*** Elden Ring ***

i got fed up with how little my flasks were healing so i went and grabbed some sacred tears i missed, went from +6 to +11 pretty quickly apart from one that took quite a while to get to :D

edit: just hit the god skin duo........ all is not going good :p
I spent hours on these fools. Best tip I can give which made them trivial - Get a shield levelled up and stick on Carian's retaliation it turns their spell back at them and I ended up 5 hitting each of them. I'm unsure if it has been patched out though as it was prior to 1.04.
I spent hours on these fools. Best tip I can give which made them trivial - Get a shield levelled up and stick on Carian's retaliation it turns their spell back at them and I ended up 5 hitting each of them. I'm unsure if it has been patched out though as it was prior to 1.04.
I think they nerfed the power (or the scaling?) of Carian Retaliation in 1.04, so whilst it might still be a decent strategy it might not five-shot them anymore.

For me, Moonveil and Transient Moonlight almost trivialised them. I mean, I still had a lot of dodging and healing to do, but it wasn't overly hard that way, and it did feel I was cheesing them a bit with all the hidey-seeky round the pillars ready to unleash the weapon art. Of course, that relies on having a decent amount of Int. Corpse Piler might work well too, as I totally melted the Godskin Apostle in Caelid with that skill after my endgame respec to Dex/Arc.

I know other people have recommended using sleep, either through pots or arrows/bolts, and just sleeping one of them whilst you (and your summon) wail on the other.

Man, I miss this game. I started NG+ but it's not the same just blasting through the content (I was past Raya Lucaria within 30 minutes or so). My first playthough was one of my favourite gaming experiences ever. Really hope we get a decent amount of DLC before too long.
I think they nerfed the power (or the scaling?) of Carian Retaliation in 1.04, so whilst it might still be a decent strategy it might not five-shot them anymore.

For me, Moonveil and Transient Moonlight almost trivialised them. I mean, I still had a lot of dodging and healing to do, but it wasn't overly hard that way, and it did feel I was cheesing them a bit with all the hidey-seeky round the pillars ready to unleash the weapon art. Of course, that relies on having a decent amount of Int. Corpse Piler might work well too, as I totally melted the Godskin Apostle in Caelid with that skill after my endgame respec to Dex/Arc.

I know other people have recommended using sleep, either through pots or arrows/bolts, and just sleeping one of them whilst you (and your summon) wail on the other.

Man, I miss this game. I started NG+ but it's not the same just blasting through the content (I was past Raya Lucaria within 30 minutes or so). My first playthough was one of my favourite gaming experiences ever. Really hope we get a decent amount of DLC before too long.
I've not gone in to the NG+ yet, but there is a load of it that I hadn't explored. I kind of over-levelled my character a little too much so may play through again knowing what I know now but with a fresh start.
I wouldnt mind trying to hit all the achievements on this character though, but not sure I can with the choices I made in the game.
I spent hours on these fools. Best tip I can give which made them trivial - Get a shield levelled up and stick on Carian's retaliation it turns their spell back at them and I ended up 5 hitting each of them. I'm unsure if it has been patched out though as it was prior to 1.04.

just beat them with some hoarfrost stomp spam and a summon plus the npc summon, yay :)
been in crumbling farum azura most of the night, i encountered a tree sentinel guarding fog gates, and he repeatedly kicked my ass, first time i got him to half health with my claymore then he went all lighting bs on me and kicked my ass :p

i went and grabbed the antspur rapier and made it a +25 blood antspur rapier, im really liking that weapon and r2 move is a stabby one just like my claymore :D first build up i think was blood took over 2k of him then the second build up was scarlet rot, then a few more rapid hits done him in and now i can go see what nightmares are waiting on me that he was guarding lol

edit: just had my first encounter with maliketh, got him to second form then got smashed instantly lol

managed to kill a nasty red npc that was at the other gate after many tries.....
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I must have died to that tree sentinel 30+ times. Him and the big standard crucible Knight in Farum Azula caused me more trouble than anything else! (Including Maliketh, I think he was about 10-15x)
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Good way into NG+ now. Level 222 with 182 hours played and the farming spot at the lord of bloods area where you can farm 60k souls in 10 seconds means Im the master of all trades now.

Dex 67
Faith 47
Int 60 (purely to use Comet)
Str 30
Arc 21 (thats with a mask on to boost it though)

Levelled up quite a few weapons but Im using dual Bloodfang and the Mimic summon with the Black Knife Tiche outfit. Been swapping to one of those spinning wheels with bleed on it as well which is crazy. Just got to the Giants part of the map now but need to do the underground part of the capitol which I missed on my first run and the lord of bloods area as well because my first run I beat the boss but missed a lot of his actual area.

This game has ruined gaming for me. Ive tried to play Horizon a few times and I just keep coming back to this. Easily my game of the year and alongside Bloodborne and Elder Scrolls Oblivion it is one of my all time favs. Cannot wait for some DLC to arrive and I honestly think I am going to end up doing NG++ once Ive done this or else I will have to try the DS remaster for PS5 which I bought and never had time to play.
@oldestgregg No points in Vigor or Endurance?
Yeah, didnt think they were important as they are not damage dealing stats but with the different talismen on that boost a few of mt stats I have...

Vigor is 57
Mind is 24
End 29
Str 30
Dex 67
Int 60
Fai 46
Arc 21

Level 222

I can pretty much rock anything I want now with the exception of a few great swords which I dont use and the full moon spell which I need 10 in int to get. Thirty minutes of grinding could get me it but I wouldn't use it to be honest. Rest of the game I am going to put any more points I get into Vigor and Arc I think but its now costing me 310k souls to level up.
Thanks, so at Lv80 I have a way to go.
Depends really. I finished the game at level 130-ish and all the stats have a soft cap so once you get to a certain point you dont get much for levelling them any further. Vigor for instance has a soft cap at 50 as does Str. Ive found that 50-60 is more than enough and after re-speccing a few times I decided I would rather try and get them all to 60 than level to 70 or 80 and not even get that much of an improvement.

Dont quote me on the soft cap numbers. Cant remember the exact cap but its exists and its roughly around those points.
Thanks, so at Lv80 I have a way to go.
It really depends on your skill level and how you want to play the game. Do you just want to beat all the bosses, or do you want to explore everything?

I've played through once and started knowing absolutely nothing about Dark Souls games, I didnt understand any of the game mechanics, items, what the different stats really did so just went in blind.
I levelled up to about 70 before I managed to beat Godric, I think I tried him at about level 16 and got destroyed. My levelling up was a cross between rune farming and mobs but I finished the game around level 180.
I'm probably going to do a second play-through where I don't cheese the game so much with the Sword of Night and stone from early on and just play it normally - my skill level improved as I went through and now I understand the game mechanics more. Some people beat this game without levelling up but I'm nowhere near that level of gamer!
I really enjoyed exploring the game and will do it again at some point without as much rune farming. I'd like to try and beat it at level 100 next time if I can.
I explored every tiny nook and cranny that I could, killed every single boss and all side encounters and completed the game at lvl 150. Not bad considering that I did it all on mouse and keyboard which some people told me that I supposedly wouldnt be able to do because the game was only playable on controllers :p
Before this the only From Software game I’d played was Bloodborne and even now I’ve not finished that. I’m finding ER much better, I’m currently playing it going in blind deliberately ignoring all the guides etc that are out there so I can just explore and figure things out for myself (well most things).

The game is just brilliant there is so much to do and find and each of the bosses is challenging but beatable once you’ve worked out the mechanics of the fight, I’m currently in the Shaded Castle area and have just beaten the Magma Wyrm there after a few trys. I’ve not long switched from my starter sword to the Flamberge great sword so having to work on my timings a little more, I’m also missing some powerful summons and have been using the wolves.
Level 55 here and just beat Rennala (was surprisingly easy). I'll admit, most of the game has been kicking my ass but I'm enjoying my dual Uchigatana Moonveil build.
Before this the only From Software game I’d played was Bloodborne and even now I’ve not finished that. I’m finding ER much better, I’m currently playing it going in blind deliberately ignoring all the guides etc that are out there so I can just explore and figure things out for myself (well most things).

The game is just brilliant there is so much to do and find and each of the bosses is challenging but beatable once you’ve worked out the mechanics of the fight, I’m currently in the Shaded Castle area and have just beaten the Magma Wyrm there after a few trys. I’ve not long switched from my starter sword to the Flamberge great sword so having to work on my timings a little more, I’m also missing some powerful summons and have been using the wolves.

The best summons are the Mimic (more so if you are levelled up and kitted out), Tiche and there is a pair that can revive themselves which could be skeletons but I cant remember. There are cool little extras for the mimic like a talisman that aggros so once you summon him, unequip it and he takes all the damage while you plug away. Level 10 mimic for me now at level 222 with full access to all the best spells in the game and dual bloodfang is just ridiculous
Only 4 hours in but cannot equip weapons or anything now? I select in equipment section then sword for right arm but it never shows up in external view.

edit : nevermind worked it out.
just met some endearing lad called radagon, been knocked out twice now by him and barely scraped him lol

been using wolves the whole game but switched to mimic tonight and it is super solid :D
Blackflame Monk Amon is a very good mimic too when +10. Only found him on my 2nd playthrough as I ran through it 1st time quickly as the denizens hit like a truck yet on 2nd run I took a proper look around and found you could get to distant areas following some invisible paths also there is a silver scarab in here which boosts your discovery rate. So if you are in the Consecrated Snowfield and missed this one it's in the Hidden Path To The Haligtree.

bring plenty of health flasks and some rainbow rocks. :p
Blackflame Monk Amon is a very good mimic too when +10. Only found him on my 2nd playthrough as I ran through it 1st time quickly as the denizens hit like a truck yet on 2nd run I took a proper look around and found you could get to distant areas following some invisible paths also there is a silver scarab in here which boosts your discovery rate. So if you are in the Consecrated Snowfield and missed this one it's in the Hidden Path To The Haligtree.

bring plenty of health flasks and some rainbow rocks. :p

kool just watching the credits though woot, i possibly have that amon summon as well, i explored pretty good and the name rings a bell, so much stuff i have missed though :D

summoned 2 people for the final fight after a fair few solo tries and the boss went down yay, now for new game+, oh about 164 hours or so lol

edit just checked and i missed him ill get him this time :P
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