Driveclub more details

11 Mar 2008
Norn Iron
I've just realised that the more I progress in career mode without the servers being online the more points my club looses out on

This is also how i feel at this stage, it seems less interesting to complete the tour events when all that xp could be going towards levelling the club.

What ive played i really enjoyed, tried a few MP races on the faster cars, didnt see anything really horrific in terms of dodgem racing, has plenty of potential they just need to get the "social" aspect of their social racer working as intended, ill limit my play until thats sorted i reckon.
13 Aug 2008
Oh man it's great and I am only level 5 or 6, can't wait till online is sorted properly.
Sound is a bit poor over 5.1 and I'm sure they have borrowed BF3's flashlights for the sun :D

They've nailed that butt clenching can't see jack tail slide round a 140mph corner feeling lol.

This ain't no sim, it's very Project Gotham and addictive. I don't know what voodoo they've pulled with the controller response but it feels as sharp as 60fps.
2 Nov 2003
Just managed to get a few online races before but then lost server again i also managed to dowload 1 of those free cars.

hope its not too long until its fixed it was fun racing online :)
16 Apr 2007
Can't say I'm keen on these drift events, I'd rather be racing than messing around on them. A few racing games do this and I'm not the biggest fan of them. Just give me races dammit!
3 Mar 2006
Atcham, Shropshire
Just passed rookie licence and got a load of cars, Tried online but as you have to loan vehicles you don't get and points/rep/fame whatever it is so I'm going to hammer the SP to get all the cars to use online.

Are tracks like scotland supposed to be nearly impossible to see anything, it's all dark and gloomy, clouds look amazing though!
12 May 2005
Just passed rookie licence and got a load of cars, Tried online but as you have to loan vehicles you don't get and points/rep/fame whatever it is so I'm going to hammer the SP to get all the cars to use online.

Are tracks like scotland supposed to be nearly impossible to see anything, it's all dark and gloomy, clouds look amazing though!

Bet that's your rgb settings, Scotland is gloomy but it's easy enough to see, it sounds like crushed blacks, I just replicated that issue with my ps4, set my tv to limited and ps4 to full rgb mode, Scotland looked way too dark.

both ps4 and tv need to match rgbq mode, whatever your tv does, set your ps4 to the same..
30 Oct 2002
Servers online

online mode is really really good fun, i made an error on the first section end up last. but you then have face off with other drivers in the race for e.g. top speed, drifting etc

Nice idea.

only thing is the delay between races, lobby are created, have to register then just wait.
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11 Sep 2013
South Yorkshire
Really enjoying this so far, Norway and Scotland are the most stunning of places to drive, breathtaking. I love the handling of the cars too and don't miss the racing line/breaking points. Not got too far into single player yet but what I've seen is fun. The AI is tough but fair, had one or two corner cutting penalties which were justified as too are the damage/hitting an opponent. Online can't come soon enough for some real racing :)
17 Oct 2002
So after playing last night and a bit just now this morning, and servers still not being available, I'll reserve full judgement until Online is back, as the game BADLY needs it.

However, impressions based on playing offline are of initial disappointment. The game feels so soulless, just going from menu screen into a what feels like a mundane race against very badly scripted AI is no fun at all. I was expecting several "skill" zones per race e.g. average speed, drifting, per race to liven things up, but so far after around 15-20 races I've only experienced a handful. I'm hoping that more of these get introduced when you are connected, as I'm sure in preview videos there were races were there was a zone every few corners or so? I did one race which was a time trial, and got to 50% and still hadn't registered a single point, not through cocking up, just the fact there was noting to do other than drive flat out! At least throw some max. speed zones in when it is a fast track!

It does look nice, but I'm not blown away like I expected to be. The lighting effects in particular are outstanding, best I've ever seen in a racing game, but take those away and a few other bits and I actually think it looks quite bland? Weather can't come soon enough.

Hopefully Online is fully functioning very soon, and things pick up excitement-wise, but after coming straight from Forza Horizon 2 this feels very average, and definitely not a finished product.
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23 Jan 2012
I'm enjoying it, more than I expected after reading all the reviews. Definitely needs online to get up and running to add more content and bring in the social aspect.

I love racing games and I can't help but have a snag of regret that I didn't get an Xbox One for Forza and FH2.

That said, the races are fun and the sense of speed is fantastic. I just need the leaderboards up so I can start nursing my competitive side :)
18 Feb 2007
So I take it servers are still down?, not played since yesterday morning.

I really want to continue tour mode but im wondering if not online all the points/achievements could be potentially going towards helping online clubs?
26 May 2006
I'm enjoying it, more than I expected after reading all the reviews. Definitely needs online to get up and running to add more content and bring in the social aspect.

I love racing games and I can't help but have a snag of regret that I didn't get an Xbox One for Forza and FH2.

That said, the races are fun and the sense of speed is fantastic. I just need the leaderboards up so I can start nursing my competitive side :)

Fully agree, and yes, the sense of speed is spot on. The best I have come across in a racing game ;)
10 Dec 2008
Somewhere over there
Impulsed bought it this morning and I'm loving this so much, had to turn the music on during races because it didn't feel right though :p

Did a bit of streaming of it too, kinda strange that the music doesn't play during a stream though? I assume it's because of some licensing thing? But if anyone is still on the fence and wants to see a load of gameplay then
12 May 2005
Been playing the PC alpha (almost beta stages now) of project cars this morning, can't help feel Project cars has drive club in the corner for almost everything IMO but its close.

Drive club isn't a bad game, its fun, it has fantastic lighting and the glare through the windscreen from in car view is amazing.

however, project cars for me is more pure. Project Cars is real racing, its really tight, the AI in project cars (and it was rubbish at one time) is 1000% better then Drive Club. I've had races today in project cars where its door to door around corners and didn't once get hit, really good.

Graphically, Drive Club is untidy in places. Project cars is as well, but both are fine examples however my money is still on project cars for me at this time.

So, this gen i've played -

Forza 5 - very sterile bland and empty feeling game
Drive Club - very fast, stunning lighting yet awful AI and feels not finished
Project cars - not yet completed or even out, but fantastic track racing, blinding graphical effects, fantastic AI but could be boring as hell for some.

I really do want to try FH2 but my access to an X1 is limited as its my mates, he did lend me a few months back to play Forza I'll pop by his house and see if I can snag a blast.

So, Drive club is filling the empty void for PS4 racers, but better is to come I feel.

Its like for me Forza 3 vs PGR3 - both good games but one does something that the other does with drive club vs project cars.
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11 Sep 2013
South Yorkshire
So I take it servers are still down?, not played since yesterday morning.

Yes, although I was on last night at around 1:30am and I was connected, went into multiplayer and was kicked off. :(

Did a bit of streaming of it too, kinda strange that the music doesn't play during a stream though? I assume it's because of some licensing thing?

Exactly, I've seen a few Twitch streamers mention this.
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