Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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7 Jul 2011
I honestly think there will be real reservation within the Conservative party about this DUP situation. The UK government has agreed to be impartial on NI matters, that goes out the window with this situation. Someone on Sky just said they could force issues on prosecution cases and we are underestimating how big a mistake this could be.

This. People have been using the DUP's right wing stance as evidence for May trying to hold power at any price. The real evidence is the damage this could cause to the peace process. Stormont is already a complete basket case following the suspension of power sharing, the last thing the Conservatives need now is to be seen to be picking sides. I really think May needs to take some time and think the repercussions through.
22 Jun 2004
Deep England
Con / Lib would be the best possible outcome - the country needs a good progressive/conservative balance.

After the last coalition of chaos we had in 2010, where these little gems got passed, no thanks:

- Fixed term parliament act;
- £9k tuition fees;
- 2012 Health and Social Care Act;
- Bedroom tax;
- Atos and their assault on the disabled.

Who knows, the DUP may be a good thing and force the Conservatives to have some y'know, actual conservative policies.

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

I thought they'd have to be sworn in though, which requires an MP to swear allegiance to the Queen. Was my understanding that their unwillingness to pledge allegiance what why they couldn't take their seats.

Corbyn is a republican and sits in Westminster - it's not insurmountable.
7 Jul 2011
Line up for tonight's QT:

The lineup for tonight's Question Time will be Conservative MP Chris Grayling, Labour's Shami Chakrabarti, and Tony Blair's former adviser Alastair Campbell, along with comedy writer Armando Iannucci and journalist Isabel Oakeshott

Might actually watch this tonight, good panel and Iannucci will have a field day.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
After the last coalition of chaos we had in 2010, where these little gems got passed, no thanks:

- Fixed term parliament act;
- £9k tuition fees;
- 2012 Health and Social Care Act;
- Bedroom tax;
- Atos and their assault on the disabled.

Who knows, the DUP may be a good thing and force the Conservatives to have some y'know, actual conservative policies.

Which were mostly Tory driven policies - while the Lib Dems blunted many others and/or got some good policies of their own in - its not perfect. It is worth looking in more detail as to what went on - for instance many long standing Lib Dems were and still are against Bedroom tax - but voted for it (as it looked like it was going to get past anyway) in return for guarantees of getting some exemptions into the policy.
4 Feb 2003
May has very definitely painted herself into a corner especially with having to get into bed with the DUP, that really is going to come back to bite her.

As someone who has already suggested in this thread, I also now believe the best way forward for this country to head into Brexit negotiations, one that will give us the strongest footings to deal from is a cross party National Government, the process of extracting from the EU is an extraordinary one and not one that should be held hostage by party political point scoring; a Government consisting of the largest political parties working together for a period of time says to the EU negotiators "We're united on this one so it's pointless trying to bully us". It's not like we haven't shown in the past that government can work in times of great national importance when all spectrums of political philosophy sit in the cabinet. Any Tory with any realistic thought of ousting May and has a modicum of common sense will already be putting fellers across the house now.
22 Sep 2011
Portsmouth (Southsea)
Hmm, doesn't this utterly undermine the peace process & destroy any prospect of Westminster neutrality in northern Irish affairs.

Could she have just paved the way for the collapse of the peace we've enjoyed for over a decade?.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
May has very definitely painted herself into a corner especially with having to get into bed with the DUP, that really is going to come back to bite her.

As someone who has already suggested in this thread, I also now believe the best way forward for this country to head into Brexit negotiations, one that will give us the strongest footings to deal from is a cross party National Government, the process of extracting from the EU is an extraordinary one and not one that should be held hostage by party political point scoring; a Government consisting of the largest political parties working together for a period of time says to the EU negotiators "We're united on this one so it's pointless trying to bully us". It's not like we haven't shown in the past that government can work in times of great national importance when all spectrums of political philosophy sit in the cabinet. Any Tory with any realistic thought of ousting May and has a modicum of common sense will already be putting fellers across the house now.

Certainly looking like it could be in the best interests of the country with Brexit looming to have a National Government.
29 May 2006
May has very definitely painted herself into a corner especially with having to get into bed with the DUP, that really is going to come back to bite her.

As someone who has already suggested in this thread, I also now believe the best way forward for this country to head into Brexit negotiations, one that will give us the strongest footings to deal from is a cross party National Government, the process of extracting from the EU is an extraordinary one and not one that should be held hostage by party political point scoring; a Government consisting of the largest political parties working together for a period of time says to the EU negotiators "We're united on this one so it's pointless trying to bully us". It's not like we haven't shown in the past that government can work in times of great national importance when all spectrums of political philosophy sit in the cabinet. Any Tory with any realistic thought of ousting May and has a modicum of common sense will already be putting fellers across the house now.

I hope so. I honestly cannot see any alternative.
23 Apr 2014
Hmm, doesn't this utterly undermine the peace process & destroy any prospect of Westminster neutrality in northern Irish affairs.

Could she have just paved the way for the collapse of the peace we've enjoyed for over a decade?.

I think any notion of things kicking off again is scaremongering but who knows in this crazy age.
20 Oct 2004
Whats the alternative? This is just a prelude to another election.

There's uproar about the current terrorism threat, they need to tread very very carefully or risk reigniting violence and opening old wounds. Is anything worth risking that? There are very few politicians who would have gone down this road, its perceived as out of bounds, Cameron ruled it out almost instantly at the last hung parliament.

She's displaying personal arrogance over country, its gone beyond party over country.

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

Hmm, doesn't this utterly undermine the peace process & destroy any prospect of Westminster neutrality in northern Irish affairs.

Could she have just paved the way for the collapse of the peace we've enjoyed for over a decade?.

I bet Amber Rudd is over the moon - we can sell more weapons!
22 Jun 2004
Deep England
Hmm, doesn't this utterly undermine the peace process & destroy any prospect of Westminster neutrality in northern Irish affairs.

Could she have just paved the way for the collapse of the peace we've enjoyed for over a decade?.
Wouldn't the same thing have happened, albeit for the other side, if Corbyn had become PM?
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