Electric shavers

29 Dec 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
I have a Panasonic ES-ST29. Best electric model I've ever owned, and the only one that comes close to matching my Merkur Futur.



Blades are replaceable, and very affordable.
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26 Jan 2006
Series 9 down to £199 on amazon (I Haven't checked the price at anywhere else like boots, Etc)

EDIT: Boots is also £199 but does not come with the clean & charge station
Im surprised its not cheaper to be honest, still cheaper though at least.
Not sure I ever really bother with my cleaning dock, rinsing the head off the body under water was fine for me.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
So My Series 9 9240s (bought in 2018) today fell on the floor :(

So am using this as an excuse to upgrade to something using more modern head tech and stuff like that :D

I have seen some Black Friday deals on Amazon and have singled out these three:

I've not had a Phillips before but have had Panasonic and Braun both mid range and top models. I do now want one with a cleaning+charge station hence the above.

Decisions decisions...

The Braun appears to be the best deal as it's being sold at or near its RRP everywhere else for the same bundle, whilst the other two seem to be at the BF price most places. It is however only 3 blades whereas the Panasonic is 5 blades...
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29 Dec 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
Is it just me or does @Sankari first photo look like a F1 car with no wheels ?:D

I would buy the t Panasonic ES-ST29 but not at £200-£300 and they are hard to find,, but now Im leaning to the 3 blade, rather then the 5

They are very hard to find, because they're limited to specific markets. I bought mine second hand from a guy who'd recently returned from Japan. It was <1 year old at the time. I paid $110 for it, which I consider a bargain.
1 Mar 2010
st-29 looks attractive, but does have same blades and motor as the/my LL21 right,
blades for my 15 year old pan ES8162 virtually the same , left, are £40+ now, so it was more economic to buy the ll21 at £50 a year ago.

panasonic are very easy to clean too, versus braun, which has cutter/foil in an indivisble cartridge .. small brush and some soap, once a week.




Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
I went for the Phillips mostly for the sake of convenience and having not tried a rounded cutter before. I like the cleaning pod that needs no external power, just 1 minute to run from the shaver's own power. Also it comes with a docking stand for charging. You can also upgrade the cutting blades to the ones from the series 9000 when the time comes to replace the blades and benefit from the improved cut.

I may or may not use the connected app features, might be cool to track the clean cycles and shaving stats it seems to offer though as a bit of a tech nerd :p

Changed order to the Panasonic, those 5 blades were too tempting and the flipout cutter is better than the Phillips/Braun ones.
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17 Dec 2004
So My Series 9 9240s (bought in 2018) today fell on the floor :(

So am using this as an excuse to upgrade to something using more modern head tech and stuff like that :D

I have seen some Black Friday deals on Amazon and have singled out these three:

I've not had a Phillips before but have had Panasonic and Braun both mid range and top models. I do now want one with a cleaning+charge station hence the above.

Decisions decisions...

The Braun appears to be the best deal as it's being sold at or near its RRP everywhere else for the same bundle, whilst the other two seem to be at the BF price most places. It is however only 3 blades whereas the Panasonic is 5 blades...
Well apparently the Panasonic has the closest shave, but do you really need all of those blades?... Because you can only use those 5 blades all at once on your cheeks, plus having 5 blades might make it hard to get at places. Panasonic has just come out with a 6 blade now:eek:
And rotary shavers doesn't give a very close shave, but will cut through longer growth than foil shavers. So for me I will be buying a foil shaver as Im after a close shave and I shave every other day, so I dont need a lawn mower type shaver:D
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
My last Panasonic was the ES-RF31-S511 - Back in 2013! That had 4 foils and seemed to be decent for the years I had it. Can't think of why I went back to Braun but must have been for the clean and charge station of the series 5 I had bought some years later.

ANyways, I have changed the order to the Panasonic now for the better flipout trimmer. I shave every other day too but prefer as close a shave as possible to get the most days out of each shave so this might be ideal.
17 Dec 2004
My last Panasonic was the ES-RF31-S511 - Back in 2013! That had 4 foils and seemed to be decent for the years I had it. Can't think of why I went back to Braun but must have been for the clean and charge station of the series 5 I had bought some years later.

ANyways, I have changed the order to the Panasonic now for the better flipout trimmer. I shave every other day too but prefer as close a shave as possible to get the most days out of each shave so this might be ideal.
Cool, give us your feedback as the Panasonic should give you a closer shave than the Braun that you had. I cannot decide whether to get the Braun 6/7 series with the 3 blade or go with the Panasonic LV-67/ES-LV97 that has the closest shave of all shavers, but might be harder to use because of all the blades.. ummmm :confused:
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
I have had Braun series 3, 5 and then went right to 9. My stubble does grow quick though, and my hair is quite thick too so found that the 5 and 3 series just didn't do as good a job without multiple passes which consumes time and battery. The 9 did do the trick but I learned that the Braun blades do become less effective over a shorter period of time than I'd like. Even though I shave every 3 days or so, I am still replacing the blades once a year, and that's with regular cleaning and spraying with the Braun lubrication and cleanse spray afterwards.

Personally I think the 5 blades will be fine, or should be. Means less passes needed at the minimum too I guess.
17 Dec 2004
Ive just taken the plunge and ordered the Panasonic ES-LV97aswel, but wont find out if its anygood till Xmas as its a present from my family. But I think I will only be cleaning it in the station every week or 2, than blowing or rinsing it under the tap the other times, to save money on cleaning fluid. Hopefully I wont need to oil the blades either as cleaning it in the station does that apparently
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Panasonic arrived today, not used it yet, that's a job for the morning. But initial impressions are positive. It has some stuff I have not seen in the Brauns in the past which I quite like.

1: The build quality feels great. On par with Series 9, but because everything is matte and not glossy faced like the Brauns have, looks more premium.

2: The 5 blade head is quite chonky indeed! Also its gyro head reminds mf of those Churchill dogs you see on car parcel shelves.

3: The charge and clean station is quite cool, it does not use solution cartridges like Phillips/Braun etc use, instead has a water container where you pour in a sachet of detergent and then add water to the fill line. I checked Amazon and a pack of 3 sachets is £99, of £16.99 for 6. The manual says if used every day, then the cleaning tank should be refreshed once a month. I only intend on using it once a week or so and just tap water clean other times.

4: the shaver has an ultrasonic cleaning mode where if you are cleaning with hand soap and under a tap, this mode doesn't activate the full motors and only ultrasonicsly vibrates the blades meaning no water splash which I got on previous shavers.

5: The cleaner unit has a drying fan built in too, on past Braun clean & renew stations you had to buy the unit with drying fan as an optional extra as the shaver came with just the clean and renew station without drying. The fan sounds like a Delta case fan from the early 2000s :cry: - The cleaning process itself is quiet and takes several minutes. teh drying process takes up to an hour depending on ambient temps according to the manual.




Videos for sound of the clean/dry process:
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1 Mar 2010
more medieval cleaning process of just removing foil immersing in soapy/fairy-liquid water, dunking head whist running in the same, some brushing with a fine paint brush,
rinse. and leave by an open window to dry, apply mineral oil with a Q tip on block and head.
3-4 minutes once a week.

can't you lock the head on the 97, like 3 blade version; I know braun went down that route on the 5/7 ... but haven't they backed off on the 9 - sanity returns.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
There is a head lock mode yeah. I don't use it for normal shaving though even on the series 9. Only when attacking just below the nose where I want precise control and don't want the head moving.
17 Dec 2004
I would t bother with the cleaning sachets, I just use a bit of shower gel and water, does the job. Oil on and it’s good to go.

Doesn't using the station with the cleaning sachets save you from having to oil the blades, because whatever in the sachetst lubricates the blades aswel?
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