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I just really want this game to work, so frustrating as said the other day...there is clearly a good game under the flaws.

You're right there.

I gave it a good go yesterday, in fact played it solidly for about 5 hours and it really is fantastic, and at times with all the display huds switched off it can look photo realistic.

The servers are more reliable but still go down, but I'm connected more than im not unlike at launch.

I just hope they don't let us down with the weather and replays etc.

I also personally think those who pre ordered should get season pass free as a goodwill gesture.
What do you want us to do about it, lol?

Opinions are like bumholes fella, everyone has one and some of them stink.

I was just pointing out that he wasn't wrong, so I failed to see why it had no validity in this thread - if you found that off topic where were you earlier in the thread...
I was just pointing out that he wasn't wrong, so I failed to see why it had no validity in this thread - if you found that off topic where were you earlier in the thread...

Those who don't own both consoles couldn't care less about whether or not a game that you find a game that they can't play is better.

They are two good but different games trying to achieve different things, (one is currently failing clearly.) it's pointless to keep waffling on about it.

People interested to hear you fap over Forza are in the Forza thread.
Japan is a location, captured from a weather demo video by Evolution.


What were playing now is probably using 80% of the PS4 power, the weather, reflections, extra physics it uses must take up a fair amount of resources itself.


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