*** Elden Ring ***

I think I will give it a whirl, buy on steam and if not for me then refund is an option.

The problem with Souls games is they aren't hard because the combat or AI is better, or more difficult. They are hard because you don't get to pause or save as you go and even the checkpoints aren't chekpoints, they are reset points. You cheese (button mash) the easy enemies and reset the area so you can cheese them again to level up, so you can eventually cheese the bigger enemies to level up some more, so you can eventually chesse the boss fights. It is no different than every other open world RPG in that regard.

What Souls does different (allegedly) is hide the story (as much as it is) in the lore of the game. I personally don't like this approach and prefer a game story to unfold as I play and feel like I am acheiving something as I go. Souls games and Elden Ring do not give you that particular reward factor, so it can feel very grindy.

You don't get a defined goal interspersed with compelling story cutscenes or character/lore building. It is also lmost totally bereft of NPC that make the world seem lived in. I beat all 3 of the Souls games and I hadn't a foggy notion what I did, or why I was doing it.

Where Elden Ring improves on the older Soulds games is that being open world rather than mostly scripted, you can avoid harder boss fights easier. Having said that, the older Souls games being linear meant you were always vaguely aware that "this was the way I need to go". Elden ring being so open world and almost devoid of in world guidance means you end up going "the wrong way".

So if you like grindy but somewhat rewarding combat that is more about perserverance than skill, with no actual story telling and unforgiving game mechanics, then give it a whirl.
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So if you like grindy but somewhat rewarding combat that is more about perserverance than skill, with no actual story telling and unforgiving game mechanics, then give it a whirl.

The strange thing is, based on that paragraph, Elden Ring definitely shouldnt be for me, yet I'm loving it. My advice would be go ahead, irrespective of what you might read about the game, give it a whirl. You literally have nothing to lose, unlike some titles where you cant experience much in 2 hours, you can actually get a good feel for Elden Ring in 2 hours, so anyone on the fence, give it a go. If you like it then you may end up enjoying a title which just might be your game of the year, if you dont like it just refund it and you've not spent a penny.
Properly sucked in now. I've played about 16 hours, spent most of that just randomly exploring and beating dungeons. I'm now level 37, and when I went to fight Margit he was an absolute cakewalk.
I've explored quite a bit. Just had a snoop around Caelid... what a place. Got myself the 3 wolfs and a bandit summon as well. They're really handy.

Upgraded the morningstar to +3 so that's a little extra. Still in dire need of a stronger base str weapon.
Properly sucked in now. I've played about 16 hours, spent most of that just randomly exploring and beating dungeons. I'm now level 37, and when I went to fight Margit he was an absolute cakewalk.
I try and do the opposite. I don't like to get over leveled for main bosses. Don't want them to not be any challenge!

There are some really cool Ash summons I've come across. Really good addition to the game.

Overall I think this is a masterpiece. A few niggles, but the overall experience is definitely a 10/10 imo.

A few issues -
As a mage, I still haven't found a reason not to just spam glintstone pebble! I've got spells that require 3x the int but why use them. The magic arrow one for example, it does more damage but by the time I've cast it I could get 3 pebbles off, so why bother.
I still just don't get the way From tell the story. I know lots of people like it, but I just don't get it. It's poor imo(item descriptions? Doesn't anyone at From know how to write dialogue?) that's just a personal gripe though. Having characters present the story/lore through dialogue will always be more satisfying than just writing down what you want people to know in a menu.
Imo, it's a little bit too easy to just run past enemies. If you're not careful the game can turn in to a game of just chaining sites of grace together with hardly any combat!
I have died a few times due to stuttering(that's my story I'm sticking to it!)

I am totally engrossed in the game. Unfortunately I've got 3 14 hour days ya work in a row now so I won't be playing until the end of the week.:(
I try and do the opposite. I don't like to get over leveled for main bosses. Don't want them to not be any challenge!

There are some really cool Ash summons I've come across. Really good addition to the game.

Overall I think this is a masterpiece. A few niggles, but the overall experience is definitely a 10/10 imo.

A few issues -
As a mage, I still haven't found a reason not to just spam glintstone pebble! I've got spells that require 3x the int but why use them. The magic arrow one for example, it does more damage but by the time I've cast it I could get 3 pebbles off, so why bother.
I still just don't get the way From tell the story. I know lots of people like it, but I just don't get it. It's poor imo(item descriptions? Doesn't anyone at From know how to write dialogue?) that's just a personal gripe though. Having characters present the story/lore through dialogue will always be more satisfying than just writing down what you want people to know in a menu.
Imo, it's a little bit too easy to just run past enemies. If you're not careful the game can turn in to a game of just chaining sites of grace together with hardly any combat!
I have died a few times due to stuttering(that's my story I'm sticking to it!)

I am totally engrossed in the game. Unfortunately I've got 3 14 hour days ya work in a row now so I won't be playing until the end of the week.:(

Rock sling isnt bad spell as it can stun but yeah I find myself still using glintstone pebble mostly.

I have a carian glintstone staff +15 which boosts sword sorcery so I am trying to use some carian spells as they look fun, slicer is ok, carian greatsword looks cool but its often just too slow to cast, but these mean I have to be close and anything tough just mashes me. :cry:

Level 52, hunting for spells now, I am sure some must be good!
just copied the install over to the new nvme drive, weird it started stuttering like mad, back to the samsung evo860 it goes, the nvme m2 is a samsung 980........

duplicated my windows drive and nvme is running fine and set a partition on new one to use rest of space as my old c drive was 240 gig and new one is 500.
Went back to the main story and blasted through a couple more main bosses, then went exploring again and now I am miles from where I was supposed to go again but having fun finding new caves and monsters.

Encountered lots of weird and wonderful enemies and starting to wonder what is going to get the title of Least Favourite Enemy by the end of this one. Like, obvoiusly in DS 1 it was bonewheels (easily), and in 3 it was Jailers, and in Sekiro for me it was anything with a spear. Contenders up to now in ER have been:
  • Imps - screw these little gets and their prediliction for dropping your head and ambushing you so two can stunlock and bleed you to death. But at least they are fragile and easily stunlocked themselves.
  • Hands - these creep me the **** out! And they also like to drop on you when you're fighting another one or two (or spring out the ground). They also stunlock ganked me to death a couple of times. But there really aren't that many of them so you just need to be learn where they are hiding, and once you get behind them they are toast.
  • Those iron maiden things - a complete pain and annnoyingly tanky, but they are quite slow so I generally just don't bother engaging them. (Though the first time I got hauled inside one I coulnd't help smiling as it rocked around with me struggling. It was all very Warner Bros! :) )

I think the runner-up at the pont I am up is:
  • Ghost archers - these made my run through some areas a colossal PITA! Exhibit A:

But, I found skirting the edges of an area made them bearable, and they stagger and go down quickly.

And so, top spot at the moment goes to those damned prawn things in Caelid and some of the mines. That homing magic spam is just relentless, darn near one-shots me and has obscene tracking, with staggered hits so it's also very hard to dodge the whole barrage. If there's one enemy that needs retuning I go for these guys!

Guess there are still some trials and tribulations to come! Totally engrossed still...
I also only found out last night that there is an enormous creature to fight right at the bottom of Stormveil Castle, hadnt been down to the bottom of it before. Its a whopper of a beastie :)
This has started well. how the hell do I get out of the settings menu using keyboard as I looks like it is controller based with its A and B prompts?
One of my fave things about this game is that every time you think you've uncovered the whole map, you do a thing and it doubles in size. Bananas how much there is to see
This has started well. how the hell do I get out of the settings menu using keyboard as I looks like it is controller based with its A and B prompts?
  • Go to System.
  • Go to the Sound and Display tab.
  • Set “Device for On-Screen Prompts” to “Keyboard and Mouse”
The spider hands are my least favourite enemy by a long way.... Possibly in any game ever

Yup, I had the same thought when going through that area the first couple of times. Not only do they freak me out, but the way their attacks are delayed after the animation starts catches me rolling too early like 8 times out of 10. And their stunlock potential is too damn high, as it their damage output.

I was on a good roll. Hadn't died for ages, entered that area and died three times in ten minutes to those blasted things. Thankfully, once you know how to thread your way through the area you only have to deal with two or three of the big ones, and you can summon spirit ashes for the first couple.

Homing death magic prawns are far harder to deal with though, imho.
Well that wasn't pleasant, I got transported to celia crystal tunnel. I've not left the main starting area really. Lost over 3k rune's, this game is unforgiving.
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