Driveclub more details

20 Aug 2009
For me being primarily a PC gamer where im playing games like assetto corsa at 144hz and 150fps 30fps of course isn't ideal but aslong as its a smooth 30fps and no silly drops im perfectly fine with that.
The bigger deal breaker for me would be lack of Logitech wheel support as I just hate racing games on a pad..they don't compare at all.

To say they haven't put in extra effort though is crazy talk... they have clearly put so much effort into the graphics and effects and atmosphere of the game that it looks easily the most impressing looking racing game this year even when compared to PC games like project cars.

A lot of games are going to be 30fps this gen as a lot of developers clearly prefere adding more graphical effects than a higher frame rate which im fine with personally.
The only games where 30fps would bother me is online shooters but I cant play those without a mouse and keyboard anyway so that's not an issue for me.
21 Oct 2002
East England
Not sure why the poster believes you can't tell the difference between 60/120 FPS. As the owner of one of the Samsung A23A700D 120hz monitors bought from here a few years ago, I can confirm that you absolutely can tell the difference between 60 and 120 FPS. I would personally struggle to go back to a 60hz screen now.

There's simple tests you can look at here.

What I would say though is that the difference isn't as noticeable as the jump from 30 to 60 FPS and 60 should be the minimum developers aim for. But I wouldn't avoid buying a 30 FPS game as I said before, it just a shame that either of these consoles wasn't more powerful so that we really were in the true age of 1080/60 games.
20 Aug 2009
Well that's just daft anyway. Your eye cannot process that.

Im not saying your eye can process it lol im purely saying racing at 144hz is always better when the FPS can match the refresh rate.

60fps is perfectly fine on a PC but when your running 144hz its always better when your fps can match your refresh rate.
Plus in all my years playing counterstrike I could very much tell a difference even between 60fps and 120fps. Like posted above its not a huge difference but you notice it.

Im perfectly fine with 30fps though for driveclub if theres no drops and its a smooth 30fps.
Just give me that Logitech wheel support and ill be happy!
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14 Dec 2010
Im not saying your eye can process it lol im purely saying racing at 144hz is always better when the FPS can match the refresh rate.

60fps is perfectly fine on a PC but when your running 144hz its always better when your fps can match your refresh rate.
Plus in all my years playing counterstrike I could very much tell a difference even between 60fps and 120fps. Like posted above its not a huge difference but you notice it.

Im perfectly fine with 30fps though for driveclub if theres no drops and its a smooth 30fps.
Just give me that Logitech wheel support and ill be happy!

The weather effects seem to do a good job of masking the 30fps from what i've seen. If the car handling is responsive, 30fps won't matter too much. Glad it's a freebie with PS+ to test it out.
12 Mar 2008
West sussex
Saying that it looks better that project cars is a bit off ;) pcars is a lot nicer model wise etc..

Their weather effects look great and I'd say drive club may have done it better than pcars but I can't compare till I play dclub. And I've played pcars quite a bit.
20 Aug 2009
Saying that it looks better that project cars is a bit off ;) pcars is a lot nicer model wise etc..

Their weather effects look great and I'd say drive club may have done it better than pcars but I can't compare till I play dclub. And I've played pcars quite a bit.

Cant really compare till we play it can we...but ans course detail looks better in Driveclub to models? hard to say until its released.
Project cars looks good but a lot of the pictures iv seen from it are at crazy supersampled resolutions. Comparing 1080p to 1080p going from videos DC looks better in my eyes. The only time iv been wowed by project cars is in the neogaf forum when people have posted crazy high upscaled pics and the track detail doesn't look that spectacular..mostly just the car models.
Il be getting both as I love racing games but DC has definatly wowed me more than Project cars has.
27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
Probably not the most pertinent thread for this post, but seemed the most obvious - theres a neogaf thread discussing legacy Logitech wheel support on the PS4 and tbh its looking very very unlikely. This goes for pretty much all other wheels (doesnt for some existing Thrustmaster wheels) and also affects things like fighting sticks...

This isnt a situation dissimilar to whats happened on the XO, its just that MS were upfront that no X360 device would work on the XO.

Pretty annoyed thats its dragged on for so long without a clear answer - personally Im very unlikely to replace my G25 or buy any racing sim on the PS4 that works best with a wheel...

ps3ud0 :cool:
21 Oct 2002
East England
Yes, saw this last night too. The detailed reply at post #107 is epic.

Whilst this isn't that different from previous generations it would basically makes me think twice about spending huge sums of money on a wheel for anything other than PC.
17 Oct 2002
Really can't wait for this. Remembered last night I had it pre-ordered from Tesco for £20 thanks to CC vouchers :D

Do we know if clubs have size limits? Assuming there will be an OcUK club, but will it need splitting up into "teams"?
11 Sep 2011
Reykjavik, Iceland
is this still coming free on PS+?

I'm really not a racing game fan, but the way they are going with the social/club side of things has me interested. I'd like to give one a try so getting at least a watered down version for free is ideal - but I just haven't heard anything for a while.

Sods law is that I have no free time at home, but do have free time at work where games sites are blocked - luckiyl I can get news from others!

Game looks very nice and The Crew doesn't look very impressive from what I've seen so this and project cars are the 2 I'm deciding between
10 Dec 2008
Somewhere over there
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11 Sep 2011
Reykjavik, Iceland
Sweet that's fine by me. I can at least give it a good go and see how I feel. I've always 'wanted' to like a racing game, but just never did other than Wipeout. I Platinumed Wipout HD which was a real challenge considering I don't play the genre but that's quite different to a more typical racing game - it relises more on muscle memory and reactions which I'm good at.

Actual racing - I'm pretty bad but getting into a club and working with others etc sounds like a fun concept so I'm on-board for that. If I have fun for the first hour I'll go buy it
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