Edinburgh Meet March 2006

Just a wee warning its been snowing a bit over night and its still falling at the moment, so it looks like its going to be cold.
Hope its clears for you guys tomorrow! :(
We get in at 12ish

Garp, I suggest we club together and get a taxi, it'll be about a tenner and the bus is £3 per person, so a taxi is the best bet I think

Matblack said:
We get in at 12ish

Garp, I suggest we club together and get a taxi, it'll be about a tenner and the bus is £3 per person, so a taxi is the best bet I think


No probs, was kinda thinking something along those lines anyway.
Snow all gone from where i am and i'm only about 15 miles north of Edinburgh, so hopefully Edinburgh has cleared as well by now.

One sleep to go and then the meet begins :D. Going from times of the early arrivals posted i will be in Edinburgh for 12.30 tomorrow afternoon, so you all get time to check in etc before meeting up.

I will be outside the Princes Mall tourist information centre just off Princes Street at about 12.30 ish so look for me there. With Feek arriving a little later we can find somewhere to go have a drink and a chat while we wait on his arrival. Then we head off and do the touristy wander.

SCM said:
Snow all gone from where i am and i'm only about 15 miles north of Edinburgh, so hopefully Edinburgh has cleared as well by now.

Yeah its all gone now, yay :D

Feels a bit warmer, just quite wet at the moment though. Perfect weather for you guys. :)
My MSN still fails to connect, I tried to get Vixen on IRC but she wasn't on tonight.

I guess I ought to think about getting my case loaded.

I'll do it shortly!

Bag packed *check* and it might even fit in as hand luggage (have a 2nd bag in it just in case)
Hotel booked *check*
Flights booked and details printed off *check*

All looks good here :D
The bag I was going to use is the official 'hand luggage' size but I just can't get the two items of footware in there that I want so I've had to use a slightly larger (but still pretty small) case.

Hopefully I'll be able to blag it on as hand luggage.

Camera battery is charging.

M0KUJ1N said:
OK, any idea where/when everyone is meeting up in the evening? Unf Im at work tomorrow :(

I don't know, but I've emailed you my phone number (to the address in your trust). Gimme a call (or someone else there if you've got another number) and we'll tell you where we are.
Feek said:

Blackstar - Not sure we'll be anywhere near, but if you do see us around, make sure you say hello :)

I'll be in town after school at about lunch time need to go shoe shopping, so i'll be the other end of town:(

It's due to be cold but fair weather tomorrow and most of the weekend so you guys are bringing the weather with you (thanks :))
Ahhhh ************ the slightly bigger case still isn't quite big enough, so I've gone to the next size up which fits it all easily but there's no way it'll go as hand luggage :(

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