Driveclub more details

21 Sep 2006
Nice to hear, someone who has actually played it.

Are penalties as bad as some people make out, are they given for the minor mistakes?

Also I've not researched much into the tracks and locations, are they real world tracks?


Penalties - I've tried to drive different ways. Very precise driving = no penalties. Even with lots of bumps and scrapes they had no affect. Cutting a bit of dirt = no penalties. There are a few courses where they have interesting interpretations of when to issue a "cutting corner" penalty.

If I drive really agressive and basically ram my way through, then yes you pick up some penalties - enough to bring the cars you've just rammed level with you, but then the penalty is over and you're back up to speed very quickly.

Honestly I've not found them an issue whatsoever - not had any penalties from an AI car ramming me yet (and due to the racing line issues you get bumped a LOT by AI).

Hardest thing so far in the game (and it's a practice/experience thing) is getting a tank slapper on at high speed. Having raced a fair bit IRL, I can say it's very well done :)
29 Jul 2014
I'm looking forward to playing this. For 29 quid (using cd keys) I'm sure I'll get enough enjoyment out of it. Well I suppose it cost me 19 quid technically, as I had a free £10 psn credit from the now tv trial promotion.

In all honesty though I wish evolution had created another motor storm, the aggressive a.i wouldn't have received any complaints as part of the fun in motor storm was knocking people off their bikes etc or pushing people off the edge of a cliff. Plus with the level of detail they would have put into it I reckon it would have been good.

Im sure I'll like this game as I'm a bit of a graphics whore and some of the graphics look stunning. I know that the graphics are supposedly inconsistent, but it was like that in previous motor storm games, at time the graphics were shocking but in motion on certain tracks it looked photo realistic.

I can't wait to get stuck in for an hour at midnight....I just hope there are no issues. I remember pre ordering watchdogs, it hit midnight and I couldn't play the damn game. It was ironic as I pre-ordered to play it as soon as it released but it turned out I had to wait a few days after release to play it. It was a massive farce with lots of people having the same pad lock issue.
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5 May 2008
Really pleased with all the positive reactions from people who are playing this. The server issues are a bit of a let down but that's not uncommon first week in. **** it, I'm buying it tonight.
4 Jan 2012
Loving this game so far, the later races get really tough and you will need to replay them quite a few times to get all the gold stars.

It's just a real shame about the server issues, I would have thought that at 10-11am UK time (the day before the UK launch!) would be a pretty quiet time for people playing as most yanks are in bed, but I still can't get on.
29 Jul 2014
Loving this game so far, the later races get really tough and you will need to replay them quite a few times to get all the gold stars.

It's just a real shame about the server issues, I would have thought that at 10-11am UK time (the day before the UK launch!) would be a pretty quiet time for people playing as most yanks are in bed, but I still can't get on.

What do you think of the graphics?
29 Jul 2014
Depends on the lighting - varies from brilliant to OMG WOW.

There are slight aliasing issues with some cars, but other than that it looks fantastic.

Cheers. Sounds good.

Jaggies won't bother me much as I'm sure in motion they're harder to spot.

I've watched lots of videos online but it's never the same as having it on your own to. Online videos even the good quality ones are always heavily compressed and never do games really good justice.

Only 13 hours to go...:D
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