Driveclub more details

21 Jun 2006
Is there any links to the original announcements, I always thought it was basically a very limited version of the game we would get with plus, but tbh I wasn't paying it all that much attention.

someone linked to it in the official PS4 thread but it would have been months ago now, good luck finding it, or wasn't there a proper official thread for this game to begin with?

this is the "more details" thread
21 Jun 2006
I think all this hate is a bit ridiculous and people taking everything too literally.

Get a grip man folks :eek::eek:

you get 2 types of gamers tbh, those that take it seriously and those that do it for fun.

I have always found that driving games are the best for those that like to have fun, 8 of us all in party chat all having banter as we ram each other and barge each other off the road or causing spin outs.

The serious guys though go mental if you touch their car and call you a cheat, for them it's all about racing lines, braking early, using skill to overtake.

I prefer to just ram the **** out of you :p

If your up for it we can play cat and mouse (if it's allowed in the game).

where 4 guys all pick crappy cars (like mini coopers) and then they are assigned a "protector" who can pick a supercar.

objective of the game is to make your assigned mini car win, by either protecting him or ramming the other mini cars off the road. it's absolute carnage but amazing fun.
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19 Oct 2002
you obviously weren't around when it was originally announced

the plus edition was supposed to be the full game minus maybe 10-20% which could be upgraded to for pennies but now it's the opposite only 10-20% of the game and you need to pay big money for the rest

Really? I'm not saying that's not true but I don't recall them ever saying what the PS+ included. I played it at the Eurogamer Expo last year and even at that stage the number of tracks etc were not confirmed.
21 Jun 2006
Really? I'm not saying that's not true but I don't recall them ever saying what the PS+ included. I played it at the Eurogamer Expo last year and even at that stage the number of tracks etc were not confirmed.

I called someone out on it when they told me on the forums, they then provided me a link to a legit site and everything.

I was surprised too tbh that's why I called them out on it.

Was months ago though maybe even 6 months ago so good luck finding the posts I'm talking about.
19 Oct 2002
I called someone out on it when they told me on the forums, they then provided me a link to a legit site and everything.

I was surprised too tbh that's why I called them out on it.

Was months ago though maybe even 6 months ago so good luck finding the posts I'm talking about.

Yeah just surprised also. TBH what they're giving now is what I would have guessed at the time I think. Saying that I was always going to get the retail version anyway so probably didn't pay that much attention.
17 Oct 2002
you obviously weren't around when it was originally announced

I've been following it since it was announced, just like most here :confused:

Do you have any links to official comments saying what was categorically going to be included in the + edition originally? I was always under the impression it was going to be a very cut-down version. 1 or 2 tracks track plus a selection of cars/modes was always my understanding, otherwise what was the point in the full edition?
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26 May 2006
you get 2 types of gamers tbh, those that take it seriously and those that do it for fun.

I have always found that driving games are the best for those that like to have fun, 8 of us all in party chat all having banter as we ram each other and barge each other off the road or causing spin outs.

The serious guys though go mental if you touch their car and call you a cheat, for them it's all about racing lines, braking early, using skill to overtake.

I prefer to just ram the **** out of you :p

If your up for it we can play cat and mouse (if it's allowed in the game).

where 4 guys all pick crappy cars (like mini coopers) and then they are assigned a "protector" who can pick a supercar.

objective of the game is to make your assigned mini car win, by either protecting him or ramming the other mini cars off the road. it's absolute carnage but amazing fun.

I am sure we will all be able to have much fun with with Driveclub ;)
21 Jun 2006
I've been following it since it was announced, just like most here :confused:

Do you have any links to official comments saying what was categorically going to be included in the + edition originally? I was always under the impression it was going to be a very cut-down version. 1 or 2 tracks track plus a selection of cars/modes was always my understanding, otherwise what was the point in the full edition?

it's on these forums somewhere, no way i'm going to spend hours trawling looking for it.

the full version had the additional stuff and was probably being aimed at offline gamers most likely.

they have completely reversed it all though so now it's a glorified demo and you need to pay for the full game.
17 Oct 2002
Thanks, see only took you a few minutes ;)

This direct quote changes my opinion then...

"You can earn the platinum trophy in the PS+ Edition, remember its the full game minus a few cars/tracks"

...which clearly isn't the case now.
27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
Sony have announced today that if you upgrade the + edition, you will keep the full game even if your sub elapses.
Good to know they are listening, its important to not allow such anti-consumer policies and make the platform holders acutely aware of that, especially as its still current affairs (mainstream?) after the XO DRM debacle

Best time for them to listen is certainly while they still need to shift their new consoles.

ps3ud0 :cool:
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27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
Thanks, see only took you a few minutes ;)

This direct quote changes my opinion then...

"You can earn the platinum trophy in the PS+ Edition, remember its the full game minus a few cars/tracks"

...which clearly isn't the case now.
Best use a source that doesnt use a forum post :p - never rely on PS to do that for you ;)
Chris Brown 7 May, 2014 @ 7:41 pm 4

Hi Vashetti – yes, you can still achieve the Platinum trophy in the PS+ Edition.
ps3ud0 :cool:
11 Sep 2013
South Yorkshire
Retail much better, you can sell it after.

UPDATE: Our priority for DRIVECLUB is to enable you to play and enjoy everything it has to offer and PlayStation recognises that the prior plan for DRIVECLUB entitlement for the upgrade to the PS Plus edition was not appropriate. As a result, we have adjusted the PlayStation Plus terms for DRIVECLUB. Now, If you intend on downloading DRIVECLUB PlayStation Plus Edition, and upgrading to the full game experience, you will have access to the full game even if your PlayStation Plus subscription runs out.

Great news, Sony made a daft decision but thankfully they listened to their customers and changed.
27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
Maybe its my laptop but those car sounds need more bass. Also am I the only one that is so used to GT tyre screeches that I did a double take on the first half of the first video...

What was Motorstorm RCs microtransactions? I bought the whole thing complete so cheap I didnt realise it had any...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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