Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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18 Oct 2002
The young vote need to learn they hard way that something for nothing don't exist.

And the old vote needs to understand that the younger voter are acutely aware of such matters, and moreover, they also are fully aware that austerity is provable a terrible idea to reduce defect, as is tax cut for the rich.
5 Apr 2009
You are blinkered if you think LBC is only a right wing media outlet.

Easily mistaken, as in the runup to the election, the only output from LBC that has appeared on my radar as been all the right wing stuff.

A year ago, it was all left wing. The stuff getting publicised seems to flip flop, or at least the stuff my various media feeds elect to show me from it does.
7 Nov 2002
pantyhose factory
You are blinkered if you think LBC is only a right wing media outlet.

its a fully right wing outlet at breakfast and drive, Ferrari and Dale are the worst kind of right wing shills, one was an ex murdoch lacky while the other has a vested interest having run as a Tory hopefull several elections ago. I listen to both programmes everyday on my drive into and from work as I like to think its important to get your news and current affiars / political information from as many different sources as possible so as to avoid a state of continuous confirmation bias.
Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
Easily mistaken, as in the runup to the election, the only output from LBC that has appeared on my radar as been all the right wing stuff.

A year ago, it was all left wing. The stuff getting publicised seems to flip flop, or at least the stuff my various media feeds elect to show me from it does.
Not sure which media feeds you are referring to. But nowadays most of our social media will feed us stuff we already agree with, whether that is to the left or right.
18 Oct 2002
I heard someone saying it's like having ISIS in government.

Its more like having a pack of backwoods brush apes that blindly obey the words of some random book like everything in it is to be taken LITERALLY, and are a hair away from going full pitchfork and torch mode on gay rights issues.
6 Sep 2011
Again.. Please dont be condesending to the young. They understand politics more than you think...

Through proper taxation education could be funded .... Which would lead to higher paid jobs which would be taxed more and again could fund education.

Many wester countries offer free education. Look at Germany... Who offer education to all forign nationals because they believe they would stay in Germany and contribute more taxes.

The previous generation had there education for free at university level and look how much the encomy boomed in that time.

Even you think this is a bad idea... What the current government are doing is worse. They loan students the money to go to university which will be paid back. But to get a quicker return on their money they 'sell' on the loan and therefor make much less on their return or in some cases a loss. What is the point in that?
Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
its a fully right wing outlet at breakfast and drive, Ferrari and Dale are the worst kind of right wing shills, one was an ex murdoch lacky while the other has a vested interest having run as a Tory hopefull several elections ago. I listen to both programmes everyday on my drive into and from work as I like to think its important to get your news and current affiars / political information from as many different sources as possible so as to avoid a state of continuous confirmation bias.
So just right wing presenters when you happen to be listening then.

Do no left wing people call in to put their side of the story too? The beauty of radio shows like this are that the public, left and right, can put their views across whatever the political leaning of the presenter in that hour.
7 Nov 2002
pantyhose factory
So just right wing presenters when you happen to be listening then.

Do no left wing people call in to put their side of the story too? The beauty of radio shows like this are that the public, left and right, can put their views across whatever the political leaning of the presenter in that hour.

yes and both presenters do not remain impartial, they bias is obvious, even when they have political guests on. Anyone that leans away from their right wing agenda gets grilled, where as they take it far easier on those that share their political leanings.

Hence I caveated with saying at breakfast and drive. James O Brien is left and I sometime catch his shows on podcast. But having the 2 most right wing shows at peak means they are trying to tap into the max size audience and push their right wing views. Why not put James O brien on drive for balance ?
Man of Honour
16 Mar 2005
Clevedon , Bristol
Let me guess... They caused the world crash of 2008.... Borrowed more than any government and will cause many issues because of brexit....

Yeah... Keep calling labour incompetant whilst the conservatives weirdly have a good reputation on it.....

As you get older , you see politics for what is it.

I'm 50 this year and seen the same old crap all my life - promises here and lies there.

No party delivers on pledges, because they can't.

They say what you want to hear for a cross on a piece of paper.

In any other industry, you could send it back under miss-selling / RMA my vote.

Fact is no opposition party can ever deliver on their promises - because the other party would have done, it if it was that simple.
Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
yes and both presenters do not remain impartial, they bias is obvious, even when they have political guests on. Anyone that leans away from their right wing agenda gets grilled, where as they take it far easier on those that share their political leanings.

Hence I caveated with saying at breakfast and drive. James O Brien is left and I sometime catch his shows on podcast. But having the 2 most right wing shows at peak means they are trying to tap into the max size audience and push their right wing views. Why not put James O brien on drive for balance ?
Maybe there are other reasons for the scheduling such as availability of the presenters. What did LBC explain as the reason for the scheduling when you asked them?
21 Apr 2007
edit: ignore
Last edited:
12 Nov 2015

Labour are the masters of promising the impossible.

Everything comes out of thin air at no cost.
Actually post war the development of the NHS costed, comprehensive education costed, infrastructure and welfare costed but growth in GDP offset the cost as opposed to our current death spiral of austerity cuts.

A grown up discussion of the merits of wise and or unwise investment would be great once idiots stop making asda shopping analogies where they ignore that they can't quantitively ease or invest in back garden North sea oil discovery that week!
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