Driving a mr2 on bald tyres

[TW]Fox said:
Plus.. they all own actual cars and don't often find themselves confused as to whether the girl in their life is their sister or their daughter.

That's not strictly true, only the other day I woke up a little groggy in bed with... Oh no wait wait.. No I didn't, you're right.

You would have to be a complete and utter ****tard to sit in-front of a pc, type out a response in which you mistake your SISTER for your DAUGHTER, and then later cunjure up this retarded story about owning a jet powered hyper MR2 with bald tyres and private test tracks.

"I C4Nt P0sT T3h PiCtuR3 Of T3h Br3aDs, My MR2 Is AlLeRgiC To T3h Wh3At InNit".

I demand these things, and nothing less:

*A picture of you holding a loaf of bread.
*A picture of you standing next to your 2 litre estate, with loaf of bread.
*A picture of the Mr2 (the newer one!), with you standing next to, or on it, WITH BREAD.
*Loaf of bread crammed under the rear arch next to the bald tyres, in focus.
*A photo of your private road, again, with bread.

-If you're telling the truth you'll be forthcoming with these piccies, anything less at this point only serves to make you look more idiotic.
wonder_lander said:
These fields that everyone remembers.....did they have private roads too? :D

No, but we regularly drove around the windmill - around and around and around and around and around.

And then we had a Cheeseburger and Fries.
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