Driveclub more details

30 Jan 2007
West Sussex
49.99 US Dollar equals
29.48 British Pound Sterling

yet we get charged £42.99

hmmmmm so UK buyers getting bent over as per usual?

I'll take the free "demo" and wait for Gran Turismo tbh, paying >£40 for this would be a shame.

I'll pick up NFS when this arrives second hand for £15.

I get irritated when I see people directly converting dollars into pounds just by looking at the exchange rate.

Prices in Dollars DO NOT include tax (eg. VAT) as US states have different tax policies and therefore the tax rate varies.

Prices in Pounds usually do include tax (VAT) as the tax rate is universal across the country.

A more accurate comparison is $50 + 20% tax = $60 / $1.69/£ = £35.50.

So yes the US is cheaper but not by the amount you stated.
21 Jun 2006
I get irritated when I see people directly converting dollars into pounds just by looking at the exchange rate.

Prices in Dollars DO NOT include tax (eg. VAT) as US states have different tax policies and therefore the tax rate varies.

Prices in Pounds usually do include tax (VAT) as the tax rate is universal across the country.

A more accurate comparison is $50 + 20% tax = $60 / $1.69/£ = £35.50.

So yes the US is cheaper but not by the amount you stated.

So if you live in America with an American PSN account. It then uses your address to work out tax for digital goods? So if you lived in Kentucky and buy something from PSN it will be a different price from if you lived in Vegas, Chicago and Florida?

I thought USA PSN prices were universal across USA.

What your saying is true for buying stuff in a shop, but I don't think it's true for PSN, the price stated is the price paid.
26 Dec 2009
You kind of get the impression Sony really do not want to give this away on PS+. Tbh the latest videos really look a bit average.

As above I will try the PS+ version and then just buy retail if it's any good.

Probably pumped million into development especially with the delay, cant really blame them for not wanting to give it away for free.

They should offer online play for free with this title as they do with F2P online titles on the console. So buy the game and no need for Plus for online play.
17 Oct 2002
Sony have announced today that if you upgrade the + edition, you will keep the full game even if your sub elapses.

I'm not sure why all the hate about what the + edition contains, someone above expected it to be the full game minus a few assets - it was never going to be that.

TBH unless a review comes out before release saying it's a total dog, this will be a Day 1 retail purchase for me.
19 Jul 2008
Retail much better, you can sell it after.

UPDATE: Our priority for DRIVECLUB is to enable you to play and enjoy everything it has to offer and PlayStation recognises that the prior plan for DRIVECLUB entitlement for the upgrade to the PS Plus edition was not appropriate. As a result, we have adjusted the PlayStation Plus terms for DRIVECLUB. Now, If you intend on downloading DRIVECLUB PlayStation Plus Edition, and upgrading to the full game experience, you will have access to the full game even if your PlayStation Plus subscription runs out.
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21 Jun 2006
I'm not sure why all the hate about what the + edition contains, someone above expected it to be the full game minus a few assets - it was never going to be that.

you obviously weren't around when it was originally announced

the plus edition was supposed to be the full game minus maybe 10-20% which could be upgraded to for pennies but now it's the opposite only 10-20% of the game and you need to pay big money for the rest
23 Jun 2009
Is there any links to the original announcements, I always thought it was basically a very limited version of the game we would get with plus, but tbh I wasn't paying it all that much attention.
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