really want to pick this up, but having read reports of dodgy framerates and stuttering it really put me off, is this still the case?
Well that wasn't pleasant, I got transported to celia crystal tunnel. I've not left the main starting area really. Lost over 3k rune's, this game is unforgiving.
If you guys are hating the hands then you do not want to see what waits for you at a spot much later on....
Now and again it stutters for me but on the whole its totally fine. (3080 FE and Ryzen 3900X)
This is actually some really clever game design as it makes you aware of a whole new area despite being nowhere near ready. There is some good loot that you can easily get by just riding around.Well that wasn't pleasant, I got transported to celia crystal tunnel. I've not left the main starting area really. Lost over 3k rune's, this game is unforgiving.
This is actually some really clever game design as it makes you aware of a whole new area despite being nowhere near ready. There is some good loot that you can easily get by just riding around.
Spent the last few hours doing some side quest involving that wolf fella. Little did I know he would take me into one of the hardest boss battles I have ever played in all the Souls games. Radahn!! Enough said!!!!! Just finished and Im exhausted, gonna have nightmares about him tonight. I can't imagine what battles are ahead
Cheesed him the same way mate and don't feel bad about itRadahn is an awful boss fight, probably the worst boss fight in any souls game that I've played. In the end I cheesed him bymaking rot arrows and shooting him ~5 times in phase 1, then infect him with rot again after he turns into a meteor. That made the fight trivial.
I've played about 35 hours and absolutely loving it. I changed from collosal swords to dual wielding great swords, but already looking forward to trying spells in a second playthrough.
The biggest issue with some of the enemies and bosses in this game is their nature just to completely one shot you out of nowhere. In previous games the one shot mechanics always hard some wind up, but in this they are just as fast as normal attacks. Your forced to put a lot of stat points into health and then even then its often not enough.Radahn is an awful boss fight, probably the worst boss fight in any souls game that I've played. In the end I cheesed him by[/SPOILER]
I've played about 35 hours and absolutely loving it. I changed from collosal swords to dual wielding great swords, but already looking forward to trying spells in a second playthrough.
Been in hospital so playing on laptop, just been messing around and not doing any missions or speaking to NPCs for when I get home for big screen. Still I should be good to face the first boss at level 135 now at as a result
Slightly separate question, have a sword on primary hand and staff on offhand, but on horse only primary weapon only is used which is understandable. Is there a way to alternate weapons in hand and not via in inventory? So basically when on horse staff is what I can use to attack with as long range spells hammer enemies, but it moves to offhand on foot as the sword has a unique stance I want to use which does not work on the offhand. Or is it a matter of needing a second staff in primary hand and switching to it when on horse?
Just encountered those "hands" folk were talking about. Remind me of tarantulas. Very annoying how you can't target the ones buried in the ground. It's a case of tiptoeing around trying not to activate them .... even then some do.