Driveclub more details

11 Nov 2002
Just to be clear, I meant some people have had luck in getting a refund and keeping the game and/or pass! That is what I want.

I am very happy with the game/gameplay and just this second played online and increased my level and my club's level :)

No you crack on, The more people that stop playing....The faster I can get on it :p
Seems fast at the moment. Loaded the game, left it on the menu screen, came back 15 minutes later and it showed mine and the club stats (which means connected to the servers). Maybe it's improving or less people are playing ;)

24 Sep 2013
I'm out.
It is ****ing me off now.

I'm off Driveclub until servers are sorted, the lack of the core element is wearing thin now.

Prob going to pick up mordor and the evil within tomorrow.
21 Jan 2014
Anyone got any free space in their club? Currently looking for one seeing as I'm finally able to get online.

Also, is anyone else getting peeved off at the fact that you get penalised when the AI crashes into you? Driving me insane.

PSN ID is StylisticGinge
4 Nov 2007
I haven't seen any real improvement in my ability to get online since Friday, its still completely hit and miss, I think the only way they're going to work is if less people are playing. Surely putting more servers up would solve the issue? Or is it that it all goes through a single server by design and its inherently a problem?

Either way at this point I don't think it will ever be completely fixed, it'll probably just become less widespread over time, real shame, it's a complete shambles even though I really like the core game.

Been on for 45 mins and still no connection, it doesn't even remember that I'm in a club, without a connection, so all the unlocked club cars are locked again.
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24 Sep 2013
I haven't seen any real improvement in my ability to get online since Friday, its still completely hit and miss, I think the only way they're going to work is if less people are playing. Surely putting more servers up would solve the issue? Or is it that it all goes through a single server by design and its inherently a problem?

Either way at this point I don't think it will ever be completely fixed, it'll probably just become less widespread over time, real shame, it's a complete shambles even though I really like the core game.

No idea.

Forza Horizon was the same, great game great idea...however online reliability and usability let it down for weeks at much so that by the time it was sorted not many were left playing it, folk only put up with connection issues for so long.

Same with TDU1&2 iirc.
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