Driveclub more details

18 Feb 2007
Details of latest patch.

Version 1.03

Implements several game-side fixes to reduce server load
Fixes an issue that may cause Clubs to become corrupted
Fixes out of memory crashes due to multiple large avatars on friend's list
Fixes occasional game-side-crashes when uploading large amounts of progress data.
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
I know, I know, I suck at things like that. What do you think to the logo ?

The logo is good. I like daft car designs. I've made one with Matt retro pastel colours, lime green, yellow and orange. Looks funky :p I'll get photo up, give some inspiration.


here :p


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12 May 2005
One thing I do not like in this game, it's the fact I get the racing line, I've got the overtake, they don't give you room, they slam into , and you either just get away with it, or one of you spins or gets caught up into an invisible wall , it's very annoying , the robotic ai has got to be patched. it's not funny working your way up the field and go for a position to be then rammed off track.

the racer in me will always go for a position if I see an opening, but I'm now starting to race leaving too much room and not getong the best line in or out of corners, and its also bloody annoying when on a straight and they just drift into your side or clip you... terrible ai.
18 Feb 2007
One thing I do not like in this game, it's the fact I get the racing line, I've got the overtake, they don't give you room, they slam into , and you either just get away with it, or one of you spins or gets caught up into an invisible wall , it's very annoying , the robotic ai has got to be patched. it's not funny working your way up the field and go for a position to be then rammed off track.

the racer in me will always go for a position if I see an opening, but I'm now starting to race leaving too much room and not getong the best line in or out of corners, and its also bloody annoying when on a straight and they just drift into your side or clip you... terrible ai.

Also it has been noted earlier in this thread that somehow cars behind seem to have nitro boosters as they can catch you up fairly quick on the straights, and it's nothing to do with how fast I'm coming out of the corners.

Luckily these things I'm sure can be patched and it will be awsome!
3 Mar 2006
Atcham, Shropshire
I'm not having any issues at all with the AI, It plays a little aggresive but they haven't shoved me off track yet......I see them in my rear view and block them and they slow down.

Graphics are pretty amazing tbh, Cars look really good.

I can see miles into the distance be it on my 1080p 22" monitor or 1080p 100" projector, Great seeing a windy road off in the distance knowing thats where your going :)
19 Oct 2002
One thing I do not like in this game, it's the fact I get the racing line, I've got the overtake, they don't give you room, they slam into , and you either just get away with it, or one of you spins or gets caught up into an invisible wall , it's very annoying , the robotic ai has got to be patched. it's not funny working your way up the field and go for a position to be then rammed off track.

the racer in me will always go for a position if I see an opening, but I'm now starting to race leaving too much room and not getong the best line in or out of corners, and its also bloody annoying when on a straight and they just drift into your side or clip you... terrible ai.

I was just doing a race in the Amateur trophy. Was leading the race, got to a reasonably long straight and 7 cars just breeze past me like I'm sitting still. Just for good measure the 7th car clips me and knocks me into a spin. Cue rage quitting :p The AI does need a bit of a tweak.
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17 Oct 2012
I was just doing a race in the Amateur trophy. Was leading the race, got to a reasonably long straight and 7 cars just breeze past me like I'm sitting still. Just for good measure the 7th car clips me and knocks me into a spin. Cue rage quitting :p The AI does need a bit of a tweak.

Sounds like pretty much every race for me lol. The best I can hope for is hammer it on the straights and brake very late into them, using them to steer myself around.
12 May 2005
I know some people are slating the AI but I've just watched this video from Dualshockers:

Also, take from Twitter, someone asked Rushy about collision penalties, his reply was:

We're looking to address the collision penalty issues.

Actually that video does make sense, I've had races where the ai seem ok but I've also been driving more accurate myself. you do seem to push hard to get up the field to earn a star in the tour.

good video
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