The Mini2 has just turned up! And it's er, quite, er, Mini? A bit smaller then I thought! not that it matters, I can't power it up until I get home.
I've just be browsing various forums about people saying to get to Network shares takes too much clicking through menu's etc, and realised that it doesn't index videos' over the network so they would appear under the 'movies' option ..
Someone has mounted/linked folders on a USB drive to the SMB shares for the Mini, and it sees a good solution..
It's not working on the Mini2, but I'll have a go to see why when I get home and play with the Mini2, if the GUI2.0 can be made to index the SMB stuff, that'll be perfect for me!
Since they use SQLite, it might be possible to even write a little app to inject the media details etc externally, if the db can be accessed externally, I'll maybe look at that later on..
I've just be browsing various forums about people saying to get to Network shares takes too much clicking through menu's etc, and realised that it doesn't index videos' over the network so they would appear under the 'movies' option ..
Someone has mounted/linked folders on a USB drive to the SMB shares for the Mini, and it sees a good solution..
It's not working on the Mini2, but I'll have a go to see why when I get home and play with the Mini2, if the GUI2.0 can be made to index the SMB stuff, that'll be perfect for me!
Since they use SQLite, it might be possible to even write a little app to inject the media details etc externally, if the db can be accessed externally, I'll maybe look at that later on..