Driveclub more details

27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
I wondered when the 'reviews don't matter' would start rolling in.

Sometimes that's the case, but when the reviews are highlighting glaring areas of concern (can't turn off traction control etc, penalty system for cutting corners) then I think they are justified in putting what they feel as an appropriate score.
Really is that what you are gonna pick up on specific to my post? You really should look at my post history as its what I've always said.

Cheers for the concern

EDIT: and this is what I said only just yesterday about doing the same before reviews were even announced:
I think I'll bite on the preorder just after the 8th once I see peoples opinions (guess mainly Americans) - the preloading for me a good bonus.

I agree that the PS+ edition should have launched on PS update day if not earlier to entice people to upgrade to the full game - Driveclubs launch really is a fumble...

ps3ud0 :cool:
ps3ud0 :cool:
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9 Jul 2013
The Garden Tomb
I'm still looking forward to the PS+ version, what Destiny reminded me is that game reviewers aren't really worth worrying about. Hopefully get good impressions from people here that bought the US version, especially the content beyond the PS+ version...

ps3ud0 :cool:

Indeed, I have loved many games over the years that got panned by critics. Especially considering these are the same critics who often score Call of Duty games as 9 or 10 :p (not saying Driveclub is a 9 or 10, but not going to write it off based on critics alone)
28 Jan 2003
Really is that what you are gonna pick up on specific to my post? You really should look at my post history as its what I've always said.

Cheers for the concern

ps3ud0 :cool:

Wasn't picking up on it, just commenting further about review scores.

It is inevitable that when things like this happen (low scores) people say well reviews don't matter to me, I'll enjoy the game anyway, well in this instance the reviews highlight some pretty big enjoyment killers for me, and some areas that jut boggle the mind why they are not included.

And OT, I hate to think what state this game was in last November.
15 Aug 2005
lol at the general over-reaction on here, I thought OCuk was for grown-ups????

What overreaction? Do you mean the general feeling of disappointment and apprehension that many of us who were looking forward to this game now have?

Ultimately we'll all be able to decide for ourselves with the PS+ edition, but even the positive reviews are raising the same complaints so it's quite clear there have been some poor design and gameplay decisions made.
30 Dec 2010
Over here
This thread will now devolve into those trying to justify their pre-orders, and those feeling smug for not doing so. I will be trying the free version for sure to make up my own mind but I generally believe reviews when they all say the same thing.
5 May 2008
Ultimately we'll all be able to decide for ourselves with the PS+ edition, but even the positive reviews are raising the same complaints so it's quite clear there have been some poor design and gameplay decisions made.

It is a little disappointing and worrying. I'll check out the PS+ version to see how it plays. If I personally like it enough I will still buy it. If I don't I'll just wait for PCars.
9 Jul 2013
The Garden Tomb
This thread will now devolve into those trying to justify their pre-orders, and those feeling smug for not doing so. I will be trying the free version for sure to make up my own mind but I generally believe reviews when they all say the same thing.

I think the issue is that there is no other car racing alternative (except NFS Rivals...) on PS4 at the moment :(
4 Jan 2012
Based off the 2 and a half hours I was able to put into it this morning, I'm surprised by the low reviews. Funnily enough, the only reviews I even take the slightest bit of notice to are GameTrailers (they do the best video reviews) and they scored it a nice 8.6.

Reviewers are criticising it for being all graphics, 'no soul' (whatever that means?) - but to be honest the graphics aren't the best thing about it, for me the best thing was just how much FUN it is to race. If you're looking for a sim, yeah you're gonna be disappointed, but I wasn't.

To give people a rough idea of how long it will take to complete the main tour (career mode I guess) - each race has 3 stars you can obtain (for doing the challenges within the race like corner challenge, average speed, etc.) In total, there were around 200 or 250 stars to obtain, can't remember exactly, and by the end of me playing for just over 2 hours I had about 50 stars. I was able to do 95% of all the challenges of a race within my first attempt so far. The difficulty does increase as you go on, so I'm unsure as to whether I'll be able to keep that up.

I think the main deciding factor that people need to consider when thinking about buying the game is this - do you want to get involved in the online portion of the game? Not necessarily multiplayer races, but things like solo challenges, club challenges, etc. If you do, and you know people who will be playing this too, then it'll be worth every penny.

If you planned on buying this strictly to play offline only, with the career mode as your main objective, then you may feel short changed at £45 as it's no Gran Turismo. But at £30, IMO it's still worth a punt if you like racing games.
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21 Sep 2006
Well having played the game, albeit for a very short time, and the fact the retail only cost me £35 - I can safely say I've spent more than that on worse games..... Even if it only gives me a few months of a racing fix til something better (PCars??) is out.
24 Dec 2004
I think awaiting the free version and having a play before upgrading is the best idea. This is what I was going to do but couldn't resist the £29 pre-order deal. The force is weak with me lately...:)
18 Jan 2007
This thread will now devolve into those trying to justify their pre-orders, and those feeling smug for not doing so. I will be trying the free version for sure to make up my own mind but I generally believe reviews when they all say the same thing.

My only justificationfor the pre-order is that I only paid £25. If it's awful, no great loss, if it's great, it's a bargain! :)
24 Sep 2013
Based off the 2 and a half hours I was able to put into it this morning, I'm surprised by the low reviews. Funnily enough, the only reviews I even take the slightest bit of notice to are GameTrailers (they do the best video reviews) and they scored it a nice 8.6.

Reviewers are criticising it for being all graphics, 'no soul' (whatever that means?) - but to be honest the graphics aren't the best thing about it, for me the best thing was just how much FUN it is to race. If you're looking for a sim, yeah you're gonna be disappointed, but I wasn't.

To give people a rough idea of how long it will take to complete the main tour (career mode I guess) - each race has 3 stars you can obtain (for doing the challenges within the race like corner challenge, average speed, etc.) In total, there were around 200 or 250 stars to obtain, can't remember exactly, and by the end of me playing for just over 2 hours I had about 50 stars. I was able to do 95% of all the challenges of a race within my first attempt so far. The difficulty does increase as you go on, so I'm unsure as to whether I'll be able to keep that up.

I think the main deciding factor that people need to consider when thinking about buying the game is this - do you want to get involved in the online portion of the game? Not necessarily multiplayer races, but things like solo challenges, club challenges, etc. If you do, and you know people who will be playing this too, then it'll be worth every penny.

If you planned on buying this strictly to play offline only, with the career mode as your main objective, then you may feel short changed at £45 as it's no Gran Turismo. But at £30, IMO it's still worth a punt if you like racing games.

Thank you^^^^ from the horses mouth.

I'm looking forward to it.
24 Dec 2004
If they had re-released Forza 4 with an updated engine then I probably would have one. But I really don't care for Forza Horizon. Way too over-saturated. Think they should have stuck with the sim style racing.

They did Forza 5 :D

Horizon 2 is great fun to play which seems to be the part lacking in Driveclub. I will form my own opinions on Friday as tbh I like a mindless racer but we shall see.
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