I bought the Standard Edition in the end.
I am not sure yet that this game is for me. That is not to say it's a bad game or I'm not enjoying it, it's just the learning curve is brutal. I have watched loads of YouTube videos and they have helped, but there is still so much to learn. I am not sure if I have the time to invest in it to get to the stage where I can be competent at it. One video I watched said it wasnt Hardcore....it is UltraCore! It's so true and judging by the development road map it is going to get more so.
There is a lot to like though - graphically it is great. Huge maps and very detailed and atmospheric. The sound is amazing and adds to the atmosphere. Obviously, the gunplay is very good and so varied with the amount of guns and weapon modding you can do. It also does the same thing that PUBG did to me and that is to get the heart racing. It can be so tense and is like a survival horro game at times.
I also think the way the whole concept is great. The fact thats it's online online (or will be in the full game), but there is also this single player game of traders, quests and lore ticking over in the background.
Currently I am playing mainly as a scav. Going into factory and basically playing like a stealth game, waiting for it all to kick off and then looting the left over bodies for scraps once the other players have extracted. I know I'm never going to get the best stuff this way, but it's allowing me to build up a small stock of medicore stuff as well as learn the factory map.