English League Football ** spoilers ** [6th - 10th November 2010]

I was talking about Cesc's challenge being focused on and a worse challenge by Henry being ignored.

I didn't mention Barton's punch? But as we're on the subject, there's no place in the game for antics like that.

Ahhh okay I get you.
Eh? We play them in December.

yeah sorry for some reason I could have sworn I read we were playing both teams in the next couple of weeks - but you are undoubtedly correct :)

not much to the derby match in the end - it was a pretty edgy event in the end, think Utd got the better of it but only because they were away -otherwise it was pretty even

did LOL in the pub about Tevez going ass over tit (literally) over Rafael and seemingly want to make a meal of it
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Well City got what they set out for. I suppose when you only spend a few hundred million over the two seasons the best you can do is set out for a draw at home. If that's what the council houser's call ambition then fair enough.

Not at our best but better all over the park. Get a few players back to full fitness and we're good to kick on for the rest of the season.

Got north stand tickets with the home fans on Saturday, hopefully villa don't set out with the small club mentality we saw tonight.

Although just to counteract my point I shouldn't complain too much about their attitude. If you know you can't match up then you are entitled to play how you choose.
You mean like the little nibble you and a lot of Arsenal supporters have against Stoke and Shawcross every week? ;)

Well that's just not true now is it? I'd only mentioned him this weekend because he got sent off again. Just like I had a pop (again quite rightly) towards Barton last night.

It is true that after Wenger got vocal about it the vultures did swarm in at any time a foul was made by an Arsenal player. Heck even McCarthy noted last night that Cesc's tackle didn't warrant an apology, but he and our captain had to do it to appease idiotic non-Arsenal fans. As said above, much harsher fouls have been done to us - we've only got apologies and 'oh he's not that type of player!111' when a serious injury has resulted.

It's partly the media's fault as well, nothing had been said here about it for example. It hadn't even registered on the minds of Arsenal fans nor those earlier tackles by Wolves players themselves until MOTD pointed it out. But as said - they'd have not done it without a reason. ;)
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I've given up arguing against vicious fouls now, because I know I'll be either accused of hypocrisy, as though I somehow have the magical ability to affect how Arsenal players tackle, or throwing my toys out, because we've been on the end of some heavy tackles, and therefore my opinion on them counts less, of course.
Last night was very much down to the ref, one of the worst performances we'll see all season, the tackles were escalating due to his inability to do his job, Arsenal were clearly jaded at how Wolves were getting away with multiple horror tackles. How he didn't blow for either of Wolves' potential reds I don't think I will ever work out. He's a ref who is walking around the pitch ignoring the worst tackles, and why? Not to mention he got 50%+ of the small decisions wrong. It was one of the worst cases of home bias I can remember, to the point where if Wolves would have asked for a FK 'cos they felt like it, I think they'd have got one.


I still have no idea how Arshavin is walking today. Luckiest man on the pitch. Literally a carbon copy of the Eduardo one.
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Stalemate. Both teams cancelled each other out and there wasn't much spectacular play to break the deadlock.
Agreed, it's got to the stage it's pointless.

Just feel sorry for Wenger - he's got every right to point it out, but invariably down the line when an Arsenal player fouls somebody (it is football after all..), everybody shouts hypocrite and starts foaming at the mouth. It's weird because at no stage did Wenger or fans ever state that Arsenal were the rose scented opposite.

I also noted again it was a tackle on Cesc that had people having a go. Yet I've seen a few by Wilshere which have been Scholes-esq yet seemingly so much less has ever been said about it.

I know there's British player bias here but it seems to be bitterness from over ten years ago when Wenger had a go at the (ironically enough) lack of technical ability and skills in home grown players.
Agreed, it's got to the stage it's pointless.

Just feel sorry for Wenger - he's got every right to point it out, but invariably down the line when an Arsenal player fouls somebody (it is football after all..), everybody shouts hypocrite and starts foaming at the mouth. It's weird because at no stage did Wenger or fans ever state that Arsenal were the rose scented opposite.

I also noted again it was a tackle on Cesc that had people having a go. Yet I've seen a few by Wilshere which have been Scholes-esq yet seemingly so much less has ever been said about it.

I know there's British player bias here but it seems to be bitterness from over ten years ago when Wenger had a go at the (ironically enough) lack of technical ability and skills in home grown players.

Yep, the knuckle draggers completely miss Wenger's point, he wants Arsenal players to cut it out as well. Yet rather than acknowledge that they foam at the mouth as you say and can't wait to lay into him. Wilshere apologised instantly, so did Fabregas, it sounds like the regret these challenges. What does Karl Henry do? Goes to the 'paper and give a long interview saying how he'll never change his game and that he doesn't seem any harm in what he's doing at all.

It sounds mental, but Henry has now done nearly 10 absolutely unacceptable challenges in recent memory. He needs to be out of the game for a long period. He's a danger to other professionals. People with such a ridiculous track record as him and Cattermole just don't deserve to play in the Premiership and I'd rather see them banned. I'm just absolutely delighted Cattermole was suspended for the game with Arsenal, he's like a rabid dog.
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Any videos of the Joey Barton punch? Missed it last night and wouldn't mind seeing if it was a punch or a poke with a player going OTT

It was a proper punch but Pedersen didn't half make a meal out of it, I doubt Samba would have gone down like that, but then Barton wouldn't do it to someone bigger/harder than him. Barton is a mindless thug and should be banned for quite a few games.
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