor and continued regardless, doesn't mention the police. What, they weren't informed? They were but saw not enough to go on?
3 Aug 2015
ITT: some people weirdly defensive of an online groomer :p
Some people dont believe children online crying loudly because something didnt go the way they wanted.

My statement above is no better or worse than yours.
2 sides to every story, no one in here knows the actual truth, yet maybe.

Think is down to two things;
1 - Twitch have covered up and not reported questionable behaviour in line with law after what Doc has written. Both parties horrifically in the wrong and deserve sufficient punishment.

2 - The chats were not criminal and ex employees have raised this outside of their NDA and contracts as they dont agree with the outcome of investigation and resolution. Whistleblowing on something they might not understand the true ramifications of doing so. If this is the case, doc wins a another payout and ex twitch employees get black booked.

If its a combination of both, please see the end of #1.
14 Jun 2004
2 - The chats were not criminal and ex employees have raised this outside of their NDA and contracts as they dont agree with the outcome of investigation and resolution. Whistleblowing on something they might not understand the true ramifications of doing so. If this is the case, doc wins a another payout and ex twitch employees get black booked.
with a possible unjustified damaged carear, ending future oppatunites. - added for completenets. - again not defending just adding for completeness untill content if verified released for the mass public to confirm or legal & federal parties to review.

3) the minor, if there are criminal charges brought up could be entitled to damages and claims from both parties. - again everyones seems to forget about the 3 person/party in this whole mess and what impact this may be having on them.
"Won't somebody please think of the children!"
if they were 17 at the time (2027), they are not 17 now and they will be above the legal age of 21 (in the us) and approx 24yrs old now. (they can speak up if they want now to either attack, defend or post a netral statement or say nothing at all(seems to be the case, and the safest course of action in most cases) )
They reported it in 2020 based on the etails i've read so far, so i can see them potentially reporting it again, depends if the previous claim was legitament and or if the expirence was a bad one for them and knocked their confidence enough they wouldnt report it even if it was grooming for fear of not being taken seriously (a common problem with abused (not spesifically sexual) people).
so expect a series of "it was me" and "exclusive interviews" if they (multiple people) are interested in money and want to try their hand over next few weeks.
17 Aug 2009
That's a lot of extrapolation.

It could more easily stop dead right here. The confession has broadly met the accusation, verified sources confirmed it. That loop is closed. Even the document that's not public, still basically the same thing.

Twitch gave a lot of money to Doc to get out and shut up. If that's what Doc got, the minor could still burn them by going public. Unless she also felt satisfied at the outcome. Like, in writing, saying she hands back that satisfaction if she's not 100% satisfied. Well we didn't hear a single squeak for four years and there's no reason if Doc confessed to risk anything now.
3 Aug 2015
with a possible unjustified damaged carear, ending future oppatunites
Another payout for him.

Well we didn't hear a single squeak for four years and there's no reason if Doc confessed to risk anything now.
Agreed. We really could do with their input to say, dealt with lets drop it or start getting more payouts themselves.

From the current POV, this has been bought up by an ex employee of twitch who has decided to whistleblow on something he was not happy with the outcome.
31 Jan 2022
ITT: some people weirdly defensive of an online groomer :p


I was watching a documentary the other day that was saying that once people make up their minds, the majority will fiercely defend their point of view even in the light of overwhelming evidence. In fact, arguments only serve to further entrench people in the views they already held.

The reason for this is that most people believe they are above average at forming opinions, and the vast majority of people they talk to will be wrong. :cry:
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26 May 2009
I was talking with some friends about this today and somebody raised a good point.

We're all assuming that if it's true, the bad stuff happened in 2017, then in 2020 Twitch found out and canned him. But that doesn't necessarily have to be true.

It's entirely possible that Twitch found out before then, and turned a blind eye as he was too important/valuable to them. Then on 22/06/20 Microsoft announced Mixer would be shutting down, and Twitch just said "Well, we have a Monopoly now, lets just fire DrD with cause and save over $10m, what's he going to do stream on YouTube? lol".

I hadn't considered it before and it could simply be coincidence but the fact they "found out" four days after he went from being their MVP to being a superfluous expense redundant is highly suspicious.
18 Dec 2004
NE England
Some people dont believe children online crying loudly because something didnt go the way they wanted.

My statement above is no better or worse than yours.
2 sides to every story, no one in here knows the actual truth, yet maybe.

Think is down to two things;
1 - Twitch have covered up and not reported questionable behaviour in line with law after what Doc has written. Both parties horrifically in the wrong and deserve sufficient punishment.

2 - The chats were not criminal and ex employees have raised this outside of their NDA and contracts as they dont agree with the outcome of investigation and resolution. Whistleblowing on something they might not understand the true ramifications of doing so. If this is the case, doc wins a another payout and ex twitch employees get black booked.

If its a combination of both, please see the end of #1.

Yes but also, there would be no grooming story if Doc wasn’t grooming. He’s admitted it - all we’re discussing is the severity of it at this point.

For the majority of people who have kids (ironically including the Doc himself), this is not a sliding scale, there is no consideration for “only being a little noncey”. This will cover the majority of people making business/partnering decisions involving him, especially from a business optics perspective.

The fact a lot of people would still watch him and still support him will not get him re-platformed imo. He has repeatedly shown himself to be a liability and for many crossed a red line of which there’s no return.

As I said, this is only a story because Guy Beihm has been grooming.
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