Escape from Tarkov

If anyone is unsure about buying the game watch Klean_uppyguy on twitch. He is allowd by the developers to stream the game in alpha so it will give you a good idea what you are buying into.
Anyone is "allowed".

Where is the actual illegality of streaming a game without devs permission?

The EULA? They are barely legal and when challenged in courts it can be 50/50 if the judge enforces it or not.

In this case, such a relatively small studio has better things to do than take some say 15 year old kid to court for streaming a game without "permission".

It is all just marketing ****.

Makes the product seem "better".

I was slightly interested in this game when I first saw it but the devs seem greedy in my opinion.
Gimpymoo;30482017 said:
Anyone is "allowed".

Where is the actual illegality of streaming a game without devs permission?

The EULA? They are barely legal and when challenged in courts it can be 50/50 if the judge enforces it or not.

In this case, such a relatively small studio has better things to do than take some say 15 year old kid to court for streaming a game without "permission".

It is all just marketing ****.

Makes the product seem "better".

I was slightly interested in this game when I first saw it but the devs seem greedy in my opinion.

You actually sign up to an NDA, which is legally binding. Anyone can do anything they want in the world even if illegal until they are caught.

In cases such as the big boys, EA, Ubisoft etc it is marketing but for smaller developers its to test, support and help. Everytime something has been highlighted in Alpha they have put right and listened. The other difference for small developers is cash flow, they are not making ANYONE buy the Alpha they are giving you a choice.

As for making it seem better??? No idea how you think that really, it might increase hype but it can also put people off.

Star citizen can cost thousands to enter the game depending of ships you buy etc.
Anything which is "restricted" in some way can then be perceived to be more "desirable".

This is marketing in the EXACT same way the other publishers use Alphas/Betas.

Just there to increase hype and make more money.

This concept of paying MORE for a game in Alpha for the "privilege" is beyond me.

Also regarding the "NDA", they are a joke. There are many reasons why these specific consumer NDA's are not "legally" binding.

A professional NDA is a different matter but then again, this is verified by solicitors from both parties and then dated and signed by both parties.
Tbh I get to an extent why developers put a premium on it, it discourages people who dont have a genuine interest in helping with bugs and reporting rather than quite a few this generation who buy in and then complain when there are bugs/issues and that it isn't release quality. I will admit the whole chance of alpha access does feel a bit contrived though.

I don't see the point in backing the majority of early access/alpha games and only usually do so for games that I have a genuine interest in and will report on bugs/issues accordingly.

As I see it nobody is pointing a gun to my head and I can (as can everyone) exercise my right to wait and see how it is on release. I'm tempted with tarkov but I'm not paying for guaranteed alpha access so will wait for closed beta.
SS-89;30483179 said:
Tbh I get to an extent why developers put a premium on it, it discourages people who dont have a genuine interest in helping with bugs and reporting rather than quite a few this generation who buy in and then complain when there are bugs/issues and that it isn't release quality. I will admit the whole chance of alpha access does feel a bit contrived though.

I don't see the point in backing the majority of early access/alpha games and only usually do so for games that I have a genuine interest in and will report on bugs/issues accordingly.

As I see it nobody is pointing a gun to my head and I can (as can everyone) excercise my right to wait and see how it is on release. I'm tempted with tarkov but I'm not paying for guaranteed alpha access so will wait for closed beta.

This is how I see it, the high price is for people really wanting to support and help with the games development.
If they allowed into the alpha at the price I paid it would just have loads people running around complaining this and that etc with no real feedback given..

People need to stop looking at this has a high priced game because it really isn't. Its priced lower than AAA titles I paid more for Battlefield games look how they turn out "bug free" :rolleyes:
shankly1985;30483276 said:
This is how I see it, the high price is for people really wanting to support and help with the games development.
If they allowed into the alpha at the price I paid it would just have loads people running around complaining this and that etc with no real feedback given..

People need to stop looking at this has a high priced game because it really isn't. Its priced lower than AAA titles I paid more for Battlefield games look how they turn out "bug free" :rolleyes:

This is the reason I was willing to pay the high price, it's something that I was really interested in and wanted to be constructive in terms bugs/feedback.

I can see me putting a lot of time into this game so the cost will easily be realised. As Shankly said, how many AAA titles in the last few years have been close to bug free??? Can't name many for sure.
Guys, i notice if you buy just the Standard Edition, all the other editions comes with extras like below, so my question is, can all the below extras be earned in game, or is it a pay to win game as it seems it is ?(pre order prices/pay to win rubbish)) if it is, thats completely wrong aint it.
  • Increased size of stash (10x30)
  • Additional equipment and resources in stash
  • Greatly increased size of stash (10x40)
  • Larger secured container
  • Initially good standings with all in-game traders
  • Huge size of stash (10x60)
  • Unique secured container
  • Large field backpack
  • Combat tactical tomahawk
lol, its in the OP! :D

Pretty sure by "but haven't read into it too much" you mean "I haven't read into it at all!" ;)

It is a MMO, so MP. They have no plays for any offline single-player campaign. As for Co-Op if you want a better experience I'd suggest playing with a few friends, as with all these types of games they are better played in a team as it increases your survival chances ten fold!

FAQ here:
I have read bits but I am at work currently! Sorry for seeming so ignorant, just looking for a bit of info is all :D.

I've watched some vids and seen some developer info but that was more about how the game works mechanically rather than anything else.

Says it's available on their landing page, although when I posted it had literally just happened and in the next hour or so an update is expected for the launcher, followed by a phase admission for alpha backers/everyone else. :)
Server overload I imagine, the forums were updating faster than I could read them

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