Evolution or God

I don't feel the need to pretend, I just don't know. [..]

When you wrote this:
It just goes to show you even here, there isn't a definitive answer or belief, we just dont know.

I have come to realise believing in we were created by a 'God' doesn't sound as daft as we evolved from some sort of soup 4 billion years ago.

There was no indication that you were quoting someone else rather than stating your own position. That's your entire post, quoted in full and unedited.

As for Kent Hovind, he's either a liar or deluded. The only thing he does well is make a good show from fighting the strawmen he makes up and pretends are scientific ideas. Like, for example, pretending that biogenesis and evolution are the same thing. As you did in the post I quoted.
There is no god. Grow up. Move in.
Some People need god.

They can’t imagine a life without it.

You’re a single catholic mom who has very limited money and 4 kids and you need a reason to live because you keep having intrusive thoughts about ending it all.

A lot of people just carry on because they truly believe that “god” will help them or that there will be a better life after death.

My mom is one of those people (not catholic or a single mom, but definitely weak)She’s weak and emotionally needy and hates that I’m an atheist. She’s had 20+ years of therapy but is still mostly just a little girl mentally.

I feel pity for those people and anger towards those hate preacher who make people fear god just to get them to follow their exact dogma.
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There is no god. Grow up. Move in.

Maybe there is a god. Or gods. No way of knowing. No reason to care, either. If there are any gods, they're irrelevant.

Maybe there is a god or gods who are the petulant, needy psychopaths some religions (particularly the Abrahamic religions) portray them as being. Maybe they will get to torture our souls for their own enjoyment if we don't precisely follow whatever rules they made up to demonstrate their power (but never bothered to make clear, of course). Imagine some nutjob psycho gang boss ranting about "respect". That sort of thing. Still irrelevant, since there's no way of knowing which of those gods is the right one to grovel to. It'd be worse if you picked one of the others. Pascal's wager is wrong.
Of course, just look at the intelligence (or not) behind the planets and big ecosystems down to the human anatomy. How could that have happened randomly without an intelligence behind it? It may have been a Big Bang though if it all started with sound ..

God is the cause of all causes, the absolute and infinite. The creator. Remember what isn’t created has no end.

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Of course, just look at the intelligence (or not) behind the planets and big ecosystems down to the human anatomy. How could that have happened randomly without an intelligence behind it? It may have been a Big Bang though if it all started with sound ..

God is the cause of all causes, the absolute and infinite. The creator. Remember what isn’t created has no end.


How could a creator that intelligent have just happened randomly without an intelligence behind it?

Also, your lack of knowledge about what the Big Bang Theory actually states is horrendously obvious if you think it had anything to do with sound.
How could a creator that intelligent have just happened randomly without an intelligence behind it?

Also, your lack of knowledge about what the Big Bang Theory actually states is horrendously obvious if you think it had anything to do with sound.
99% of creationist primary argument about the Big Bang Theory/evolution is "a bird cannot become a plane therefor god" which just shows that they don't really actually know (or want to know) how evolution actually works.

There are so many people who straw man theory scientific arguments to fit their theological based belief system argument.

Example of a straw man theory:

A strawman is a fallacious argument that distorts an opposing stance in order to make it easier to attack. Essentially, the person using the strawman pretends to attack their opponent’s stance, while in reality they are actually attacking a distorted version of that stance, which their opponent doesn’t necessarily support.

For example, if someone says “I think that we should give better study guides to students”, a person using a strawman might reply by saying “I think that your idea is bad, because we shouldn’t just give out easy A’s to everyone”.

Also, the statement of "God is the cause of all causes, the absolute and infinite." is my primary argument against god.

For example, a house catches fire due to an electrical short. No one person caused the issue, the cables just were old and became dangerous with age.

The house goes up in flames. THere is a family inside. A very religious and good family. 2 people survive, 1 completely intact and the other horribly scarred from the incident. a 3rd person dies.

The first survivor thanks god (as they do) but that's not quite right because if it was up to god, wouldn't he/she saved the other two people from an agonising death and a now agonising life?

By saying that god is the cause of all causes, you also have to accept that he/she chooses who to save and who not to save. "god" acts entirely as if god doesn't exist in the above example or he/she acts as a malice god who could have saved the entire family before but chose not to.

Good people being set on fire happens every day. So, you still want to argue for a god?
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Maybe there is a god. Or gods. No way of knowing. No reason to care, either. If there are any gods, they're irrelevant.

Maybe there is a god or gods who are the petulant, needy psychopaths some religions (particularly the Abrahamic religions) portray them as being. Maybe they will get to torture our souls for their own enjoyment if we don't precisely follow whatever rules they made up to demonstrate their power (but never bothered to make clear, of course). Imagine some nutjob psycho gang boss ranting about "respect". That sort of thing. Still irrelevant, since there's no way of knowing which of those gods is the right one to grovel to. It'd be worse if you picked one of the others. Pascal's wager is wrong.

How could a creator that intelligent have just happened randomly without an intelligence behind it?

Also, your lack of knowledge about what the Big Bang Theory actually states is horrendously obvious if you think it had anything to do with sound.
Exactly it goes on and on what was the first thing to appear and where did that come from
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I was born a Catholic and raised a Catholic, both sides of my family are Catholic and it goes much deeper than just being a religion. There are many aspects of Catholicism I don't agree with but I still think of myself as Catholic.

Would you say it’s a cultural thing then, much like a lot of Jews who follow the practises and traditions/celebrations but don’t actually believe the supernatural aspects of it?
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