Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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11 Oct 2004
To be fair there was also a lot of tactical voting went on from bitter remainers led by the EU establishment puppet Gina Miller. Look at all of the upsets, Labour won a seat that has been held by the same person for 30 years, Clegg lost his Sheffield seat to them etc.

Huh? Surely 'bitter remainers' would have voted for Nick Clegg. He's a member of the most pro-EU party and was the established Europhile candidate for the seat.
17 Apr 2009
Who would replace May? Would they want to take on the job a week before Brexit talks? I think Teresa may be best in this crazy situation.

I don't know about "best", but I doubt anyone else is too keen on the job. I expect the view is increasingly that it's better to give May the rope she needs to hang herself.

If Brexit goes **** up, they have a scapegoat.
5 Apr 2009
it was young people wanting something for nothing and Labour offering them it.

This is why the establishment struggle to attract the youth vote, they completely misunderstand it.

It wasn't just promises of freebies that got them voting at all and all the time 'the establishment' think that's actually the case, they'll never win that vote share.
17 Apr 2009
Huh? Surely 'bitter remainers' would have voted for Nick Clegg. He's a member of the most pro-EU party and was the established Europhile candidate for the seat.

It depends whether or not you believe the Lib Dems would ever be in a position to deliver that. Which has generally been the Lib Dems' problem for decades.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
I don't know about "best", but I doubt anyone else is too keen on the job. I expect the view is increasingly that it's better to give May the rope she needs to hang herself.

If Brexit goes **** up, they have a scapegoat.
it is extremely unlikely they will have a choice, the number of seats is to low to run the day to day business and pass anything, especially with the number of unhappy tory mps.
16 Jun 2005
In the middle

The Ulster Resistance were the Paramilitary wing of the DUP. While the Resistance no longer exists, there are still strong ties between the two organisations through their members and their families.

Furthermore, the UVA, who murdered a man in a supermarket car park just a few short weeks ago, back the DUP.
Arlene Foster, head of the DUP met a UDA chief within 48 hours of the murder.They are rotten to the core and have no place in a British government:
6 Sep 2011
The young vote need to learn they hard way that something for nothing don't exist.

Seriously condescending. Through proper taxation education could be funded .... Which would lead to higher paid jobs which would be taxed more and again could fund education.

Many wester countries offer free education. Look at Germany... Who offer education to all forign nationals because they believe they would stay in Germany and contribute more taxes.

The previous generation had there education for free at university level and look how much the encomy boomed in that time.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Ask the average person to explain a hard and soft Brexit and watch them come unstuck. You are correct, it was young people wanting something for nothing and Labour offering them it.
this simply is not the truth, the stats tell a different story. They helped marginally but if you looked what happened, Tories lost votes to labour. not labour just picking up new young voters.
Tories annoyed enough of their core voters they jumped shipped and Picking up ukip was not enough to off set that.
7 Nov 2002
pantyhose factory
just lol. look at may first and the electorate she alienated. stop blaming labour for mays issues.

its almost as if these right wing media outlets like LBC only want there to be one party that can be voted for and there should be no alternatives. Listening to all the excuses rolling in especially from shills like Iain Dale is comedic. Who does he and for that matter any of you other right winged lunatics on this forum think you are telling people who they should vote for and that things are their fault. This is democracy kids, suck it up, no different to the remainers having to suck up brexit.

The truth here is that May was weak, she went into hiding and went for the dirty tricks smear campaign rather than focusing on what she was going to do. As I said earlier, if Corbyn was selling obvious unicorns she should have focused on explaining why they are unicorns and then followed up with what she was doing. Instead she played the game of calling Corbyn a Terrorist loving ******* son of stalin who had a home secretary who was a retard. The Tories blew their majority all by themsleves through arrogance, running a lack lustre campaign and through incompetence.
18 Oct 2002
6 Sep 2011
The swing to Labour was probably first time voters, or voters with short term memory loss, who didn't have to live under the last labour fiasco.

Labour have a proven terrible record of government.

Let me guess... They caused the world crash of 2008.... Borrowed more than any government and will cause many issues because of brexit....

Yeah... Keep calling labour incompetant whilst the conservatives weirdly have a good reputation on it.....
Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
its almost as if these right wing media outlets like LBC only want there to be one party that can be voted for and there should be no alternatives. Listening to all the excuses rolling in especially from shills like Iain Dale is comedic. Who does he and for that matter any of you other right winged lunatics on this forum think you are telling people who they should vote for and that things are their fault. This is democracy kids, suck it up, no different to the remainers having to suck up brexit.
You are blinkered if you think LBC is only a right wing media outlet.
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