*** Elden Ring ***

It happens naturally through progression, for example, today I got 6 respec larvae or what ever they are called just going through basic mobs. Push forward and you'll get what you need.

I've been exploring every nook and crannie before bosses. So today after Radahn, I just went to all areas and checked out what to do. Maybe that also helps?

I've also given up on caring about runes at this lvl, so I'm certainly more adventurous and taking much riskier options as if I lose them, oh well, I'm purely focused on getting all the loot I can :D

I've been trying to explore everywhere. Searching every cliff face for caves and catacombs, trying to find my way to every structure I can see. I guess I need to get to the next area. Though I have to say I am not really sure what that is supposed to be. Can't seem to find a way out of Liurnia at the moment but there are a couple of place I've not visited yet I think, in the north and the east. I thought I would know where to go once I finished the academy, but I may have missed something.

This game is SO DAMN GOOD.

Hard agree!
Exploring Weeping Peninsula atm. Maybe could have come here sooner as I have a feel I'm a tad over levelled for the area.

There is so much to do in this game. The way I play games nowadays I probably won't finish for a few months.

I can safely say, and this is an understatement, that I am enjoying this very much!
So I've played 2 hours now and I've come to the conclusion you need up upgrade after killing mobs but you must keep resting because if you Die you lose your coins to upgrade..... Its an ok game but I've spent more time running back to spawn points to save than I have fighting as early game you get totally battered ! Well I currently am.... is there anything I need to be doing apart from putting my points in more weapon damage ?
So I've played 2 hours now and I've come to the conclusion you need up upgrade after killing mobs but you must keep resting because if you Die you lose your coins to upgrade..... Its an ok game but I've spent more time running back to spawn points to save than I have fighting as early game you get totally battered ! Well I currently am.... is there anything I need to be doing apart from putting my points in more weapon damage ?

Some low level looking mobs in this game can ruin your day so dont worry about feeling like you are under powered. Just take it easy and never take on more than one mob at a time if you can help it, also depending on your class, id advise spending points in Str/dex(int/fth/arc if magic) and health. Also the starting area has the Tree Sentinel, dont even bother, you arent mean to beat him till you level a bit, unless you are some SoulsBourne god, so dont gauge your performance in game against him as 'im crap', he's tough even when leveled.
Leveling up isn't the only thing you need to do. Stat increases make a difference obviously, but more important imo to find a weapon with a moveset you like, maybe a 100% block shield and some essential items to make the game easier.

Edit- yeah, go to Weeping Peninsula early. I'm level 43 and I'm destroying the dungeon bosses. There is good loot there too.

OMG.... I've only just worked out weapon upgrading. I was, wondering why I hadn't been able to upgrade my main weapon past +2. You get smithing stone 1s from the mine dungeons...It all makes sense now!
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So I've played 2 hours now and I've come to the conclusion you need up upgrade after killing mobs but you must keep resting because if you Die you lose your coins to upgrade..... Its an ok game but I've spent more time running back to spawn points to save than I have fighting as early game you get totally battered ! Well I currently am.... is there anything I need to be doing apart from putting my points in more weapon damage ?

Dont forget that you can get your coins back if you die by returning to your "body", also, try to keep as much of your "coins" as possible in the Golden Rune forms in your backpack because you dont lose those when you die, so dont extract them into coins until you are intending to spend them
It seems at 52 hours clocked that I'm finally starting to hit the progression wall of needing to continue the story to unlock more areas, I've probably not even done half the caves/dungeons yet either, loads marked to come back to complete later. For reference of what I've been able to do below:

I was able to explore:
  • All of Limgrave
  • All of the Wheeping Peninsula to the south
  • Nearly all of Caelid, seems I'm locked from going to Radahn yet
  • Nearly all of Liurnia, I can't seem to find a way onto the plateau in the south, but I've not gone through Raya Lucaria yet either, so maybe I'll find a way soon
  • I think all of Mt Gilmur to the North West, I've not gone through Volcano manor yet as I want to do the assassination quests first (Some are in areas I'm not able to get to yet)
  • Most of Altus, I can't get inside the capital yet as I need more great runes, presumably need to kill the other big bosses first
  • Part of the underground areas of Siofra and the Ainsel river areas, looks like I need ways of getting down to other parts of the map that are out of reach
  • There's still another big looking area beyond the capital high up in some mountains (land of the giants?), I've found half of an amulet that mentions granting you access there
  • There's also a big funky looking tree visible low down beyond the North East of Altus
  • I've also had a teleport to a very small part of an area called Crumbling Farum Azul, I presume there's gonna be another teleport much later on as this place screams endgame and looks absolutely insane
All of the above doable from the get go without stepping foot inside Stormveil Castle. Pretty nuts really in comparison to the previous games.
It seems at 52 hours clocked that I'm finally starting to hit the progression wall of needing to continue the story to unlock more areas, I've probably not even done half the caves/dungeons yet either, loads marked to come back to complete later. For reference of what I've been able to do below:

I was able to explore:
  • All of Limgrave
  • All of the Wheeping Peninsula to the south
  • Nearly all of Caelid, seems I'm locked from going to Radahn yet
  • Nearly all of Liurnia, I can't seem to find a way onto the plateau in the south, but I've not gone through Raya Lucaria yet either, so maybe I'll find a way soon
  • I think all of Mt Gilmur to the North West, I've not gone through Volcano manor yet as I want to do the assassination quests first (Some are in areas I'm not able to get to yet)
  • Most of Altus, I can't get inside the capital yet as I need more great runes, presumably need to kill the other big bosses first
  • Part of the underground areas of Siofra and the Ainsel river areas, looks like I need ways of getting down to other parts of the map that are out of reach
  • There's still another big looking area beyond the capital high up in some mountains (land of the giants?), I've found half of an amulet that mentions granting you access there
  • There's also a big funky looking tree visible low down beyond the North East of Altus
  • I've also had a teleport to a very small part of an area called Crumbling Farum Azul, I presume there's gonna be another teleport much later on as this place screams endgame and looks absolutely insane
All of the above doable from the get go without stepping foot inside Stormveil Castle. Pretty nuts really in comparison to the previous games.

The crazy thing is, ive played for 50 hours and i see posts like this mentioning places or things ive never seen, this game is amazing!
I'm 70 hours in, level 116 and still not finished the game, it is without a doubt the best game I've played in a very long time.

It just about eclipses the epic experience I had playing half life alyx in vr. That game blew me away as well.
For a gamer who is more into FPS games but thoroughly enjoyed God of War though found some fights bloody hard is this a game I would get anything from or am I going to spend most of my time reloading because I am dead again?:D
I am using a RTX 2060 at 1080p. I'm gettng very good performance....apart from the occasional stutter or freeze which I do not think is performance related tbh. It has casued me to die a few times(i swear that's what it was!).

Just finisehd off Weeping Peninsula. don't think I died once. TBH, that should be the starting area. A slef-contained, straightforward area that has pretty much everything the game has in it.
For a gamer who is more into FPS games but thoroughly enjoyed God of War though found some fights bloody hard is this a game I would get anything from or am I going to spend most of my time reloading because I am dead again?:D

It's nothing like GoW. Death is a given. Depends if you like Rpg games. May be one to pickup when it gets cheaper. :)
For a gamer who is more into FPS games but thoroughly enjoyed God of War though found some fights bloody hard is this a game I would get anything from or am I going to spend most of my time reloading because I am dead again?:D
You will die a lot but it just means you should explore somewhere else until you level up.
As a FPS player myself I highly recommend this game. Goty for me at the moment.
Caved and bought it, spent 1st hour grumbling about the controller centred instructions, got my head around how to use mouse and now hooked, I dont even usually play single player games as I get bored with them but this game is pure quality, playing on 10700k and 1080ti, solid 60fps in most areas.
After many hours of wandering around wondering where to go after Reya Lucario, I actually had to check a guide as briefly as I possibly could to get a clue.

Turns out where I needed to go, I'd already been - it could have taken days to find it organically, one aspect of exploring early often means unlocking areas that you have to run from, but you still get a map marker addition, making it look like you might have already checked that area.

Either way, well worth a quick guide check in my situation, what followed what amazing.

Also noticing just how many great voice actors there are, Dark Souls 1 had a great cast too, so they have a long history of this. I'm pretty sure I recognise a couple of the actors from Dark Souls 1, though could be wrong. It's amazing how good a job they've done of including UK regional accents that you often don't get in games, I've heard soft Brummie, loads of West Country, Yorkshire accents and a load of Welsh accents. Some areas actually seem to to be fully Welsh, with multiple types of Welsh accent and character types, it really adds a lot to the atmosphere.

If the game was based anywhere even conceptually as basis, I'd think it would be the West Country and the Welsh/English borders going all the way up to North Wales.

Don't think I've heard Irish or Scottish accents yet, which featured a lot in other Dark Souls games, I thought Godrick was Irish at first but I think it's actually a Cornish accent. So many accents of Britain and Ireland work so well in fantasy games, so glad they stuck to the "old World" English accents for these games.
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