Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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7 Sep 2014
Bad election all round really.

May still PM
Cabinet mostly the same
Tory party weakened
DUP can stick their oar in (and are a bit dodgy to say the least)
Corbyn has done fairly well but ultimately fallen short
The country is more divided than ever

They (Boris and co) really need to find a way to get rid of May sooner rather than later. If they don't or can't, then we'll no doubt end up bumbling through Brexit negotiations and plodding on...

This /thread. Not sure about booting May tho, at least shes a known quantity and won't start spending money we don't have on all sorts of nonesense to appease others , even with a reduced ability to get things through the commons.

My main takeaway was I think we should start to have campaign manifestos vetted by the BoE / GeS or similar, cos some of the stuff some parties where saying we could afford is quite ridiculous. It's irresponsible to promise things we can't afford to get a few votes.
17 Feb 2006
The fallout from Labour and the remainers here is so tasty.
Don't feel sorry for us! We get to sit back and rub our hands with glee, watching the Tories self-destruct publicly :p

Just a shame we need another election to finally get rid of them :p But the damage to their party is worth the wait, imho.
7 Nov 2002
pantyhose factory
This /thread. Not sure about booting May tho, at least shes a known quantity and won't start spending money we don't have on all sorts of nonesense to appease others , even with a reduced ability to get things through the commons.

My main takeaway was I think we should start to have campaign manifestos vetted by the BoE / GeS or similar, cos some of the stuff some parties where saying we could afford is quite ridiculous. It's irresponsible to promise things we can't afford to get a few votes.

you wot mate........... she'll be spending money on DUP vanity projects like they are going out of fashion if she wants them to prop her up. This couldn't be any worse
13 Aug 2007
Wide Ness
The tories still bang on about strong and stable. They were up against a man who has been an outsider all his political life and who came to the forefront because ordinary working class people didn't feel represented by any politician. Corbyn came from nowhere to win a leadership fight. Then had to circle the wagons to fight off backstabbing establishment suits in his own party, not once but twice. Stood in the House of Commons at every PMQ being jeered and laughed at by a gang of elitist schoolyard kids. Hammered in the right wing press by multi millionaire owners who despise the plebs, throwing every bit of dirt they could. And how much moral strength did it take not to rise to it and retaliate in kind? A man of principle and compassion. Not in it for himself or his rich mates. Only one strong and stable leader that I've seen on my TV recently.
7 Nov 2002
pantyhose factory
The tories still bang on about strong and stable. They were up against a man who has been an outsider all his political life and who came to the forefront because ordinary working class people didn't feel represented by any politician. Corbyn came from nowhere to win a leadership fight. Then had to circle the wagons to fight off backstabbing establishment suits in his own party, not once but twice. Stood in the House of Commons at every PMQ being jeered and laughed at by a gang of elitist schoolyard kids. Hammered in the right wing press by multi millionaire owners who despise the plebs, throwing every bit of dirt they could. And how much moral strength did it take not to rise to it and retaliate in kind? A man of principle and compassion. Not in it for himself or his rich mates. Only one strong and stable leader that I've seen on my TV recently.

yeah like him or loathe him you have to tip your cap to him. He has taken nearly 2 years of systematic abuse from the daily heil, sun, epxress, telegraph, 2 Tory leaders who basically pointed and said WTF ROFL, and yet he still got 40% of the vote, and even took seats from Tory strongholds. He must be doing something right for that to happen ?
30 Nov 2005

Jezza my boi delivered.

The absolute boy

The man, the legend. Everybody, please put your hands together for the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom n Norn Iron....Jeremy "Stoooooormyn" Coooooorbyn!!!
12 Oct 2006
Yes. He must be sobbing that his increased MP numbers have given the DUP an opportunity to follow in the footsteps of the LibDems.
Care to explain?

Very much doubt this will harm the DUP at all.

With the demise of the UUP and the SDLP there's really only two parties to vote for in N.Ireland
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