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11 Sep 2013
South Yorkshire
I'm a PS+ member if I pre-order on playstation network, do I get to play tonight or do I have to wait for this free version to be released to play the full version I paid for?

If you pre order the PS Plus Upgrade option then you'll be able to play the game. Those who can't play are the ones who are waiting for the PS Plus free version. Basically, if you paid then you'll be able to play.
13 Aug 2008
I've put in a good 4 or 5 hours on this now, and really enjoying it.
It's good at what it's trying to be, and I can't wait to be racing against some RL players rather than AI. The AI does get annoying - not very well written as the cars just want the racing line regardless of where you are on track.

All the comments I've been reading about lack of customisation etc, I think they're really missing the point - cars are grouped into performance levels, with varying top speed, accel, handling, drifting etc - you take your pick and you race the best you can. It's much more focused on the driver and driving, which I really like.

If you get beaten badly on a track it's not because the car you're driving isn't capable of doing better, it's because you need more practise (<-- polite :))

Enjoying this more and more tbh. £35 very well spent.

So now you've played it you can add more to your description of the game than "It's just a racing game."

Interesting. :D
23 Jun 2009
I'm not a huge racing fan, which is probably why the lack of customisation is not an issue, will try out the free version and decide for myself whether I like it or not, to be honest if every game came with a proper free trial I would try pretty much all games in genres I enjoy regardless of how bad the reviews are (within reason).
24 Sep 2013
From elsewhere:

Played for about 2 hours, its not connected online so no online mid race face-offs.
Played a Time trial, hot lapping 6/7 laps on india on a circuit based track, Visuals in certain parts are'nt mindblowing then the Dynamic lighting kicks in and it goes from early morning to mid afternoon then to night. Wow its absolutely stunning and this is in a mini cooper, just enjoying the feel and scense of speed, its pretty much on the money.
Handling is smooth, and pretty much a perfect balance of sim, feels very Forza 4/5 like and arcade, This mini cooper in every viewpoint feels great and feels quite fast also. Feels perfect if you overcook a corner and you slam on and slightly flick the E-brake and it drifts perfectly. The lower cars are quite grippy.
Iam quite Hardcore so in forza i like sim steering and traction and all aids off.
This considering there is no adjustment whatsoever is pretty much in the middle.

I unlocked a BMW in the sports then Maserati in performance and as soon as you step up the ladder they can step out easier if you overcook it, AI are really difficult to beat even on just Semi-pro.
Overall on Handling iam happy, its very PGR but buttery smooth on the Dualshock4.
There is no Fat whatsoever, Menu's are quick, look great, loading and restarting events is superb, very quick. The tour mode has loads of events to do and my only critisism is its very basic but that can be a good thing i suppose.
Its just choose event, try and grab 3 stars. Rank up. Move on.
No carreer or Festival if you like, ala horizons or anyone talking to you so in a way does feel raw and old-school. But 1st impressions are at the moment, its a joy to play, looks amazing, and the feeling of speed is great. Online this should be a blast. Would be almost a 9/10 what ive played so far.

10 Mar 2013
If this had a good career mode with like some form meaning to it, I would have bought it. Graphics are great and online will be pretty fun albeit only for so long due to the repetition and lack of customisations.
29 Jul 2014
Folk that are playing it are enjoying it.

No apparently they're not.

It's just Sony fanboys lying :D

I just don't get why some people have a hard time believing that people can like something that "professional" reviewers don't like.

I don't think reviewers are the last word in authority in anything. While reviews can be useful in giving some idea of what a game is like I never use it as the be all and end all. But it seems for those that have an undying love for a console "numbers matter".

I've enjoyed many games that have been slated, and hated games that have been praised. GTA IV was not all that for me, I found it got boring very quickly but it was critically acclaimed.

And I've enjoyed films and tv shows that people slate and hated shows people rate like games of thrones.

Anyway come midnight it will be the moment of truth....
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